Title says it. Preferably something about politics, since this is a politics board.
I am an Arab NEET, AMA
Are you a real Saudi?
Is it true that Muhammad’s wife was actually 21 and Muslim leaders lied about her being 6 because they needed her to be a virgin?
Apparently she was a roastie.
Yes, only a Saudi could get NEET status in this country, foreigners can only come here to work
I don’t dig that kinda stuff myself but whatever floats your boat man
>foreigners can only come here to work
I wish people here understood this simple rule
ex-muslim here. My family is going to umrah next week.
i sense a huge storm of apostasy coming. do u sense it there?
Know any good Saudi jokes?
Can I get a QRD regarding the recent coup?
Are you a real NEET that spends all his day playing videogames, watching anime, browisng Sup Forums and spending all his neetbux on anime figures, or just some filthy failed normie?
How do I fuck a saudi girl?
>inb4 you can't it's against islam
no, goatfucker, you're giving me the straight answer
I don’t, i live in a small town and there is no big apostasy here or anything, people are pretty much religious all around
No idea idc about politics they just put them into a ritz Carlton “prison”
Yes, I am a real NEET
Last time applied for a job weeks ago
You can’t, tribal rules don’t make it possible for you unless you’re a light skinned Sunni Arab
Why does your government align themselves with kikes? Is it true they are descendant of jews?
goatfucker, the straight answer I told you, wanna get waterboarded?
Opinions on this?
Do you delude yourself that you're happy and fulfilled? It's a miserable existence. I'm not far off it, just a shitty job, and I already want to die. Going for walks and enjoying the sublimity of nature is all that keeps me going, that and the tiny glimmer of hope I'll find the strength to change for the better.
Really? No Saudi jokes?
>Is it true that Muhammad’s wife was actually 21
Nobody in his right mind would marry that old of an hag. I say it's all lies and slander.
I don’t know if it’s true or not honestly
the government aligns with Israel for reasons that are unknown to me even though 0% of population and clergy support it
>mfw when shitskins are more redpilled than the west
Does your Neetbux come from Saudi Government oil money?
It’s not possible, no Saudi girl will do it, you know what Saudi Arabia is right?
I don’t care
How much per month?
No worries I’ll find a job soon when I somehow immigrate into Europe, these cucks will take anyone really
You expect that from a NEET?
What do u think of africans and African Americans
American Chad here. I fucked a Saudi hottie. Those rules don't apply everywhere; just where small dicked, small brained, sand people live.
NEETs don’t know jokes since when?
By then marrying someone as young wasn't a big deal, the taboo is mostly something coming from modernity and feminism. You have to judge history in its context.
Yes and It’s a good amount
I don’t get money from the government yet I still have to apply and bureaucracy is not easy to deal with
Nice story man living the Chad life
He's lying, they'll do it.
bull fucking shit hamed, I'm 100% sure saudi girls crave nothing more than to find a non-saudi male
you guys are quite possibly the most spoiled and effeminate faggots on the planet
there is no way a saudi girl wouldn't drop at the knees for a tall strong slav male like me
Aren't all of you people NEETs?
I like Africans, all around cool people
I don’t believe African slaves are American or their ancestors
An oppressive, sandy, shitholt.
I highly doubt that unless you have proof
Shithole.... hole.
That’s an absurd statement
Can you describe times where women have completely debased and degraded themselves to you just because you have money?
How do you feel about your Overlords forging a merchant alliance with Israel?
Unless I find one that’s dirt poor, I doubt that happens to me
Are your women secretly repressed sluts who as soon as they come too the west they suck the near dick... Btw I have seen this in my uni
I keep that to the leaders
Any job that requires some level of competency is taken by a European
Yeah but saudis are different
They are the only country that has never been colonized, apart from Uganda maybe
Bullshit, you don’t live here
How do you feel about your religious identity being a Judaic offshoot? Honored, ashamed or ambivalent?
What about this story from a few years back of the British guy and his Saudi wife who were attacked by the religious police there? How did that happen?
How come you know about Uganda and not Afghanistan?
It’s true and it’s been happening for years, too. I don’t care what poltards think of the kikes, Israel is a logical ally at this point in time. We both hate the Mullahs in Tehran and their constant meddling in the ME.
And no, the support isn’t “0 percent” you idiot. Check the Saudi twitterverse when the topic comes up, plenty of supporters—myself included. Lots of Saudis wouldn’t say that publicly because it’s still a social taboo to be pro-Israel.
It was a question
This is what I thought too. And the 'low' jobs are done by Filipinos, Indonesians, Indians and Bangladeshis.
Your word choice and writing style is very westernized, is it from spending time in the west or is it simply a byproduct of years of shitposting.
Btw, I lived in Riyadh for 3 years, all the Saudis I knew claimed they would sexually harass and demand sexual favors from their foreign staff (both male and female). Is this as common and accepted as it seems to be or were they just shitposting IRL.
