Can Russians ever be de-programmed from being anti-west

they got this nigger attitude of being perpetual victims of western powers. will it ever stop?

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Not while Putin is in power. He is who he is. he hates us for destroying the Soviet Union and will be that way until he dies.

>US surrounds capitalistic Russia with its military bases
>Places anti-ICBM systems in Poland, Romania, S.Korea which can carry nuclear armed cruise missiles which are hard to detect due to their low altitude making first strike more successful.
>Russia develops system to bypass anti-ICMB shield and non-icmb strategic nuclear weapons.
>Why is Russia so anti-west????!
Why ameritards so stupid?

nigger attitude. that's why your country is a shithole and will always be.

wtf was so great about soviet union?

>Why ameritards so stupid?
French fries, beer and football.

It was strong and powerful. That was about it. It cost like 30 million Russian lives along with their gulags, lack of civil rights, being poor, people eating each other but because The Soviet Union was what they were they twisted all that around and convinced their people it was worth it. All the people knew was "we're just as powerful as the West now". The people in Moscow loved it and everyone else...well who gives a shit what they think.

this, putin was pro european when in his first era but usa only want to destroy it and use russia as gas station like mcaind sayd

They are not anti west. They are anti imperialism perpetrated by the west on the behest of the central banking Kabul. Our fractional reserve central banking system is the largest threat to the world.

No its like niggers and their “muh colonialism” thing

Fuck 'em.
They lost.

If official site of RuNavy has posted such a pic I would be deeply ashamed of my country.
Likely it was your navy and your country. That's it what shithole is, 56%.

hmm I wonder why, maybe they should change their foreign policy to something that's actually productive instead of draining the wealth of their own people and funneling it into the pockets of the ultrarich, all while spewing hilariously hypocritical propaganda like this Russia isn't being bullied, Russia just sucks balls and doesn't know how to stop


>destroying the Soviet Union
The SU disintegrated from the inside, you had nothing to do with it apart from making Gorbachev go "wut" from seeing your supermarkets.

no they don't, you have an arrogance problem

Please, nobody wants ussr back here. We like to nostalgize about it because of some comfy, but we arguably have it better now. Neither people nor Putin hate you for destroying it. They hate you for pillaging Russia after it fell. So take your perpetual he-wants-to-rebuild-soviet-union meme and leave us the fuck alone already. You got your own continent - go sort it out first before you start shoving your bases in other people's business.

Keep watching Kiseliov

>US surrounds capitalistic Russia with its military bases
Fun fact: we have a US base here all thanks to you.
Same for all the rest - those are built there by the hosts request, the US doesn't annex anyone in doing so, unlike Russia.
>Places anti-ICBM systems
Only because you have ICBMs aimed at us, genius.
>Russia develops system to bypass
>putin was pro european
The absolute state of retards
Putin was Gorbachevs main political opponent. Grobachev wanted to do away with communism and hostility with the west, Putin was (and still is) pro-Soviet to the core.

>You got your own continent

Hey man remember that time you guys invaded Europe?

>will it ever stop?
Removing crippling economic sanctions that can be only resolved in war while simultaneously surrounding us to negate our nuclear capabilities would be a good start desu nigpai.

>You got your own continent - go sort it out first

We tried this. Your dumb fuck part of the world couldn't take care of itself and brought it's problems to us.

>Putin was Gorbachevs main political opponent.

>Can Russians ever be de-programmed from being anti-west
Russians aren't anti-west entirely. They're anti-west on pragmatic, political level

Deep inside however Russians crave acceptance and good words from the West. When in 1830 there was an anti-russian polish uprising and western european polite society got a very bad impression of Russia, Pushkin wrote a poem against them, because it got him so triggered. One russian thinker, Peter Chadayev, wrote that Russia is the true Europe, because revolutions destroyed the old Europe

Don't get fooled. Russians love the West, they're interested in having good opinion in the West, they absorb western thinking, trends, fashion, even putinists do. Anti-western stance in Russia has to do with temporary political tensions, but Russia is a western copycat


USA stirred major shit in Europe, because they fear German-Russian alliance.

