Will David Hogg outlive the established-in-1870 NRA?
David Hogg to NRA: "I will outlive you"
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this guy is a dumpster fire, probably going to get hit with an unprecedentedly devastating Trump curse too.
He's literally asking to be assassinated? Ballsy.
stop posting this forced meme character. attention hogg is the most tiresome meme of the year.
>implying that the U.S.A. can survive much longer
If current trends continue then he will outlive USA as we know it.
Trump curse always involves some level of irony. In Pigg's case, he won't be outliving anyone.
I don't know if this kid notices ot or not but it seems like he is being set up to be a martyr
Not if somebody shoots Hogg first.
This fucking kid is going to be suicidal when he realizes his 15 minutes of fame are over. Imagine, peaking at 16. Fuck, the thought makes me depressed.
This guy will be dead of some drug overdose before he turns 30.
20 years from now this guy is going to be in one of those "Where are they now?" type videos.
From prime time CNN to a classroom with the plebs again.
peaking at 25*
This guy is so fucking retarded he doesn’t even realize he is single handedly running the biggest membership drive the nra has ever seen since desegregation.
tee bee aitch I've said dumber things at the age of 16
>David Hogg to NRA: "I will outlive you"
First to introduce Barse Hogg to cocaine gets.... (what would be a good incentive to promise?) Some free cocaine!
Seriously though heroin or syphalise would do just as well.
If you outlive them, you will then become the generation to witness the police state and the collapse of america.
Then you can also make the statement "I will destroy america."
Somebody screencap this so when Hogg gets shot in the head by some guy who didn't like having his gun grabbed we can all have a good laugh.
Is he gay?
> Your guns are killing all the kids!
> We will outlive you
Can't flog the hogg
Why do people actively promote ideas that will bring us to a totalitarian state?
Are they stupid? Evil?
No. He's pizza.
Real life is so fucking weird. Have to submerge myself in fantasy escapism to find any modicum of normalcy.
He's got a very feminine face... looks gay
LOL. He will be sitting on a cardboard box under an overpass with a bottle of Thunderbird and sucking dicks to load his crack pipe. “Aren’t you that guy...?” (LOL Captcha is an overpass.)
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He's not even going to make one of those. Elian Gonzales barely merits a where are they now and that story was enormous back in the day.
Triangle face is just going to fade away
It'd be more appropriate for someone to shank his ass so people realize you can still kill people relatively easy without a gun.
Fuck that shit. Spooky ass snek
>We will outlive you
17 of your classmates didn’t.
Kek wills it.
Someone make him a bottom bitch
Every time I see his face I want to take a pipe to it.
Didn’t the NRA gain like half a million members within a few days last week?
is he getting bullied right now or something? What's happening here? Also I thought he wasn't going back to school?
Does he realize that there are kids his age outside of drama club that are not gun grabbing faggots? They just don't like being sock puppets.
>mfw he’ll get shot by some dreamer with a pistol
The Lindy Effect says no.
Wtf - I've never seen a snake do a full on sprint before
"U WOT M8?"
the next day:
he shouldn't be so smug.may come back to bite him in the ass big time.
That's the most calm, collected, and rational I've ever seen a female act in a time of danger. She handled that shit about 100X better than I would've (which is by flailing around making goofy sounds while I stomp it out with my boots)
who does this guy think he IS
He's still being used by the MSM?
Thank God for the NRA. I hope you faggots realize what a powerful and magnanimous ally the NRA is. Without them, the 2nd Amendment would surely have been killed by now, and we'd all be subjects under a leftist totalitarian police state.
No, because he'll be killed in a false flag assassination by a "crazed white nationalist gun nut"
Well, if you seek treatment for HIV early and maintain treatment, you can have a normal lifespan.
I don't think this kid is aware that no one will care about him in a few months, they'll move on to the next movement.
You’ll live even longer if you eat a Tide pod...
Absolutely nope.exe
I wonder how much money these poor kids are making off this
He's getting ready to suck the kid's dick. Isn't that how liberals refuel anyway?
