Butthurt reaction on this pic is a strong sign of fetal alcohol syndrome
Teachers' guns
Teachers suck they don't need guns .
better ban americans on schools, better yet, ban americans in all public places then you won't have any problems with fools running around shooting people
I'm no liberal but we can't keep the teachers from fucking the kids, let one mouthy nigger threaten to kill a teacher, there will be teacher lead school shootings next. So in summation yes I agree please arm all teachers.
>putting guns in schools
Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is retarded.
50 years ago kids went to school with guns. There were shooting and hunting clubs actually on some school premises. Nothing happened then. So why is it happening now? Because leftists have fucked up education, and because many parents have fucked up kids.
The first sign only works on law abiding people.
Gun-grabbing libtards are like...
It's psychological warfare. What they really want is to create a conditioning where people will be happy to surrender their arms.
What a comfy photo.
My school has(or at least had) a commercial shooting range.
You could hear them sometimes during PE classes
One on the right is more likely to stop a psychopath.
One on the left is basically advertising how easy it would be to cause a tragedy there.
One on the right is basically saying "you can try, but there's a much higher chance of return fire compared to the place with the other sign"
Honestly, a lot of teachers aren't mentally stable enough to possess a firearm. Probably because they're liberal/democrats.
>staff heavily armed
That is not true.
>and trained
They are hardly trained as teachers.
>met with deadly force
This is not true. Teachers will shelter in place in their classroom, guarding their group of children. Nobody is "meeting" anything.
Apart from that the idiot has a rifle with a scope which is the wrong idea completely.
How about none of the above?
>Nothing happened then. So why is it happening now?
Because we're flooding our country with Mexicans which fractures communities and causes isolation among adolescent boys who, at the extremes, are prone to retaliation through violence.
Arming teachers is about the most retarded, least civilized thing we could do at this point. Actual solutions are 1) gender segregated schools where Elliot Roger types can develop without going crazy because of their virginity 2) creating an ethnostate by giving California and NM back to Mexico so that white communities will become connected again and teenage boys can get laid instead of shooting their classmates. KHVs and school shooters are symptoms of the same problem that won't go away until this broken system is overhauled.
That has nothing to do with arming teachers which is the solution being proposed.
>That has nothing to do with arming teachers
Teachers train in schools. A shooting range in the school and drills in the school are the only way arming teachers is going to work on any levels.
user the sign with the rifle guy would be put up when the staff would be trained and armed. Are you dense?
Teachers should be armed to protect themselves from some of their students; not to defend them.
The sign on the right is also declaring that this is an unsafe working environment for deep state shills setting up false flag school shootings.
>he sign with the rifle guy would be put up when the staff would be trained and armed
They will never be trained. They hardly get trained to do the job they get paid for never mind this side job as a paramilitary policeman.
The gun is the wrong type for the job completely.
The text is all wrong. People know that there will not be an aggressive counter-attack, teachers will shelter in place and defend children.
tl;dr the sign is complete bollocks
Armed cowards deserve to get shot.
>A shooting range in the school and drills in the school are the only way arming teachers is going to work
Yes, except arming teachers is stupid and unnecessary. School shooters are the symptom of a serious problem and covering it up with the threat of violence is barbaric and unbecoming of a great nation.
Me and a friend found these videos made years ago by one of our teachers. Can't wait to be defended by him.
There is no problem in schools. The problem is stupid politicians reacting incorrectly to a MANUFACTURED crisis.
Work at a shooting range, love teaching. Would do this job to arm teachers.
> have armed guard posted at every school
> 0 attacks on schools
Not a crazy idea, especially considering all security workers down here are police approved and background checked, as well as likely to be combat vets.
>great nation
Perhaps to the Founding Father Unites States, but not to the CIA Spook run United Vassals of Israel
>There is no problem in schools
Yes there is you fucking idiot. No teenage boy should feel compelled to murder his classmates yet multiple school shooting happen every week during the school year. Adolescent boys are more than ever to isolation and it's getting worse.
Consider the image of an educator mowing down one of his students. The idea of arming teachers is depraved and retarded you'd have to be blind to the situation to consider it. How are not asking about what is going on in schools every day that this system is regularly leading young men to turn to such horrific behavior? Jesus Christ, this "solution" of yours is so fucking retarded that we might actually be fucked beyond saving.
>Perhaps to the Founding Father Unites States
>CIA Spook run United Vassals of Israel
These are both illusions, the only America that exists is a nation full of cities and suburbs that contain high schools each with a small population of males who fantasize about murdering their classmates at random because they are so full of hatred. Most people think in terms of imaginary and insignificant phenomena because the reality of our situation is too disturbing to look into.
>Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is retarded.
>Arming teachers is about the most retarded, least civilized thing we could do at this point.
>arming teachers is stupid and unnecessary.
In summary, you argument for why NOT to arm teachers is "its stupid, it's uncivilized".
Why is it uncivilized to tell others that you will kill them if they try to kill children? What is the civilized way to deal with child killers? If threatening to kill child killers on a child killing spree is not civilized, then do you believe there is any sort of violence that deserves the threat of immediate physical response? Do you believe that only defensive measures are necessary to prevent violent student deaths? Do you believe that we should simply hang "Gun Free Zone" signs outside of the White House and disarm everyone inside?
In short, are you a fucking retard and have you even thought through the implications of your stance besides HURP IT'S NOT CIVILIZED.
Why do you act as if the only threat to schools is current students? Your solution is "If all the students inside are healthy and in the right state of mind, they won't be harmed". Is it literally physically impossible for non-students to enter a school? How fucking stupid are you?
>Consider the image of an educator mowing down one of his students
...who is mowing down his classmates. Very convenient omission in the picture you're trying to paint, cuntface.
Spot the kike shill!
>In summary, you argument for why NOT to arm teachers is "its stupid, it's uncivilized".
Yes, because it's self-evidently disgusting and wrong based on the mores and values of decent people.
>Why is it uncivilized to tell others that you will kill them if they try to kill children?
Because of the definition of civilized. Barbarians are interested in hacking down those who disobey societal norms, but as people of the 21st century who live in skyscrapers and use smartphones, it is implicit to our being that we are interested in actually solving problems rather than masking them with decentralized violence.
>What is the civilized way to deal with child killers
Address the cause by questioning the education system and why it is regularly creating such people rather than murdering the bi-product of a broken system and continuing on our merry way.
>Do you believe that only defensive measures are necessary to prevent violent student deaths
The only necessary measure is to reorient schools back to systems which are not producing students who want to kill their peers.
>"If all the students inside are healthy and in the right state of mind, they won't be harmed
Yeah, that was the case from the beginning of time up until Columbine after which there has been an explosion of school shooting incidents.
>Is it literally physically impossible for non-students to enter a school
This literally is not a problem.
>..who is mowing down his classmates
Yes, and that is the part which needs to be addressed. Why would anyone do such a thing as try to kill their classmates, how are schools turning ordinary children into killers fueled by hatred? No one is asking this question because they're too busy proposing retarded shit like giving teachers guns in order to murder the same people they've defiled into derangement.
Fuck off pussy.
Kike shill confirmed.
Fuck off kike, your arguments are nothing but semantics. It's not civilized to not threaten child killers, it's completely ass backwards.
Never once did I say that it's not a good idea to improve schools or to help students properly develop both mentally and emotionally. But you have to be an absolute retard to have any concept that there won't be those who slip through the cracks. And those slips need a "last option" rather than "have the teacher use their body as a flesh shield". You are indeed an absolute fucking idiot.
The one of the left, obviously. Some madman armed to the teeth will see that and rightfully turn away. He's clearly not welcome to be there with ANY weapons. Its common sense, people.
That sign on the right is so informal and gay. MUH CHILDREN. Did a boomer make that gay ass shit? Why can't conservacucks be more professional?
>Yeah, that was the case from the beginning of time up until Columbine after which there has been an explosion of school shooting incidents.
You skirted the question, little dirty kike.
There are many instances of non students enacting armed violence inside of schools, even since Columbine. The education of the students did not cause these shootings. What is your solution for these incidents?
My solution is: kill yourself, dirty kike.
Teachers won't use the guns, hence poor aim. Hand grenades on the other hand just have to be close.
>putting guns in banks
Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is retarded.
but there are already signs. it's called campus police
>mfw if you disagree with someone just call them a kike then convince yourself you won the debate
>high schools and middle schools have campus police
Nigger you already went full retard by giving a little quip about campus police. He's a semantics using kike and you're an oblivious nigger. You best be trolling.
>what is campus security
Guns are already in schools. Why does my 60 y/o mother need to arm herself because she wants to teach children?
yes, they have security.
>if kike doesnt work, call them a nigger next! then you surely are superior
She doesn't need to arm herself. She can be helpless if she wants. There are plenty of teachers who would gladly arm themselves if it meant saving the lives of their children, or giving them a better chance than "LOL HUMAN SHIELD TIME".
