Redpill is so conspiracy
The Allegory of the Cave more Classical and Intellectually
>Let’s release them from the cave
Redpill is so conspiracy
The Allegory of the Cave more Classical and Intellectually
>Let’s release them from the cave
Other urls found in this thread:
>why something easy to say over a ridiculous mouthful???
more people are familiar with this
>Cave me on the holohoax Sup Forums
Because more normies are readily familiar with redpill than Plato's cave allegory.
I'd rather sound like a movie-watching plebe than a freshman philosophy student.
Someone Plato Allegory of the Cave OP on the fact that he has autism.
>who the fuck is play-doh?
>oh yeah, I seen the matrix, of course
>more Classical and Intellectually
babys first philosophy, they write it on the back of chocolate bar wrappers
Because most people don't know a fucking thing about Plato or any great philosopher for that matter.
But don't worry guys we don't need to learn about the thinkers who guided civilisation, let's keep teaching our youth about WW2 and why defending your country and race is a bad thing.
Freshman in fucking middle school
The red pill and Plato's cave are not analogous allegories.
I do not think you understand the allegory of Plato's cave.
I do not think you understand the allegory of the Red pill.
Normies are more familiar with 'red-pill' as a term and a concept than with Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Plus, "red-pill" is quicker to say than "Let's release them from the cave!".
Plato's Cave was up-his-own-ass with mysticism and overly complex references.
>shadow puppets
>chained to a wall
>my wife's sun
I remember thinking Plato was an idiot when I was first told about his dumb ramblings.
Because Allegory of the Cave is incredibly pleb tier. It is babby's first into to philosophy and what children are taught in middle school as their first encounter with Plato. Seriously referencing it will make people think you're a brainlet who is trying to appear educated but doesn't actually understand any philosophical concepts past what he learned at age 12.
This. While the two can be related, Plato's cave is about enlightenment and dealing with a perspective of reality on a deeper dimension than most are able to comprehend. The red pill is about choosing the pursue truth beyond the realms of comfort and dealing with having the beliefs you've based on lies be shattered.
The cave is about viewing reality vs the heavenly higher concwption. Its an important philisophical allegory not just a generic term for "seeing the light" you stupif fucking brainlets
>simplest of symbolism
>overly complex
burger education
I'm pretty sure that if you guys think that the Allegory of the Cave is simple and understood by 12-year-olds you never quite understood it to begin with. Have you actually read it, or are you basing it off a textbook/online summary you read a long time ago?
combine the bog pill with pooping (everyone poops)
ask to be bogpooped
Then explain what you think the cave is about if you think you understand it better than everyone else faggot.
Why the homophobia?
people can only relate to the things they know
>Have you actually read it, or are you basing it off a textbook/online summary you read a long time ago?
I minored in philosophy in college and I am basing it off of my memory of being taught about it during my freshman year of high school. It is the probably most common introductory topic in philosophy and your defensiveness just makes me think that I was accurate when I said that this is the only philosophical concept you're familiar with and you actually think that mentioning it will make people think you're well read.
The redpill is a widely known reference that everyone gets and it stands for the same thing
>Ad hominem
I don't deny that it is commonly covered in philosophy classes, but that doesn't mean that the ones learning about it (or even teaching it) understand it.
it doesn't sound as bad as a noun, instead of a verb.
>gentile electric shock
Me feel fine in cave. Cave me home. Sometimes Grug lay still in cave and remember Holobunga and the six gorrillion dead of the longnose tribe.
its all the same thing you jerk off
Because in the Allegory of the Cave, the freed people come back and kill the people that set them free. We don't want that.
In the end, the enemy was the liberator. That's the point of the allegory. People don't want to be awakened.
>Ultimately, one must embark on the path with selfish intent.
Because Ancient Greek philosopher are full of shit and only still relevant because law and philosophy major cucks try to keep them relevant
You prefer the far less elegant description because universally loved movies aren't classy enough for you?
>literally the same metaphor
>"hurr durr y u no say x mouthfull instead of y term"
Wow. Imagine actually believing that.
t. spic
Hmm. Is this meme worthy? It deserves a test run.
How is this faggot allowed to vote?
Not bad
Good idea. Let’s Bogpoop the normies on the cave, Sup Forums
this is a perfect example of conservitards completely misunderstanding reality