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Mutts are mad bcz Finns colonised the shit out of Murica. Can't argue with this statement
mitä vittu...
I don't remember what state it was but in north east there's apparently pretty large finnish presence
report it for racism against finngolians
The Future of Europe is brown. Deal with it
I bet there can't be racism against Finns though so twitter does nothing.
>In all likelihood, [..], but there are no clear records
Ask me how I know its not the nog but a filthy kike who wrote that spiel
sorry, we are as subhumans as you, fuckin tzar was doing bad stuff...
now he and his family rots in hell
This isn't entirely wrong as that woman is part of an activist group managed by a woman with yemeni-jewish heritage. Really makes you think
Ugly psycho sheboon. Talk about bad cards in life.
Makes you really think.
I went to Finland in 2006 and it honestly looked and felt exactly like Sweden. I wonder how shockingly different the countries look now
The Czar is dead, as long as Zhirinovski and his ultranationalists won't start trouble, Finns and Russia will get along just fine
Its the classic Jewish arguing tactic
>String together a non-argument
>make a baseless claim on this non-argument
>"Do you have any evidence to back up your claim?"
>finland was a backwater shithole sweden uses to get furs and bodies for war
We were conquered then our conquerors did some stuff we are now responsible for...
>I went to Finland in 2006
>looked and felt exactly like Sweden
what did you mean by this?
Nice try
You need to blame the Finns they are the reason for everything that happened there.
>but there are no clear records
i'd say "you just cant make this shit up" but it seems you can
Can’t wait for open season upon the shit skins of the West
There are no records about that so it has to be the truth.
why would it look much different? Just 60s concrete blocks and shit.
he is jew btw(not crypto, everyone knows that)
Is there a lot of this stuff in Latvia? In Finland this has been a relatively recent phenomenon, the jews have been busy for about a year and a half, funding "research" on the Finnish SS troops and if they did any "war crimes"
Wtf really? Proof?
That profile pic. It's not even human
We mainly have Ruskikes and have to deal with their whining.
From West we do mainly had American expats bringing degeneracy, and now the maturing children of EU lackeys is sure to take up the mantle.
His real last name is Eidelstein.
Zhirinovsky was born in Almaty, the capital of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, modern-day Kazakhstan. His father, Volf Isaakovich Eidelshtein (or Wolf Andreyevich Eidelshtein), was a Jew from Poland, and his mother, Alexandra Pavlovna (née Makarova), was of Russian background.[5][6][7][8] His paternal grandfather was a wealthy industrialist from Kostopil,[9] who owned the largest timber factory in (what is now) Ukraine and was head of the Jewish community.
Found this in Wiki
What is it with murican expats and always the need to spread their filthy habits...
Mind blown, many things make more sense now.
Seems like a standard case of racist black person on a hate campaign against white people, same old shit.
Why the fuck are people attacking Finland of all places? Just let them hang out at their bus stops
>orjalaivojen tervat
>tervalaivojen orjat
This is a retarded picture. White privilege is something we have in every day life. Nobody changes the streets when a finnish white male is walking towards you but will change if it's non-white. things like that.
It takes a certain mindset to decide to just pack up and leave your fatherland in face of incoming danger.
Either an entrepreneur or a good goy kind of mindset.
Entrepreneurs through blood and sweat made a living in their new countries so their children have no real reason to return.
The good goys, however, became """political activists""", so their children got indoctrinated into the eternal crusade of the political Left.
How is a someone 'privileged' if another person doesn't cross the street to avoid being mugged by them ?
what did the skinheads do in kontula?
He isn't discriminated hence is privileged.
be white
Pls no bulli
Well said
Nice try, go back to Sweden
>g-go back to sweden
that will not help you to not post retarded images
Remember to apply for a week-long curatorship using this form:
Many of our modern feminists (even our "old" feminists usually steer clear of that shit) are seriously distressed about the lack of white guilt here. They wish to import and invent it, because they want to be part of western SJW-movements in fucking everything. They want to be guilty and hate being white, and want minorities to hate them for being white too just to say sorry.
Fortunately it's quite small vocal minority doibg this, and even our cucked mainstream media doesn't buy their every idea. They actually believe that our mainly leftist controlled mainstream media is kind of racist too. General population considers those people to be parody of themselves and they got marginal if any political influence
Weird that you stand so far apart at bus stops but sit naked next to each other in a sauna, you are just crazy
>y distressed about the lack of white guilt here.
why modern finnish people are trying so hard to mimic west?
so fuckin cringe
>mimic west
Well that's what these people are doing innit? Acting like American self-hating traitors.
but its true
you guys are obsessed with mutts
not everyone ofc
Finnland’s Only crime against humanity is Tom of Finland and his faggy drawings. Otherwise, Finnland did nothing wrong!....except not taking St. Petersburg, but that’s a diffeeent story.
We aren't. EU is. We are just along for the ride.
There was nothing wrong with Tom of Finland. Back in the age of positively masculine homosexuality.
>crime against humanity is Tom of Finland
is it really? It promoted masculine homosexuality. They are not the ones on the streets spreading their aids.
jopa neekeriksi tuo olento on poikkeuksellisen vastenmielinen
That's what I'm wondering too. And people who do it are uninically worried of Finnish image as "racist and backwards" as if normies anywhere really gave that much fucks at all about Finland. They really have public outbursts like "oh no, what if people everywhere think we are horrible racists like those evil whites from Eastern Europe? Quick! More virtue signaling or nazis win!"