Unarmed security is much more common than armed. Nice lie of omission. My bad, maybe you're a kike after all!
Why can't she just vote to have reasonable safety measures for all staff and students instead of EVERYONE GEHT A GUN
nice baseless assumption
The basis kike argument is that anyone who doesn't agree with them is a retard because they don't agree with them
>be american
>go to school
>get shot
>be american
>go to school
>designated school shooter gets shot
>don't get shot
>get shot on the way home
Better ban all guns, goy.
My dude, I can walk down to 3 schools nearby that don't have armed security. For fuck's sake, the security guard/coach in Florida is a recent example. Human shield option, WOW RIP BRAVE SOUL. I'm sure his wife and daughter are really glad that he couldn't have a firearm!
More guns on more qualified people could have stopped the massacre. There's nothing to counter this.
Do you think we should have LESS security in government buildings?
Better yet, when's the last time you saw a mass shooting at a police station?
You Kikes have to be either inbred retarded or just acting the part.
>It's not civilized to not threaten child killers
Not when that same civilization is the one creating the child killers in the first place. It would be civilized to use violence to deter barbarians from coming near our gates, but that is not at all the case here. Schools are at the heart of our society, they have a problem, and we're addressing with some retarded proposal of threatening ourselves with violence.
>But you have to be an absolute retard to have any concept that there won't be those who slip through the cracks
No dude, you simply don't understand this phenomenon. The extreme behavior is at the end of spectrum with gradations of less extreme behavior going back to the norm. /r9k/-type people are a less extreme symptom of this same problem.
>slip through the cracks
You have this phenomenon set up in your head as though it's out of no where. People don't simply slip through the cracks, you can't end up a junkie if you're never introduced to heroin. Before Columbine this shit never happened and this only happens in America, perpetrated by white and mixed white boys. It's very fucking clear what's happening and if we solved it there wouldn't be people throwing their good lives away because they "slipped through the cracks."
> those slips need a "last option"
There will not be any slips because people don't just randomly wake up wanting to kill people. This extreme behavior is in reaction to extreme conditions.
There is not a problem of non-students entering schools to kill children. Instances of this are one offs and are the fault of poor entrance security at schools with faulty design. The school shooter phenomenon is based on isolated white and mixed race boys ages 14-24 lashing out the system which has broken them down. Psychos looking to murder people can do that anywhere and there's absolutely no indication that schools are particularly targeted by them.
The police and military will have to be disarmed too and no armed bodyguards for shithead liberal unAmerican anti-American politicians* either.
*for those too intellectually challenged to know, they're Democrats and their fellow traveller RINOs.
>American flag
>advocating for reconquista
Traitors get the rope.
>what is mutually assured destruction
it acts as a deterrent you dense as dogshit dumb motherfucker
Dude, just tell us that there shouldn't always be armed guards at banks or government buildings. Tell us that it's uncivilized to protect politicians and money with threats of immediate violence. Go ahead.
Tell me that the wife and daughter of the coach/security guard in Florida are happy that he couldn't carry a gun and had to be a human shield.
Federal opt-in CCL training for all public school teachers. Training offered at no cost. A small financial incentive could be added to compensate for time spent training and certifying along with the additional responsibility of carrying just so long as it’s not so high that it attracts people who are not good candidates.
All teachers don’t need to carry in order for this to be effective. Former military or LEO in good standing should be fast-tracked. The deterrent effects could be realized immediately.
>semantics using
Not really, dude. Civilized has a very clear definition and school shooters are a very understandable phenomenon. Inserting muh guns into this discussion is typical American potical obscurantism.
Yeah, I'm a traitor for trying to cut our losses and preserve the possibility of an ethnostate. What the fuck do you want California for anyway? We could get rid of the Mexicans and liberals in one go and still have plenty of land for American prosperity.
Instead you'd prefer we stay attached as the American Mexican population soars and we slowly meld into a nation of half white creatures.
>it acts as a deterrent you dense as dogshit dumb motherfucker
Shut the fuck up retard. There is no deterring someone who is committed to die in a blaze of glory. Preventing lonely boys from shooting schools after they've snapped from years of isolation would be better addressed in the years of torment leading up to the shooting itself.
>there shouldn't always be armed guards at banks or government buildings. Tell us that it's uncivilized to protect politicians and money with threats of immediate violence
Security guards are not at all comparable to arming teachers. Are you that dumb that you can't understand what an armed high school faculty represents?
>Tell me that the wife and daughter of the coach/security guard in Florida are happy that he couldn't carry a gun and had to be a human shield.
