Marine le pen facing 3 years in jail for tweeting pictures of Isis victims in response to tweet comparing her party to Isis
Marine le pen facing 3 years in jail for tweeting pictures of Isis victims in response to tweet comparing her party to...
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I already made threat faggot
meanwhile isis insurgents who took the photos are eating caviar on the riviera
Your thread deserves to die.
What a fucked up world. Child rapists get sent free because they don't speak the language. Twitter users face jailtime for pictures.
Makes sense.
top kek why????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Good - let em. See how jailing political populists turns out.
Bastile day approaches.
You don't know the French outside of Sup Forums don't you?
You started your thread with an unrelated pic of some porn model. Drop your meme flag, you LARPing piece of shit.
Let's get a source on this.
Only the media is allowed to publish pictures of events around the world in France.
Anyone got the tweets?
Becouse you use some fucking whore as picture. This thread is better becouse of real LePen picture. If you can't even use real picture, than better do not start threads at all.
>unrelated porn model?
wew pic was relevant obviously my autism runs higher than yours
>model is french
>The charge refers to porn being illegal.
>this is about anonymity and freedom of speech hence meme flag.
Just for the record here is sauce for you faggots
Now go fuck yourself
she deleted tweets
I think Jews are starting massive censorship these days. Youtube getting shoaed. Poland getting fucked about holohoax and now LePen about stupid tweet. Few of my friends was erased from twitter. All in one week. They realy pushing hard now for some reason.
Deleted a long time ago, it happenned in 2015
agreed they are shutting it down
Well isis/cia/mossad wasn't happy lol
There is nothing the Jew fears as much as he fears the truth of his plans
France could have voted to stop this...
Your thread started with degeneracy, it deserves to die.
Better get more isis refugees to france now.
how is that an offense?
Meanwhile, also in France, 11 year old can consent.
Well i'll just crash this thread with no survivors!
Pic fucking related this is what gets you locked up in France.
Should leak the pics from Bataclan where women were stabbed 70-90 times in the vagina.
please come to america
I think we should start with poster in streets. I getting realy sick of them. I only wanted to make Mr.Bond and Blink 1488 videos with edited videos. No fun allowed on planet Jew. At this point they could already tattoo GOYIM SLAVE NUMBER XXX-XXX-XXX - OWNED BY David Goldstein. I realy feel like i am just cattle on their farm. Bad goyim so better take niggers and shitskins to replace us.
no mate, that's fucked up. No one needs to see that. Le pens point was in context to the conversation. Context is king.
Mwahaha. no more pesky french nationalists to thwart my truck of peace. >:D