>change their foreign policy to something that's actually productive instead of draining the wealth of their own people
That's not your fucking business who drains what from whom in Russia. Mind your nigger country. Just only for that "I'm God here, and can do what ever I like" your LGBT shithole deserves to be nuked.

You are spouting nonsense as always, baltshit.

As long as you vodikaniggerz don't prance around with communism again I think we can work something out.

>that time
Which one?

>they surround you in self defense
Kek. You only ask for US presence so you don't have to spend any money on your own military you baltnigger.

>pic related

>ICBMs aimed at us

Why in the world would we aim our missiles at swamp? There's literally no targets in Latvia.


>waah let me do what I want, i'm still a big empire and you have to respect me and my terrible decisions

chill bruh

>so you don't have to spend any money on your own military
That would be Germany, bby.
And the fact stands - the US airbase here was esablished only after you staged a massive "military excercise" right on our collective borders. So you have no right to complain, all of this is your doing.

People who have nostalgia about USSR today didn't witness famines and gulags. It happened in the beginning and under Stalin.
And young people don't give a fuck about USSR at all.

Will you stop being Israel bitch and try to expand the influence jews have on every country? If yes I think we can reach an agreement to not hate each other.

Fun fact: in 1988-1990 time period, over 80% of Russians had a positive view of United States. So few people perceived US as a possible threat to Russia, that Germany was actually seen as a bigger threat according to polls.

Then they got a dose of American "friendship", and started rethinking their attitude.

As long as the Eastern European plain remains a plain it will have it out for the West. It's in it's best interest to push as far West as possible to create a buffer between the Western European industrial core and Moscow.

They can't help it, it's in their nature.

>Only because you have ICBMs aimed at us, genius.
That was funny. Nobody cares about Latvia.
And afaik you do not have anti-ICBM systems located in your semi-country. So you are relatively safr. Poland and other countries with american systems will be the first targets. They are stupid enough to think that the systems are there to protect them. Actually they would have had more chances to stay alive in ww3 if they had stayed away from icbm related stuff.

>Nobody cares about Latvia
Then why are we always listed as one on the Top-10 threats to Russia year after year?

I wouldn't say we had nothing to do with. If anything we probably sped the process up by forcing communism to keep up fiscally spending against the capitalist west. I know its more complicated then that, but it is generically true though.

The SU in the end was going to collapse no matter what. Marxism and any centralized control system always eventually does.

So positive thought for you though. The USA is at a fork in the road. We either radically change the power structure within our country and return back to the Republic we originally were, or we are are going to go the way of the SU and implode from the inside, as they did.

We have 5-7 years at the best to make those changes. At the end of those 7 years, if we have not, we're fucked.

I can see that coming, so I'm already preparing. Just bought a damaged 55ft sailboat from the Caribbean. Will spend the next 24 months repairing and refitting. I've been buying gold and silver the past 3 years.

I'll make my descission if i stay and fight , or cut and run when the shit hits the fan here. Im not ending up in a camp or gulag though.

For anyone else that can also see the future and has talent (like working with your hands and brains). Go by a boat, you don't need a passport on the ocean, and no government has rule over you. You can buy a hurricane damaged boat from the islands for a fraction of what they cost.

>Senpai has noticed me!

putin was a blairite cuck from the beginning who just wanted to become another vassal state of NATO and EU. they said no, and he got butthurt. his entire modern foreign policy is formed by the US unwillingness to let russia into their sphere of influence. oh and bombing our allies of course.

It's almost like these extremely limited and low on number systems are designed to shield Europe from missile launches from rogue nations (iran) then to serve as a threat to one of our primary nuclear capable adversaries.

I think Austria should host some russian ICBMs as a response to all these NATOcucks.

