Oldschool (pre-2010) thread

Thread for really oldschool anime. let's say before year 2010.

Currently watching Outlaw Star (pic related). It's OK but has kind of old graphics.

Also watching FLCL, which is really weird and deep, too deep for stupid people. but as a fan of Rick & Morty that's exactly how I like my mongolian shadow puppetry, heh.


been watching a few older shows. Tried noir, couldn't get into it, might try it again. Dropped last exile, didn't like the visuals. Been getting into Daughter of twenty faces, 2 eps in, its pretty good, I like the style, looks a little like the big O, not too much crappy CG either.


the bait that will pierce the heavens

>Also watching FLCL, which is really weird and deep, too deep for stupid people.
Why did you throw in a fact with all that bait?

Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.

> before 2010
> really oldschool
Oh boi

Read the rest of the OP. It's obvious he's joking.



you need to make it more subtle

I've been putting some effort into -hack sign. Pretty good to watch.

Just needed to say something before the thread was deleted To elaborate, the background music is great, and it can be quite relaxing. A good thing to watch on bed before you go to sleep, if you are calm and relaxed but not so tired you'll struggle to stay awake. It's quite comfy. The characters are interesting, especially the hinting to what the characters may be like in real life. That aspect is really cool.

So he lets the fish go but it swims into his mouth or something?

> hinting to what the characters may be like in real life
I just realized that that show was made before online and offline worlds actually merged. Now that wouldn't make that much sense.


You seem lost OP, we don't have upboats here for your wicked epic post.

Why would he swim back? Does he want to die?

I've actually been thinking a bit that it's a bit strange that they constantly RP. But maybe MMOs were like that back then, people actually living in the world.
But I don't think realistic MMO mechanics are the main point of the show, even though it's interesting to think about. It's too difficult to thing about, and it somewhat bothers me that I can't figure out how facial expressions and body language works. It's better to focus on the other parts, I think

I love the .hack stuff even though you can tell they didn't get as much of the budget from Cyberconnect2.

I just really like the multi-media story telling idea.

I'll probably consider myself finished with .hack after I finish Sign, I have no way to get the full story from other media, and I think the story in Sign is self contained too? But it's a good thing to experience, it really has some of the hints to living in a computer world in a way with the mind connected that I really wanted more of after I saw Digimon Tamers and Lain just as I was getting into anime. I think .hack//Sign was recommended if you liked Digimon Tamers somewhere too, but I never got around to it back then.