Oh right. See, that country show perfectly what people behave who have never been colonized (I like Afghanistan btw)
How would I prove that I banged some gold digging Saudi chick, eight years ago.
College at USF
Saudi chick in one of my classes
See each other out socializing
Chat a bit: she's a good girl, but a $ slut
Back to my dorm, shiggiddy-shag
She had a thing for white dick obviously
Like I said, those rules don't apply everywhere.
I’m a Shiite lol
Jews didn't invent their religion. It came from God too. We have the same God. You just jewed up your religion.
What do think about the kufaars, i.e., christians?
Yes I was sent to school in Europe as a kid
Also years of shitposting lol
I don’t know never heard of someone abusing their staff
>Btw, I lived in Riyadh for 3 years, all the Saudis I knew claimed they would sexually harass and demand sexual favors from their foreign staff (both male and female)
Male demanding favors from male staff or was it female Saudis demanding favors?
turks suck
No comment, for my own safety
No comment for my own safety :)
>Jews didn't invent their religion
Your actual God are the Israelites priests of 700BC and onwards. You're basically worshiping the thoughts of a bunch of Jews. At least Christians are honest about worshiping a Jew.
No they’re based, lots of Turk barbers here
Many Jewish tribes lived in Makkah and Medina during Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W)'s time. One of such tribe's leader's house is still standing while all the old buildings from earlier Islamic period have been demolished. It won't be long before Jews start claiming parts of Saudi Arabia as their ancestral homelands based on that history. Who'd have thought Jews would have a state of their own in Palestine. Things can get out of hang pretty quickly.
>implying the muslims dont take retard slavs as slaves and women for sex
Oh my god an Afghan
I didn’t notice until now I thought your flag is bangladesh
Not OP, but also a Saudi user and will go you my honest answer: I wish they’d done it sooner!
Billions of dollars have been wasted on palis for decades and they have nothing to show for it. It’s a shithole.
Thank you but times are changing. We are being culturally colonized through our computer and television screens.
Fuck off savage
What do you Afghans think of Pakistan. Seems like a shitty country to be right next to.
Yeah but history is always a strong impacting force
You will always be more culturally “pure” if you will than a paki
How strong is western influence anyways?
What's your stance on women rights in your country, such as driving cars?
Never interacted with female Saudis, they were inaccessible. The males would do it seemingly out of boredom, sexual repression and in some cases, outright homosexuality.
The harassment against male staff (usually Egyptians) was usually pretty harmless, demanding the pull out their dicks and then slapping it etc.
in the top 10 heavyweight mma fighter all time rankings
you've easily got atleast 4 to 6 slavs (fedor GOAT, stipe miocic and crocop both arguably top 3, igor vovchanchyn somewhere in top 5, and either arlovski or kharitonov in the rest of the top 10
meanwhile in the entirety of MMA, boxing, wrestling, combat sports whatever you don't have a single decent arab
1 average russian or croat can probably take on like 10 saudis at once lmfao
Not a good thing, one step towards western feminism
aw poor sweden
Why do arabs lack individual courage and initiative?
Holy shit
I’ve heard of some weird stuff but that? City folks really are different
I lost my foreskin because of your weird kike traditions. Technically shouldn’t eat bacon because of you, too. Thanks a lot shlomo...
Well, technically Medina *is* rightful Jewish clay, even according to Islamic theology:
>"6th century BCE - Yathrib settled "by three Jewish tribes, the Banu Quynuqa, the Banu Qurayza, and the Banu Nadir."[1]"
Apparently literally completely empty, sovereign-less desert before that. But don't worry, it's not worth it. We only came to Palestine because we read the Quran and saw "Israel" mentioned like a bazillion times, while "Palestine/Palestinian" was mentioned nowhere, and thought that we should make Palestine Israel again.
It has now been restored to greatness.
Christians don't worship a Jew. That said Jew fought the Jews for being Jews and rebelled against them on God's command. Never have your kind found lasting peace in their history and never shall they.
Arabs are like all people subject to their environment
You really stink less down there if you don’t have foreskin
Jesus man, are you a nihilist arab or what?
Arab NEET is actually the most common thing. I believe Saudi Arabia has over 9 million NEETs who live on welfare
Are these errant thoughts about desiring to consume bacon that I'm hearing here, Sheikh? Pretty sure the legal term for that is ABSOLUTELY HARAM.
But hey, you don't have pigs in the peninsula anyway, that's why Muhammed didn't mind adopting it. You're lucky he didn't take away the seafood or meat and dairy from you as well.
Fuck off you attention whoring faggot.
You aren't special, and you deserve to be ridiculed for your self centered arrogance.
If you want to be a special snowflake then take your faggotry to Reddit.
Now go with peace brother, praise Allah.
Nihilist is a modern ideology and I don’t dig that
Go back to your barracks soldaten. Internet time is over
The workers he is talking about are eunuch slaves.
What environmental factors have made arabs cowardly?