Grenfell Tower fire in London

We've alredy forget this horrible tragedy that kill 70 people.
Press F to pay respect for the victims




Wait wait wait ... Are you serious? Are fucking serious right now?

Based Vulcan


>babies first post on Sup Forums
don't get upsetti those people totally deserved to ironically burn to death in a fire. it's all just memes

That's right...just memes
Oh the irony

The people who live in these London tower blocks are mostly fucking degenerates anyway

I smell shekels


>only six out of the 70 victims were Europeans

The fucking Islamic hovel of London.





We fondly remember Dennis Murphy, the poor man who lived in a building full of trash and burned to death for it. Amen.

>ironically burn to death

RIP in peace Dennis, Steve, Tony and Ms. Smith.

>70 people
very funny OP shoping zoo animals into your pic and putting sand nig names on them

> this horrible tragedy
it was done by the british government on behalf of the queen. she said something to the effect of if some one doesnt do something about those damn niggers i will dissolve parliament and every man who wont fight the invaders will be castrated

I cannot believe my fucking eyes, what the fuck is this place?. Are you all being fucking ironic?

I seriously hope you assholes are being ironic because 95% of the posts I'm seeing here are blatant hate crimes. I've logged all of your IDs and am putting together a report for the police.

I cannot believe this place is allowed to even exist.

And Sheila Smith, an elderly 16th floor resident who perished in the flames.

Such a shame, they escaped the land that was in flames, only to be greeted by flames.

Such a shame.

Prolly Labour supporters.

And Gloria and Marco, who were about to head back to Italy the next week.

Cry more.

Of course not. Four people died.

fucking die you worthless sack of shit


>hey my bro I sorry about the refrigerator. It all cool I just relaxing now. chill out

Grenfell was divine justice.

Show us your vagina

Hi there, Schlomo

I stopped looking for white people at the 18th floor. scuse' me, SIX people died.

Why did the Jews live on the 22nd floor?

hahahahahahahahaaha stay mad moron, nobody wanted those people to live, even the other people in that building


posts like this make me glad that this """"""tragedy""""" happened. it needs to happen more.



The papers stopped publishing the names and faces because they were scared the british public would start to wonder why their taxes are paying for west london accomodation for Illegal immigrants.

F, too many (((coincidences))).


F-uck off

I forgot about this.
What ever happened to that guy during the live stream that was like 3 or 4 stories up, yelling for help?
It seemed like nobody ever went over to help him.
Anyone know if that guy died?


remember the story about how the neighbor saw the kitchen on fire, even though it is impossible?

>press S to spit on grave



>Only 70 died
>It could have been hundreds
It was a tragedy that the fire wasn't allowed to reach it's max potential

3 (THREE) non-Indian/Middle eastern names

S, good fucking riddance.


Rip 4 brits.


niggers and sandniggers are not humans

Close call! Almost spit that tea all over the fucking desk.

wouldnt piss on fire to put them out

>Steve Power
>dies in a tower

Atleast he didn't die in the shower

4 dead