He's 26, 4 years to go
Nah you would act the same as her if a platic snake on a fishing rod was being pulled towards you.
No he wont.
>W-what did he mean by this?
I fucking knew it
Look at her right before the snake gets there, when she looks toward it - no flinch, no movement, nothing.
Fraudulent and power bottom.
Yeah yeah, but the GOA is way better. Never forget all the times the NRA cucked out on little ((compromises)) over the years, and supported import bans because they are fucking faggot neocon corporate dicksuckers. You would do well to recognize that any micrometer we give, they take forever, and come back the next day for more.
My money is on vehicle accident, wrapped around a tree while partying with other drama club retards.
rubber snake and fishing line
>He's literally asking to be assassinated? Ballsy.
You know if that happens, there's no going back. He'll become a supreme martyr that the Goblina will absorb power from. It will create new generation of edgy summer fags that will spam anti gun memes 24/7, looking to trigger gun lovers.
The Lindsey Vonn curse was ironic. She recovers from her injuries to fail to medal in every event.
He's... he's baiting us now, isn't he?
But I don't think it'll come down to [pic related].
I do think he's going to die young, but it's an open question whether it'll be from drug overdose, AIDS, or Arkansas/friend of the Clintons suicide from outliving his usefulness.
>NRA gains half a million members to this twat
Dude is autistic
Mossad-Chabad-Deep State Behind "Operation Parkland"
"Far from being a victim, David Hogg was one of the forward observers of the joint Israeli-CIA death squad sent to Parkland, ensuring that sufficient numbers of his classmates were killed. "The Jewish-born Cruz was likely recruited by the Shomrim secret society to be a patsy for the commando raid and was brainwashed at Chabad House.
Why so many JEWS at the center of the Parkland massacre?
CONFIRMED: Broward County deputies were *ORDERED* to stand down… then all radio communications were cut off while the shooting continued
this dude is such an obvious deepstate plant that it hurts
What's ironic about that is that these idiots caused a political backlash by fucking with our fantasy.
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He won't make it to 20 at this rate
also mandatory pic related
daily reminder that david hog has a reddit account and he personally said that the creepiest thing he's ever seen is "an AK-47 round miles from where any hunting takes place"
That said, someone with no criminal record will just murder him on the street and walk away without ever committing another crime again.
What if all law-abiding citizens just merked a Jew once in their lives...
What is that thing in left corner? Disgusting.
kek wills it
Top kek. This kid is a public puppet for the democrats, a group that is well known for shooting their useful idiot puppets in the head a dozen times and having a (((state))) medical examiner declare it a suicide.
how is it that this motherfucker can attack people on social media left and right, but when we fight back we get banned?
>>Implying bourgeois institutions will exist in 50 years in any form like they do today
>He's probably right desu, the Internet is accelerating cultural change, so pretty much everything will be different and most traditional liberal organizations whether "left" or "right"
>What is that thing in left corner?
I missed it the first time, but yeah, really the whole picture is the gift that keeps on giving. Mystery meat in bottom left. Sitting in a plush couch or love seat opposite those wooden chairs. Big Brother-style "Choose Your Words Carefully" propaganda poster on the wall. Kindergarten-tier art projects hanging on the board of a high school classroom. Latina high school student dressed to show her boobs. She's acting cool while one boy undresses another. You couldn't make this shit up.
Twitter is based in commiefornia
Challenge accepted.
Because you usually say nigger or start talking about the Jews and the idea that some races are better than others
They're just virtue signaling and defending their acceptable liberal opinions while accepting Jews as normal white people who live in rich cities.
>Someone make him a bottom bitch
I wonder if he already is. Would explain why he's getting the airplay he is, and why, except for forgetting his lines, he doesn't go off script.
I hope he gets assassinated desu by some gun nut
fucking cia rat
Can't wait til the NRA announces their membership gain from all this. I never considered joining and ended up paying for 2 years because of this faggot
>I won't do X until X is done!
Who the fuck cares?
They're crisis actors
No, he just said he wasn't going back to school. He's retarded, and says whatever comes to his mouth first.
>no loopholes at THIS gun show breh