Putin announces new "invincible" nukes that can evade US missile defenses. Meanwhile Trump wants to disarm citizens. Is the new Cold War really kicking off? Should you start learning Russian yet?
Putin's nukes BTFO USA
Why don't you nut up and start using it if it's so great you chink slav hybrid
Q predicted this
It's all part of the plan. Things are being put into place on both sides.
Honestly, I blame Trump for this. He went too soft and cozy with Russians.
A rich businessman has no place in white House when he lacks diplomacy and thinks running business and country is the same thing.
Yeah and so is a toilet
Please let all the whites come to russia and nuke the brown hordes and jews
All the Russian cells dividing the US internally and taking the guns too so an invasion after is much easier.
Funny that you mentioned that. When I was working overnight security like 2 years ago, during the "apocalypse postings" I torrented a great Russian language pack from uTorrent. I learned it proficiently and now this post really makes me think.
Use the catalog Kremlin shill
Putin pulled a lame bluff
Only dumb people who vouch for him would believe it
Kremlin shills must really GTFO
because a woman would do better.
Sure pal, Trump goes soft out of the blue, the next day Putin drops this info. Do you really think this wasn't on Trump's desk in advance?
Woah there, since when did the US have defenses that could stop Russian ICBMs?
yeah a psycho woman with Parkinson, or an old man that gives free shit is better.
uhhhhh we have had this shit since the 80s
If Reagan were alive now, he would have died today...
the old heart could not stand such a laugh...
you have both bad but you have best system
keep it
i hope this shitty planet gets turned to glass
Theoretically THAAD could if it is positioned correctly. Lasers are being developed for line of sight, boost phase shoot down capability. That could be something if it can be adapted for use on satellites. Still, there is no viable way to stop a dude with a suitcase nuke, which is cheaper than a missile anyway.
So nothing has changed in the last 60 years? Why is this news? Neither the US or Russia would survive a full nuke exchange even with counter measures, unless the US has alien tech. How fucking stupid do these kikes think we are?
The one his scientists developed at Kim Jong Un's?
Vatniks will shill anything. Lmao.
lasers would be way way better then launching missiles or nukes at nukes or missiles, i bet we already have that shit though, its just hush hush shit though.
>i bet we already have that shit though, its just hush hush shit though
Gunna need a lot of laser toting x-37's in orbit to kill 5000 warheads and 10000 decoys
Russia and US should join forces and decimate the vermin chinese chinks. I hope the great race war is global.
Not too hush-hush. I learned of this years ago, and it has been successful in testing. There are flir videos of a successful test online
>implying missile defense actually worked in the first place
top kek
You unironically fell for this propaganda? You don't have critical thinking skills or a STEM background obviously.
Does anyone realize how fucking difficult it is to intercept a small projectile moving at mach 20, with an even smaller projectile?
First, there is the lag time of finding out when the damn thing was launched. You can take a minute off that.
Then it takes time ascertain out the exact trajectory and likely target.
THEN you need to figure out how to intercept it with a small projectile. Good luck doing that!
You also forget that there are millions of exogenous variables at play as well from wind speed to solar activity to cloud cover and so on that ultimately make it so insanely complex to 'shoot down an ICBM'. A superpower like Russia would probably launch upwards of 50 from multiple locations in lockstep. I'm doubtful one, let alone 50, could be intercepted.
Remember that carousel of death those Russian mercenaries rode on. Five minutes 200 dead Russia BTFO by American military might.
>All the Russian cells dividing the US internally and taking the guns
You haven't been following the news, according to Dems we are actually trying to flood US with guns, and I'm not making this up.
What planet is Putin threatening to nuke?
That's not Earth.
A render of nuking US would be kind of undiplomatic.
>A render of nuking US would be kind of undiplomatic
how about Israel?
one actually gets it, even with all the "ICBM" defence around, it only ever was able to intercept between 20-25% of the nukes if Russia would have mobilized their whole ICBM arsenal.
Same the other way round.
There are to many missiles and warhads from to many different vectors to intercept them with a 100% accuracy and a single warhead can annihilate a whole city like jew york or moscow
Good shit vlad but can you stop any of the 1000+ missiles coming toward you it’s called MAD for a reason
On computer simulations with perfect information and perfect enviroment where all variables are controlled.