I'm happy because it's absurdly retrograde to suggest we re-introduce decentralized violence like we're living in the fucking wild west and must always be on our toes for the next pyscho who decides to buck the system and kill a few of his classmates. You fucking idiots are only interested in addressing the bi-products of deep problems because you're too stupid to question the status quo.
>More guns on more qualified people could have stopped the massacre. There's nothing to counter this.
Cool. Teachers are not and should not have to be qualified in order to be safe at WORK. Every other building has armed guards to prevent criminals. Employees in offices dont have to stash stash ammo in their cubicle, why does a teacher? You're missing the simple point.
See, the kike is always right and only retards fail to see it.
>committed to foe in a blaze of glory
It's really hard to do this in a federally mandated gun-free zone.
See, the kike is always right and only retards fail to see it.
>committed to die in a blaze of glory
It's really hard to do this in a federally mandated gun-free zone.
>More guns on more qualified people could have stopped the massacre.
No it couldn't because there are only going to be more of these events at an increasing rate as long as we don't perturb the problem at its source.
>>committed to die in a blaze of glory
>it's really hard to do this in a federally mandated gun-free zone.
No it's not, it's easy to do this anywhere in America and it will be as long as the second amendment is around. The only solution to the school shooter problem is making boys less inclined to murder their classmates.
>using yourself as a human shield IS THE BEST LAST RESORT POSSIBLE
This is essentially the argument you idiots are using. What part of "last resort" don't you understand? There are no good arguments either of you have presented. You obviously skirt the questions about no mass in shootings at police buildings because it is a real life example (or lack of example) that tears everything you've proposed to fucking shreds. Neither of you have offered anything other than religious adherence to ideals rather than physical last resort solutions. I hope your children live through a school shooting just so you can hear them cry about how there was no one there to stop the bad man, and how their teachers legally had no choice but to become human pegboards.
The crisis of school shooting should be intervened with during the YEARS of torment that necessarily lead up to the shooting itself. If school guidance counselors did more than nothing then they wouldn't need a gun to kill the boy they failed to raise.
As for your shit about "THE BEST LAST RESORT POSSIBLE" that's not true. The brave thing to do in such a situation is to tackle the shooter who would easily be overrun if 5 strong people came at him at once. Or, they could have helped Nick Cruz 5 years ago instead of ignoring him and the warning signs he gave off before reaping a bullet to the head. Either way, arming educators is the most retarded, barbaric proposal you could put forward.
how fucking stupid are you. it's not because it's uncivilized, it's because its a legit terrible idea. remember back to your school days, how many of your teachers were somewhat competent? how many of them were huge faggot liberal babies who were utterly useless.
No, you're just defending ignorant politicians from their justly deserved obloquy for passing a law declaring schools to be gun-free zones.
>wanting open warfare in schools rather than just not having shootings
lets play a game called "Spot the kike shill"
i win
Source on kids routinely bringing guns to school? Nobody I know old enough to have seen that has mentioned it.
You can't have a tragedy if you don't have people toting military-grade weapons everywhere.
Is he a hipster or just a loon?
I've seen polls that say the exact opposite.
>this is essentially the argument you idiots are using
NO its NOT you fucking retard. MY ARGUMENT IS IN MY POST. Dont group me with him and pretend youve addressed anything.
My dad would often go squirrel hunting before school, drop his shotgun off at the principles office and hunt on his way back home. This was rural Louisiana in the 60s.
Schools are place of education for our children and should not come with a threat of violence you fucking barbarain.
You're a brainlet and can't comprehend what I'm saying.
Thus why when you want to cause a tragedy, you first arm yourself.
And if you want to cause a big tragedy, you arm yourself considerably better than the people around you.
A gun in a school with armed teachers gives a decent chance that you'll get return fire, minimising the advantage you have.
But take the gun into a school where no-one else has even one, and the tragedy is as simple as pulling a trigger.
See Charlie Hebdo, for example. The whole "no guns permitted" thing doesn't really mean shit to someone who actually wants to raise a ruckus.
I can't fathom how people like you are genuinely so deluded so as to believe that a crazed killer, after years of either indoctrination or just misperception to the point of wishing death upon a large group of people in general, will march up to their intended staging ground, look at a signpost that says "no guns allowed" and say "oh, guess I'd better not, than".
Hell, even a knife in an environment where no-one will resist carries a similar effect. Thus why knives are the weapon of choice for Japanese mass-murderers, who live in a country where it's incredibly difficult to get a firearm (even more so than here). The trick is to pick your targets; en.wikipedia.org
Teachers should carry guns for the same reason cops do: self-defence.
