I just met my first nigger

He was nothing like Sup Forums said he would be. He was well-behaved, harmless and was actively looking for a job. He fled from military service in Eritrea and is very thankful for what Germany has to offer - even more so than most Germans.

Why should I spend my time and energy hating on him?

Other urls found in this thread:


you shouldn't, half of Sup Forums where the kind of people who ate their lunch in their classroom to avoid any social interaction, they have never seen anyone of a different skin colour to them. They hate blacks because they saw a webm of a black robbery and saw that as the majority of the population.

wow its like you dont look at the bigger picture

You're full of shit.

Did you invite him to fuck your gf?
Oh no you dont have one, wh*Te Incel :DD

You shouldn't most of Sup Forums are edgy teens or autistic adults.

>not hating someone = allowing him to fuck your partner

You guys have problems

It's super easy not to hate them when your country is 80 percent white. Just wait. Wait until you have crime statistics on par with the third world, or you can't afford social welfare systems. Just wait.

>I had a single positive anecdotal experience
>I would rather take that as indicative of truth than enormous statistical evidence to the contrary

It's your life, OP.


you will see, he will be a severe disappointment to you germanbro. hitler was right about a pure country.

There's a difference between black people and niggers, you met a black person.

>Hating on
Seems like you're a nigger as well. Your story is a lie anyway.


You're right OP. Why should Germans just be white lol, that's so stupid and racist.
Germans can be whatever, it doesn't matter, we're all one race.


wow OP! So when are you moving to Detroit? Since niggers are so wonderful, you're a fool to not take advantage of practically free real estate in their vibrant and culturally enriched neighborhoods!

One is a novelty, two is a ghetto. IF you own your home it's time to put up the for sale sign and move on. Your town will be in ruins in 20 years or less.

Cückholding is the essence of german culture
German """men""" are such pathetic wimps
no wonder all german women marry/fuck Turks ans blacks :D

Well there is a difference between black people in germany (not rapefugees) and the ones in murrica.
>They are savage here so they must be everywhere else like that too

The problem isn't individual blacks, it's when they start flooding into your countries in large numbers. It causes inevitable ethnic tension.

I don't speak Hun, what's this graph representing?

A nigger is a nigger.

Am I on Sup Forums or did I end up on a forum without mindless racists?

>Why should I spend my time and energy hating on him?
Don't retard, think for yourself and not as a collective, also research the science and understand that the bell curve in a spectrum.

Wow you met an exception. Go to Oakland.

Even if. Murrican ones are much more aggressiv then what we have here.

Front row: German women primarily/secondarily/tertially marry people from the following countries, divided by region
lower row: same for German betas who rely on imported whores

What graph?

>just met first nigger
r/thathappened is where this belongs

Why is the T always capitalized when someone uses that term

when in need everyone behaves as polite as possible.

relax for a moment and they will show their colors.

seriously you're a like a naive mental toddler.

That country is fucked.

This one.

Dont know. When i was in school at the niggers were the class clowns and lazy cunts. I go on facebook occasionally and all of them are now on welfare programs and complaining about everything. HOWEVER, i have met some niggers who work and just want to live their lives in peace. So, it's 50/50.

This. The dynamic completely changes once they make up a sizeable percentage of your population. Don't let one, standalone civilised nog trick you, germanon.

Wow, you saw one nigger that wasnt so bad.
Damn, I heard of one criminal who was falsely accused the other day, so why don't we set them all free?
Do I need to explain averages to you? Or are you just baiting?

No really, can you explain to me why you think this proves anything at all? Have you not realized until now that, when we talk about races, we are not talking about every single individual but the average?

No, there's not, they are all the same. It's all about muh dick, they cannot help themselves, useless creatures.

You might tell me now that i am a niggerlover but you sound very salty about them.


All jo sorry rasisist tRUMP supportin redneck a(ss)es be jelly dat yall cant come up wit words like us- bess balee dat da troof fo sho! Yall be goin cray cray bout nicca like me takin jo moma up in my bedwoom n taxatin n abusin dat brutiful sexy phatass booty she be havin!!! Fa realz doe- yall betta axe sumbody bout me foolz! Fa rizzle my nizzle on da b diggity diggity dizzle!

I also met a bear that didn't maul me to death so all bears must be friendly!

apparently you spend all of your energy hating yourself, kraut.

Shut jo ignant mouf up bruh. Jo moma fina be clappin back on bofa deez nuts erey time she be seein a playa like me! Wit yo goofy banjo playin rasisist tRUMP supportin redneck a(ss)!!! Lol now dat be funny fo realz doe!

"I just met someone who is not bad so everyone else is like him".

What Germany has to offer
Why are you treating your country like a commercial product competing in a marketplace. Is your country for sale? Why would Germany be offering anything to a foreigner? What about the German people?

Killa b jo sorry ignant rasisist redneck tRUMP supportin a(ss) aint eva killa ahert wit jo goofy banjo playin slack jawed yokel a(ss)!!!! Git jo sorry rasisist tRUMP supportin a(ss) back in jo traila ya backwoods hillbilly!!;; Fa realz doe my nicca cuz yo a(ss) be dorry n a mofo

>i just met my first nigger
>in germany
Why do i sincerely doubt this

This will be common on german streets in 5 years just wait.

Yeah the Nazi bigger pic hanging from your wall.

Most blacks I've ran into I actually enjoyed talking to and I can say I've never had a Nigger moment event in my life. A lot of them are not bad people, just like me and you they wish to live in peace. The problem is that there are a lot of bad ones, the ones who conform to white culture are generally good and tend to not chimp out commonly. Race Realism isn't hating someone whose different from you its recognizing that there are differences in the way we both look and think. Some people think in different ways just how some birds think in different ways. It's not to say these people are wrong however they will be shunned in a society where they think different and generally be in the lower caste. You'll always have the few who do will in every situation however the vast majority will never achieve what they could if they lived in their own society and not one that values things they are not innately good with.