I'm doubtful they would have even a 1% success rate in the real world.
why don't we just turn off the atoms before it hits?
We'd better nuke USA, together with our pals from China
This is literally a nothing burger that doesnt' change anything. The USA and Russia are still in the same position they were, capable of wiping each other out with nukes.
It's a win-win strategy. With the current Russian moves, the left media looks even more pussified. The people of the Occident would want more right-wing leaders.
Even if the mainland U.S. was 100% destroyed we have enough military assets spread globally to beat Russia/China.
The Russian military is basically NK tier, relying entirely on nukes.
>together with our pals from China
>implying 90% of Chinese ICBMs wouldn't blow up in the silos or the SLBM would even function
Unlikely, but this is also acceptable.
China is actually a bigger enemy to Russia than the US ever will be. You've even fought a war with China recently, share a border and have interests in the same resources, you are natural enemies.
Russia lost less people to conflicts with China in 1000 years than it lost in an average day during one of the regularly scheduled Western invasions. No one here is dumb enough to consider China an enemy.
>Good shit vlad but can you stop any of the 1000+ missiles coming toward you it’s called MAD for a reason
As a country, Russia is monolithic with most of the population and wealth concentrated in one small part of the country. As a nuclear target, if just one of our B83's get through to Moscow, Russia instantly loses 8% of its' population, 70% of its military command structure and 40% of the nation's wealth. So Russia is very vulnerable to nuclear strike, and it seems stupid that Putin would want to rattle the nuclear sabers. Ours are bigger, better and more effective than his will ever be.
But Putin himself seems to be coming unhinged, increasingly paranoid and obsessed with the US. Roid rage or late stage STDs are my guess.
They can barely make functioning turbo-jets 40 years after you Ruskies gave them the tech because of quality control issues related to the compressor blades. They also still use lead paint for children's toys. I wouldn't put to much trust in their missiles
And this is why you're fucked and will be the first country under the thumb of china.
Mattis will not let this crazy talk go unpunished.
Have a friend who's worked on missile defense for 10 years. I chide him all the time about still not being able to shoot down shit. Biggest waste of money ever that only encourages development of these types of weapons.
The best preemption is making dictators that talk crazy die in their sleep.
>new "invincible" nukes
>tfw they still wont tell us about Antarctica, anti grav tech, or hollow earth
We live in a fake world.
Yeah, like China also has to be the enemy of Russia, like we can't coexist just like USA and Canada coexist. China doesn't need frozen taiga on the North, they are more intrested in the islands on the South.
>Why don't you nut up and start using it if it's so great you chink slav hybrid
He doesn't because he's not ameritard 56% creatura
Gadsden faggot
Why do you think your "insights" are even worth sharing?
You are just a status quo cuck who doesn't even realize that the old missiles the Russians had were capable of the same fucking thing. Nothing has changed.
deserved better digits
>flood USA with guns
Even if the Dems were right, which of course they are not, it would be just a drop in the bucket. We have more guns than people already.
>China doesn't need frozen taiga on the North
Isn't Siberia full of minerals and other resources just ripe for exploitation? And you think the Chinese don't want a piece of that? Even better if they can get rid of the natives (read: Russians) first.
Nah he's just a whiny lil bitch like you, talking shit about the top dog but never backing it up
Pogo stick
Really? The US just killed about 300 russian troops.
better to buy shit, than to go to war with nuclear capable country. Or you think they are so hungry and STUPID they would attack their neighbour get hit with nukes and then go and mine it themselves? retarded you are?
Russia has vast amounts of mineral and natural gas wealth. Thats the main reason Russia has been able to be so xenophobic, because they dont really need trade as much as other countries, they are fairly independant when it comes to most resources other than food. The most important resource to russia is probably food and good land for raising crops which is why Ukraine/Crimea and eastern europe is so important to russia historically, its the bread basket.
and yet we seen not a single photo. Why you site 300 number? You can just go as with jewish tacktics just say USA killed 30000 people of Russian nature. Your dumb ilk will believe it, you don't need proofs.
>Nothing has changed.