Why is it the teacher's responsibility to protect the kids? They're just there to teach.
Heavily arm and train actual security guards around the school like ex-veterans.
>gun free zones
Gun free criminals would work, morons. Making guns illegal makes them very difficult to get.
Missing the point shill. Arming teachers is meant to life more dangerous for would be school shooters, not safer as you want.
This post says it all; I won't call you an idiot because I can discern the agenda you're pushing.
Give up, you've been spotted kikeyvermin.
>Pls don't take my toys look at all these retarded solutions I'm coming up with to shift the focus away from me wanting to keep my toys at the cost of children left in a bloody heap
Not for criminals it doesn't.
Your arguments are not arguments, they are stated IDEALS. And the thing is that NO ONE DISAGREES with you two dumb Kikes.
No one SHOULD HAVE TO worry about protecting themselves in a school. No one SHOULD be raped. No one SHOULD HAVE TO worry about protecting their homes. NO ONE DISAGREES with this. "But what if they MUST" is the ACTUAL FUCKING QUESTION. You fucking retards aren't addressing this. You are both stating an ideal that doesn't exist.
My argument boils down to: teachers MUST BE ABLE TO LETHALLY DEFEND their students if they NEED to. Your arguments are, quite literally, "Teachers MUST NOT BE LEGALLY ALLOWED TO LETHALLY DEFEND their students, EVEN IF THEY NEED TO."
You fucking airheads. Ideals are not solutions so stop stating that FANTASY is good POLICY. God how much fluoride have you been drinking??
Or the New World (dis)Order will have its minions shooting up schools until it gets what it wants.
Nice triplet; is it an endorsement from hell?
I hope for your sake you've some mental disability because a good mind is a terrible thing to waste just to play mental special olympics to hold onto your current unchanging opinion.
You cant redefine terms as you go when things are in text and you have hundreds of people reading it and seeing how willfully stupid you're being. Asking why people are evil doesnt solve people doing evil things in their own interests. My job makes money off of stupid idealists like you and I highly encourage you to seek out an investment broker. Maybe you can ask why your investment is gone and try to talk ot through then move on with fingers crossed something changes in the future. You're prey and if someone is a predator for logistical reasons or for feels making a school shooter it is still happening, and your mentality is to let it happen because the problem isnt anyones to fix until society as a whole shifts something.
I look forward to where you'll be in 20 years with your kind of mentality. Probably described as happy albeit unaccomplished. Its easy to be happy when you're only thinking through the lense of yourself and not other people who are victims of something you dont have to deal with in society or of establishing a better personal livelihood for those who come after you- it's on the collective to make the collective better rather than the individual taking agency for their lives and surroundings, right?
>awww man my toys were used to kill a bunch of kids again. But fuck if I'm giving them up. I like my toys too much.
>But ya know what would work guys, to take the subject off my toys, making more of my toys and then making them omniscient in every public place and so common people can grab them anytime they want. yeah that sounds good. I can't believe you want to take them away. Fuck we should have guns like we do fire extinguishers. More bullets is ALWAYS the answer
What kike agenda would I be pushing by saying that the American right to bear arms shall not be infringed?
As far as I can tell you seem to be pro-gun, so it might be worth reading the post again and realising that I'm specifically saying that the ease of legal accessibility to guns has fuck-all to do with the creation of mass-killings.
Notice how you omit things purposefully and stretch shit a mile. People like you who truly believe they can justify their lense being the right-est are the best because all I have to do to get you in my back pocket is validate you. Your posts make me happy that in an age where people can educate themselves and fullgrown adults have grown up with technology from year 3 there are still people stupid enough to default to what they think they know vs considering maybe they aren't the rightest person ever who has the vague answers to huge multifaceted societal problems that someone else underqualified and involved at some point also didnt claim for more or less in the same wording at some point in the last year, ten, fifty.
Fucking idiot.
Why is "you CANT HAVE A GUN no matter HOW qualified you are and you CAN'T lethally defend your students if NEED be, just use yourself as a human shield instead" a reasonable policy? Does this actually sound reasonable to you? A simple yes or no will do.
Sorry m8, that is a badly drafted post of mine. Everything there is addressed to the author of the top post. Your was used post as it totally refutes his position.
A drunk driver killed my bother last year, give up your car.
Way to get the completely wrong message out of someone else's posts brainlet. Digest a post before you respond.
Eh, it happens. I'd almost finished writing a long post based on the premise that you were anti-gun before I noticed what you said to the other git. Everyone makes a minor mistake here and there.