God I just feel such an urge to murder when I see shitskins like that, I wouldn't even feel a moments remorse
Why are Finnish leftists obsessed with Swedish practices? Shouldn't they be hating them considering the history? Then again that would be nationalistic.
Inhale gas, fucking cuck from Helsinki.
Background to the photo: Youth gang murdered a man and later a witness with his wife in Sweden - the leader accused voices on his head
All were naturally somalis. God bless Sweden
>that thing
that's a nigger mate, look at the profile pic
>nationalistic finns hate sweden
this is how retarded Sup Forums is
I wish I could put myself into a coma for 50 odd years and either wake up into a sane world that has got rid of the absurd idea of equality or never wake up at all. Living in clown world is pure torture
Its because, as always, the fucking jews, but, not only that.
We all seek validation, to some degree or another.
When I was kido, if I wanted validation, I either sought it with the boys from the backyards of the Commie blocks, or from the lads on Runescape.
People with leftist inclinations, seek validation from their Tumblr groups, which are American dominated.
For a suppressed European with a heart of a cosmopolitan, having an "exotic" friend makes them hard/wet like nothing else, so they wish to impress these "friends" by emulating their style, which just so happens to be, in this day and age, American Identity politics
Yeah keep kicking the sleep lion, what can possibly go wrong. Not like we now have Brexit and a surge of right wing sentiment across the entire continent or anything, and just when Obama and the Clintcunts are no longer in America to wipe the arse of the International Socialists.
>person in the avatar must be the only person i'm talking about
I meant in general, i doubt everyone involved are non finns.
You misunderstood my point. It was intended from their POV, in their eyes nationalism is your country is perfect and you hate everybody else. Perhaps i should have added " " instead.
Same. It gets more surreal every day
mios dio...
finland is literally cancer, like belgium.
gib reparashuns TORILLE
Finnish leftists love to follow the Swedish example because that welfare socialism is something they adore, and Sweden's economy has yet to collapse on itself. I think it's the same with with all the Anglo state socialists romanticizing about Nordic welfare.
>you but will change if it's non-white.
No I won't. I will just fucking sneer with disgust at them.
Niggers are fucking revolting and I desire to cleanse our lands of their filth.
Turks got all the way to Finland?
>White people everywhere
>Felt exceedingly safe no matter where I was
The fucking commies and kikes in our academia churn this shit out.
>mfw I am basically a national socialist in terms of my political views, yet I have to tolerate these treasonous leftist scum within the university I am studying in.
>*angry mongol noises*
No it's just larping. Few finns were probably sold as a slaves there like from every country in the europe.
Tom was also a war hero who held the rank of lieutenant and was awarded a cross of freedom for killing communists
which uni do you go to, man? i studied in helsinki and the university has a fucking bondage club for students now. the most disgusting place i've ever been to. i don't think any other institution has sunk as low as helsinki university.
Tatars that sided with Russians abducted hundreds on Finns in a conflict back in the 1560s. I think this is a reference to that. Abducting slaves was pretty standard practise to Turks and North African peoples that were practically under Ottoman rule. They even went to fucking Iceland, can you imagine that.
Mfw studying in Turku and had a history course which partly blamed Finns on colonialism because there were Finns working on riverboats in Belgian King Leopold's Congo
>your children are taken as slaves by turks
is a whole different than
>few thousand boys and girls are sold to slavery
slavery was normal business at that time.
we dont have such shit in lahti
maybe because im on english speakin programm
Helsinki University my man.
And yeah, there is some fucked up shit here I am afraid. But there are some ok people as well, who are pretty much complete normies, but at least not total fucking degenerates.
I have sorta befriended a bunch of them. I am thinking of going to play football with some of them tomorrow. I want to network as much as I can, even here, though I steer clear from the people who announce themselves as my enemies immediately upon contact. Like anyone who is some form of "intersectional feminist" or that sort of shit.
That's mostly due to strong tradition of student activism, political groups and clubs, but in recent decades literally only leftists and progressives are into them at all. Academic right wing in Finland quit the culture war without a fight.
It's not a state, it's a containment area in Michigan that we would't even send the indians to. For some hellish reason, they survived and live on to this day.
I wish that there was some sort of right wing, nationalist university activity for me to partake in.
I have had to go to PS-youth (persunuoret) events to find any sort of politically similar people to engage with.
history classes for 5th and 6th graders introduce kids to white guilt almost immediately now. gen z will probably be even more blue pilled than millennials.
what do you study?
good for you, i guess. i never spent any free time with other students in my field to avoid aneurysm
academic right wing never recovered from the post-war soviet subversion and the post-finlandisation political re-organisation that came with our eu-membership
iirc Minnesota is full of Finns also
it's like the Finns who came into the new world found their way to the states with the most dreary climates and thought "yep, just like back home" and settled down
>gen z will probably be even more blue pilled than millennials.
Not the kids on Ylilauta.
That place is Sup Forums tier.
How is someone being 'discriminated' against, in any non justifiable sense, if someone else crosses the street to avoid the statistical probability of being mugged by the former ? And how exactly does the 'privilege' of having someone walk past you in the street manifest itself in any tangible benefit ?
I don't think class room propaganda works in Finland because the youth is infulenced by internet much more and especially boards like ylilauta and riemurasia which are heavily against refugees/immigrants
I am so ashamed to be a Finn because of you.
It's okay because i don't consider you to be a Finn at all.
I am more Finnish than you. I bet you are a refugee from Karelia, ie. a Russkie!