You don't get it do you? Talking crazy about nukes and hitting America will have consequences. This is unprecedented since the Cuban crises.
Why does it matter if Russia can't stop US nukes either?
That me be so, but have you heard about our doomsday device? I think not, why would we tell you about our doomsday device.
>they are fairly independant when it comes to most resources other than food
Russia is #1 grain exporter in the world.
So is Canada. Why don't you attack Canada? You think Chinese are stupid? You think they don't have minerals not mined on their land? you think China is small and already dried up? You think there are no resources on the South and they are tunnel visioned on the North? no other direction exist?
Or they can just wait until your country inevitably collapses and balkanizes. You're pretty fucking dumb if you think the Chinese are just going to be playing nice with you because durr amurrika bad. They tried to grab your clay in the 1960's, they're sure as fuck going to do it the moment you show a bit of weakness.
It matters as an answer to US developing missile defence and global strike systems.
Basically, it's to preserve MAD.
Yeah, i have seen tales that Russia will collapse in 2001 and i heard that Chinese economy is a bubble 1000th times.
Do you have that Russian pack someplace? I’d love to try to learn the language
*mercenaries paid by the Syrian government to fight alongside a militia loyal to Assad
Sorry we didn't have any screenshots from Arma to show off as evidence of the dead troops
Do you know how many aircraft carriers Russia has? 1 more than the number of wars ever won by China.
Oh okay, thank you.I hope MAD never happens, nor a war with Russia. I'm absolutely sick of white vs white wars. Whites would control the entire world by now if they would just band together.
>Q predicted this
> (You)
> talking shit about the top dog but never backing it up
US BTFO in Chechen, Ukraine, Syria
Basically everytime Russia entered the game with Putin they won.
The problem is, if you're an ally of the US you get benefits.
If you're an ally of Russia, you just get robbed.
Russia has never treated its allies well. Neither does China.
of course not Trump and Putin are best buddies and in cahoots
the demorats need to duck and cry though, because now they will never win another election
russian bros got the bots and collusion and win the elections here, Trump for 4 more for sure !
How small do you guys think Putins dick is?
>Data from 2012
John Titor predicted the russians would nuke the US CITIES, and the federal government, not really america itself. They will also nuke the EU.
This is who the civil war was between, the countryside and the corrupt cities. This just means the russians are more equipped to surgically deal with it.
> ie, this threat is levied at (((them))) not us.
US+Russian alliance
Not even close to the US but probably in the top 5, Western Russia is great for growing crops.
China is fairly mineral poor despite its size. Because of their growing economy they have an almost insatiable demand too. This is why they are so interested in africa.
>The problem is, if you're an ally of the US you get benefits.
Like storing nuclear missiles which makes you hyper vulnerable in case of war? Or being imposed financial sanctions that ruin your own economy?
>implying you learned how to farm better than African abbo niggers since then
>Not even close to the US but probably in the top 5
If you say so.
No US involvement
No US involvement, still frozen conflict
We vaporized 300 vodkaniggers, made them into barbecue. You didn't do shit
it's like a dick bragging contest
>Is the new Cold War really kicking off?
Slowpoke, it's going for a years already.
just nuke us already
>We vaporized 300 vodkaniggers, made them into barbecue. You didn't do shit
That didn't even happen see
I'm not implying anything, I'm stating the facts.
Please stop, I'm starting to believe "dumb American" isn't actually a meme.
Like being able to drill for oil without being fucked up the ass by all your neighbors.
Look at Cyprus right now.
ENI tried to drill, the Turks threatened to sink the drillship and circled it with their navy.
Italy attempted to send a navy warship to help, but they decided to not to because there would be an escalation Italy could not possibly win.
So the Americans stepped in, reserved all of the relevant waters around Cyprus for "military exercises" and now ExxonMobil, protected by the US Navy, is sending its own drillship to do the job the Italians got cucked out of.
Cyprus doesn't need to have a large navy, all it had to do is partner with the Americans for oil exploration.
it almost never stopped and ignoring is only pushing it further
might be in response to the US blowing the shit out the Russian mercs in Syria.
although part of me thinks soviet union never actually fell. it was just a feint to make us weak and complacent.