You must be baiting. What Top-10s? Nobody in Russia consideres you as a threat. NOBODY CARES ABOUT LATVIA, trust me

>nobody wants ussr back here.

Not in a direct way but materialized in a 'strong' and independent(anti-west) goverment with a strong leader like Putin. That's why you keep voting him.
Russians are slaves in the core, they have been programmed into slaves for generations from the tzars to the communist dictators and now with their current dictator. Centuries of propaganda saying to them that personal freedom is evil and without a strong leader the country would fall.

That's not true though. USSR had its internal problems and weaknesses, sure. And it should've been reformatted one way or another. But USA accelerated its downfall and then fucked things up big time in Russia during the 90s, when it was at its weakest point. And it left Russians with the bad taste.

>Only because you have ICBMs aimed at us, genius.
Also this fucking delusion.

To a degree they are. We’re antagonistic cunts if you haven’t noticed. So are they. It’s a system that works

But Iran has no nukes, your own president said so (while placing missile defence in Eastern Europe)

maaaaan, if someone who actually cared about spain posted the SHIT you vote for over there, you crying about putin would look real fucking hilarious

Why should we allow them in, when every time we extend the olive branch Russia does something underhanded to take advantage of it, then proceeds to spout the most convoluted schoolyard nonsense to blame us for its failures? We're still trying to fix the mess Russia made of Afghanistan, which of course we get blamed for, despite the fact it was the Soviets who invaded in the first place. Russia seems to keep a running tally of all the terrible offenses it suffers, and yet expects everyone else to just forget what they've done and continue to do.

>That's why you keep voting him

To be fair the main cause of USSR's collapse was its elite, which by early eighties had collective dementia.

absolutely disgusting amerilard-education-posting
stop, nobody wants to hear the idiotic shit you get "taught" over in america


There will never be peace between russia and the west.

There can never be peace between two expansionist powers who both have the ability to end all human life on Earth.

>US surrounds capitalistic Russia with its military bases
When will russians learn it is because all their neighbours are afraid of them and are begging NATO to protect them?

That's what your gov told you. These systems are intended to intercept ballistic missiles at their most vulnerable first stage. That's why they are placed near Russian borders and not near the borders of Iran.

>Centuries of propaganda saying to them that personal freedom is evil and without a strong leader the country would fall.
Shown to be correct every single time so far though.

ddue america is a shithole on a decline, calling yourself expansionist is a bit cheesy
congrats on getting the planet one step close to become some type of shitizen-of-the-world type paradise, but the only thing you've got left to expand into, is your mobility scooter

>American geography
They're on the same continent faglord.

try solving the issue of armed mohammedan insurgents by not arming more mohammedan insurgents, genius

It's the US that hates Putin. The US/NATO has been fucking with this guy non-stop for years. They will be sorry they were poking the bear

mainstream media in the west constantly trying to evoke some russian boogieman out to steal our elections and whatever, certainly isn't helping.

be quiet austria, real countries with a history of failed proxies are talking

yeah that worked out really well when you tried desperately to prop up your puppet government in afghanistan, numbnuts

Fuck off idiot, stop repeating cnn tier bullshit here. All sides having competitive mass destruction tech pretty much eliminates risk of big conflict between them, so it is a good thing.

Yeah thats called nationalism and if you dont like nationalism you are on wrong board.

I did not mention america anywhere in my post.

You appear to be defensive.

imagine being some uneducated piece of shit trying to shut people up
I'd slap your fatty lil neck so your head turns 360 degrees and flies off, burgerboy

There is more communism in US academia and political establishment right now that there ever was in USSR.

you have so much in common

lmao dude relax

you are uneducated
why are you posting?

>american education

No. Without it they won't be russians.

Perfect Ukraine doesnt exi...