Stop larping.

>Why should I spend my time and energy hating on him?
Don't. As long as he sets a stellar example, respect society and German laws.

You sound relaxed. You really shouldn't be.

Did you at the very least fellate him ,as is German tradition?

Try living around some. Instant redpill, trust me. Spent a few years in a large apartment complex with white a few black people and started living there with the impression that people behave equally and it's all just some cosmic misunderstanding. Left living that place fully aware of the danger, laziness, rudeness, recidivism, entitlement these people inherently possess.

If niggers are so great, why are they so desperate to run away from thier own people and go to (formerly) white countries like germany? Don't judge an entire race based on a single experience with one person, instead look at the societies they build. Is there a single nigger society you would want to live in?

>He was well-behaved, harmless and was actively looking for a job.
That's not a nigger, that's a black man. Carry on.
But give it time, meet more, and you'll figure it out.

FFS, it doesn't mean they marry more Turks than Germans. It means they are the biggest foreign group who Germans marry.

Looks bad, but says nothing about the scale of cucking actually. This is on the same level as the
>"Mohammed most common name in London hurr durr"
Also retarded since every Muslim is named Mohammed

The absolute state of Amerimutt edjewcation

a good nigger eh? well I guess there are such things. I even suppose there are good ((they)) but I'm not willing to bet my life and nation wellbeing on that... fucking neutered hun, and to think that I held Germans in high regard...

Jokes on you faggots, I lived in the ghettos of Chicago for a decade. Niggers are rabid gorillas.

They aren't bad people. Americans hate niggers because their culture is fucked up (gangsta culture, drugs, thugs, no family values). Still don't want my country flooded with other people. Deutsche Leute sind eine Ausname, natuerlich

Take ours. You can have them for free.

>Switzerland had nigs.
Nothing can piss me off any more. I have seen it all. The jew knows no bounds.


Would you be okay with him having kids with your daughter?

you're too naive. You need to dive into chaos, bucko, if you'll survive you might see the truth

Bingo, yatzi, ding ding ding and we have a winner!!! top kek!

Bingo, yatzi, ding ding ding and we have a winner!!! top kek!

Get the fuck out here...WE dont like your charity

This. We have to stop believing that we have to save the whole fucking world. They have to learn to save themselves and it should be totally on them if they want to discipline themselves now or learn it the hard way.
We're fucking full, and 99% of those who have to return never will becaus muh "human rights" and bullshit like that.

bwahahaha... a cuck getting bitch slapped by the nigger he was trying to embrace

T. Home counties middle class suburbanite

Go to downtown Johannesburg and preach your cuckery you scrubber

best learning curve is reported from manned
machinegun emplacements on the beach

>He was nothing like Sup Forums said he would be.
>He fled from military service in Eritrea


Just wait for the arrival of his parents, wife, children and 50 cousins. Don't worry, you shall not be disappointed.

You are right Hans, everybody on Sup Forums is racist and a mean virgin please take a couple of millions again I am sure most will be like how you described them.

oh we have problems
well germany then shut the fuck up and let more niggers into your country im sure you enjoy your new culture

wait wait!!! How old are you??? I mean you live in Germany? and you just met your first nigger? what are you? like 1 month old?

dude there are plenty of good people in the world.

almost all the black people ive met are good, loving people.

but then you'll meet RA'SHAWN DA'QUONDE LEMARCUS WASHINGTON-CARVER JR. III and he'll say

"AY FUT NIGGEH, getcho RACIS ass out my way DAWG nigga FUCK"
and then try and rob you.

thats the person we are warning you about.
t. almost got jumped at my local park

Move the “Now” down one level Nigel. People aren’t even pretending that minorities and immigrants will prop up the economy or even be law abiding citizens. Now we need to let them in because “diversity is our strength.”

nope, it's not only those niggers. recycling your countryman's post - would you let Your daughter marry a good nigger?

Come to Memphis and let me show you some real niggers

Hi Jamal
Hi Tyrese
Hi Tyrone
Hi Shaniqua
Hi Kashera
Hi Jamiquan

there is a reason why the term wigger(white nigger) exists.

good one, I probably hate those even more than real niggers... they are suicided whites

Eritreans aren't niggers. They are mixed nog and Arab. They wouldn't consider themselves niggers either. Also, unlike Somalis, Eritreans are Christians.

so it's ok for your daughter to marry an Eritrean christian then? KEK!

because he is here illegally. how is that even an argument wtf.


> I met this one black dude that wasn't so bad
Deport immediately, it's a trap. He will start inviting more just like him. Once they reach a threshold, niggers will just start spawning everywhere.

he might be there legally, does that change a fact that he's different race, culture and most everything else?

There are admirable qualities and great individuals in all races, that is true indeed, but you do have to consider that in the grand scheme of things we have to learn to admire each other from afar if we want the European society to survive.

When are you going to invite him over to fuck your wife, Hans?

((OP)) Despite what you say, come to the U.S. you will see why we despise them.

that doesn't matter since race and culture have no influence on law and order in the Grundgesetz. if he is here legally (which i doubt with 99,9999% certainty) then there is nothing we can do about

that's a white man larping, you know that right

Just wait until they start pouring into your neighborhood, you fucking dipshit.

not now, but mark my words, race war is coming to Europe, whether you want it or not. when 100th monkey learns to wash coconut, you'll have blood in the streets.

He will behave like that as long as he is a minority. Once his brothers show up and they begin making mulatto offspring, you have trouble

>100 hundred monkeys washing coconuts

nope... didn't know that... I guess I should've understood - not many niggers here :D
