before the gun ban takes place, what is Sup Forums going to buy?
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a gun, obviously
Schedule 40 pipe. It's important for fire safety codes.
more of these
Not that it would be affected by the ban that isn’t going to pass, but I’m going to get a mossberg 590a1. I’ve been wanting one for a while.
A Bird Banger. That should be enough to defend yourself with.
More guns, retard.
>Implying it's going to pass
>gun ban happening
Also general question... I don't yet own a gun. What would be a good one to start with? Interests would be home defense, target practice, and small game hunting (just for kicks).
I assume a handgun for home defense and a low cal rifle for target/game?
Whatever you're going to practice using so that you'd actually be able to do anything useful with it if you needed to use it. Depending on where you live a handgun might be more of a hassle to obtain. Long guns are easier to aim. You'd want to wonder if you have to worry about shooting through a wall or whatever and hitting something or someone you didn't want to. Some guns are really loud to use especially indoors.
You might want a .22 just because ammo is cheap so you can practice with it. You might want a simple pump action shotgun because they're relatively safe to keep loaded for grab & go in the middle of the night and there's a wide variety of things to load it with depending on how far you want to penetrate.
I went looking for a pocket knife and now have like 5 machetes in my shopping cart.
id always joke that as soon as they take the guns people will go back to killing each other with swords, daggers, poison blow darts, boomerangs, ninja stars...bullets start to sound humane after a while...ive got a sweet crossbow collection and they will put a hole through a person so.....
Ghost gunner and a shit ton of 80%s
Also, finding a good inexpensive knife is actually really difficult. Most of them are chinsy little pieces of shit made out of snappy crap steel. I feel like you'd be better off just buying cheap kitchen knives instead of spending the cash on a folder that will break in half upon the first use in a survival situation.
One of the reasons I’m getting that mossberg is the versatility. I could use various size shot for whatever, target shooting, home defense, small and large fowl, even boar if I felt so inclined.
got a nice crossbow collection myself.
its nice you can make your own killer bolts
I made a ak47 from a piece of scrap metal and a dremel I think I'm ok
It doesn’t seem like too many are worth buying until you get to the $25-35 range.
I'm really happy with my Spydeco Paramilitary II. I really didn't think I'd ever consider a $100 knife to be worth it, but it is if you use it for stuff.
As far as a fighting knife, a simple cheap 18" Ontario machete is fine. Just learn to swing it right, and you can put an entirely workable edge on it with a bench grinder or whatever you have around.
already bought two stripped ar lowers. money is tight and at least the lowers get me in the door. Aero precision...
>mfw all i like is revolvers and lever-actions
Was looking at the Cold Steel Royal Kukri. Have a coupon where it would come out ~$15.
Swinging a kukri properly is a little more difficult, but they're very much intended to be effective in combat.
haha dumb libtards.
Gunsmiths wil go rogue and make shittons of guns.
If not you could always get a gun kit and build it yourself. Cheap and unregistred ak-47's all the way
nothing because i life in shitifornia where the best AR i can buy looks like a fucking shovel
i hate this state
>not knowing about shoveldog
A literal faggot
Got mine
I'm already set.
>don't have to mess with clips
>get to be a cool cowboy
>can spin the cylinder to make nice noises
>can fit more types of bullets
>more durable
more guns
>no front sight post
No you ain’t
Makes sense. I'm not worried about being able to obtain a handgun, I'm in PA.
Really though I don't ever see myself being a gun enthusiast. I just want to have one and be competent with it. Home defense is most important, and the house I own came with a built-in wall safe in the bedroom which wouldn't fit a shotgun.
based hammer boys.
>what? no officer i work construction...
what do you construct?
>dead niggers
Fuck off noguns
Heck yes.
Blade HQ my dudes.
When PA got castle doctrine back the other year I happened to have hired a contractor to do some work on my house. As we were bantzing a few days after he related to me a story wherein he had heard a noise in his warehouse, ran out with a shotgun, and when they guy saw him he ran like hell.
Moral of the story: whatever you get, most people most of the time don't like getting shot. Laws about brandishing exist for a reason, but at the end of the day even if it's perfectly legal to shoot a man dead for coming in to your house, it's a lot less hassle if doesn't come to that.
Estwings are shit tier. How the fuck can you enjoy smashing nigger brains when all you hear is
>ping ping ping ping
Fuck that. If I wanted to hear that shit I'd move to China.
Get on my level.
>inb4 hurrr stilettos
Fuck you and your meme hammer.
>Look over site
>Knives being sold for $300
>Pocket knives
I'll never understand the appeal. I guess it works if you're rich, but the reality is that these things are disposable. They aren't ceremonial swords. They aren't artifacts to be preserved until required for ceremony. They're intended to be brought out and used. Meaning they'll eventually break or wear out.
>ping ping ping ping
>if I wanted to hear that shit I'd move to China
my sides leaf
Anyone like baseball?
(But seriously, I'm actually greatly disturbed that adult baseball bats are so hard to get these days and that baseball seems to be a sport exclusively for kids. Clobbering baseballs with a stick was one of my greatest passions growing up, and it seems like I need to drive across the state to find a batting cage if I ever want to re-experience the simple joys of my youth. Or self-pitch.)
A video camera to watch all you man children weep as you are forced to turn in your toys
>yeah officer im a mason
wheres your lodge?
>lodge? you mean like how im lodging this hammer in nigger skulls
>yeah officer I'm a pipe fitter
What's the dead blow for?
..that one is a little on the nose.
Agreed - I don't expect to ever need to shoot anyone, since I live in a really safe suburb, but shit happens.
I had a friend who lived in philly who had a drugged-up crazed nigger try to smash through his front door. Even though he stood behind the couch aiming his gun at the nigger and warning him, the nigger kept coming. Fortunately the cops got there in time and he didn't have to go through the nightmare proceedings had he shot the nigger.
Sucks that you have to worry so much about being the next darren wilson
Ah, philly. The only glorious nogunz city in the state. Truly a marvel of liberty, home to only the True Americans of the highest pedigree.
Not a meme. Trust me when you learn about guns and have shot tens of thousands of rounds and have knowledge, you will thank yourself for starting with the AR.
whats the ball peen for?
>peening nigger balls, officer.
You could always get one with a pistol grip like the mossberg shockwave. That is an actual hand cannon and easy to store. Nothing strikes fear into a thief like the sound of a pump shotgun being charged.
More guns
Shut the fuck up noguns.
formheldahyde, lye, fertilizers, and chlorine mostly.
Fuck hammers. machetes have proven their worth as ethnic cleansers.
Nah you want a good hatchet, then you've got a hacking/cutting tool and a hammer in one package
Eat shit faggot. I gave the guy practical suggestions. Go suck on your AR, I’m sure you’ve got a dildo attachment for it.
Ahh...the legendary Estwing. The regular Estwing is 16 oz. This one is 4 ounces more. The sight is marked up to thirty feet. This one throws a bit farther.
>advices on pistol grip shotgun as a good choice for a first time gun owner
>the thief will be scared by the sound of the gun being pumped!
Like I said, you are obviously noguns. Do not give advice to people just because you play cowaduty. Your opinions arent just moronic they are wrong and dangerous.
Some booze since I can't get guns here