That's why I said missiles. They were put in place to put an immediate obstacle to any plan Iran might have to leverage a TBM or ICBM against the West before they develop a matable nuclear payload.


why are you so desperate to challenge a basic historical fact

>We're still trying to fix the mess Russia made of Afghanistan
>By keeping army to guard opium fields from which CIA earns their shekels
yeah sure

Look at what you wrote, besides the idiotic sucking balls shit. Your first sentence is exactly what are entire financial system is set up to do.

We as nation are bankrupt. Because of the bankers. Because the elite have consolidated all of the wealth. Look at real purchasing power for the nations average income. In real dollars it has declined by12% in the last 18 years. Thats real dollars, not inflated dollars. Look at inflated dollars over the past 50 years. The average worker then makes only 40% of what we did. The middle class has shrunk by a factor of 3, in the same period.

Don't call my shit propaganda. You need to go and read some more. You don't know shit about the world, except what you're told and indoctrinated to.

Why wouldn't Russia be hostile towards us. We put a missile systems right next to there country. Did we stand for missiles in Cuba? We were going to go to war over it, why wouldn't they do the same? Use your brain God gave you.

I know this is a very american "policy" along the lines of "no retard left behind" I believe, where amerimongs UNIRONICALLY think every uneducated piece of shit should have an "opinion", but can YOU give US a quick rundown on why anybody should not just laugh in your stupid, amerijoke face?

these "people" are the future of your country, burger
he believes the shit he got brainwashed with all the while wiping his sweaty fat forehead with foodstamps
good luck in the civil war, the "world" is gonna take USA apart, just like they did the USSR

>Iran doesn't have nukes, but we'll place anti-ICBMs in Eastern Europe just in case Iran develops them in the future and decides to hit Romania or Poland
This sounds completely reasonable, of course I believe you, I mean when did Americans ever lie to us?

White niggers gonna be white niggers, they are hopeless
The US should have nuked them after USSR's downfall, we all would be living a better life

That's what the Jews are trying to do in Russia - deprogram the Goy. They're acting as diplomats over there, mediating the conflicts of interest between Russia and the West.

They're doing a good job, but sadly there's a lot of pressure from the Russian Siloviki (the police, military and secret service class).

The Jews are mainly using talk shows. The most popular talk show in Russia is ran by a Russian Jew and has mostly Jewish speakers, and serves the purpose stated above.

>ICBMs aimed at Latvia

the absolute state of delusional spratshits, as if we'd waste an ICBM on you when a fucking battalion could turn your country inside out burger base and all

Also how is Russia anti-west, when its biggest trade partner by far is EU? Many Russian oligarchs live in London, Netherlands. After Americans, Russians are second tourists in EU.
Russia is anti-american. Because you try to fuck with it constantly.

>We as nation are bankrupt.
No we are not you indoctrinated retard. Wealth inequality has nothing to do with the sustainability of the economic system. It's going to keep running even as the middle class is pushed to either end and the dependent poor expand as a class. You can thank the ebul neoliberal globalists for that, since they understood how to optimize the liquidity of resources and capital.

You can find a million post hoc "reasons" for Russia to be butthurt about "American aggression", but it all goes back to the post WW2 detente. Crybaby revisionist bullshit isn't going to change that

just admit user you are triggered because he said austria didnt have its own failed proxy while it actually had lol

uh oh someone's mad

Could you link to what your media and gov are saying they are?

nope, it's a race vs the U.S. over controlling Europe, also the Cold War never ended

>This sounds completely reasonable, of course I believe you, I mean when did Americans ever lie to us?

well fuck we let you have all of eastern Europe and parts of Germany at a point when we could have kicked your ass and nuked you off the map

disgusting, misinformed, probably fat and illiterate pleb
why are you posting these worthless "thoughts" of yours?

The whole point of "ukrainian" identity is to be anti-russian. So I'd be quit in your place.


US got Yeltsin elected. Yeltsin destroyed the union

What a good goy. I hope you proud that your foreskin was of use to Tribe.
