I just learned that indians have aryan in them. What super powers do i have now? How can one release his inner ubermensch. Can i magically turn semites into lampshades now?
Yes, you have latent powers within you but only a few still hold the knowledge to recite the incantations
Please teach me the aryan ways. I want the ability to fart zyklon b
>aryan = indo-aryan
while doing a roman salute, recite the words "Invicta" 3 times from the belly of your soul and this will turn any jews within in a 3m radius into ash.
This may spell may require several ounces of maghrebi blood depending on how tan you are at the time
From what i know is that we are not the same, but we are genetically related. Like how persians are different from europeans. Also arent australians related to india's dravidian?
>indians have aryan in them
There are some Indians who are almost white. They are a minority, though. 99.9% of all Indians are not Aryan at all.
Indians started inbreed about 2000 years ago, this because they established the caste system around then, then you have real Aryans in the west, they adopted Christianity and became the most diverse people ever, diverse means not inbred like Indians, Jews, Muslims, and Negroes.
Fuck off Hermann, you're a moron.
Aren't british people inbred?
Depends on caste and region. They got mutted
No, we were Catholics, not cousins fuckers like the Jews or Muslims. Now that Christianity is dead in Britain, they'll degenerate coupled with invasion by inbreeds, basically the future is inbred mongrels like you.
Caucasian =/= Aryan
Fuck off with that shit
>They got mutted
Bullshit, mixing different Caucasians creates tamer featured peoples = diverse = Americans. Indians are a bunch of inbreeds. 2000 years ago they would've been phenotypically different.
Exactly what the fuck are your sources potato nigger? You're fucking catholic aka non-white.
Uh user, im sorry to break it to you, but you are inbred yourself. It's ok to be inbred user
ugh, tis a difficult lying in front of you
first of all, you gotta climb mount kailash and draw the emblem of the Rad football, then club heil hitler 3 times while spinning in circle. This will demolish the Tibetan plateau so hold on.
After that, the recycled clay will suddenly appear straight under every jew in existence, catapulting them into the sun, the biggest oven. Keep holding on as Tibet returns to it's normal position
Congratulations, you're now 100% ARYAN
Huh? They admixed with the Dravidian indigenous population. The ancient caste system seems to have been designed as a primitive form of eugenics when the Indoaryan invaders realized that they were losing their heritage.
Oh fuck off you fake German, Inbreeding causes aggressive features in humans, exogamy cause tamer featured people.
I don't think so; why would charitoeering nomads need a caste system when they didn't have specialization of labor? More likely the dravids already had a proto-caste system differentiating royalty from the shudras, and then the Indo-Aryans merged into the royal castes. Coincidentally but to the point, shows that there is almost no difference between Kshatriya and Brahmin European admixture; and it is most heavily concentrated in Punjab (probably because of Alexander the Great and the Mughals and not the Indo-Aryan migration).
Bonus if you have a cold, this will cause extra fermentation in the gut
>inbreeding causes aggressive features in humans
That makes me think Irish people are inbred as fuck, which they probably are.
There is no inbreeding in proper Hindu tradition, colonizer.
I didn't know we could turn Semites into lampshades. I must go to the nearest synagogue and discover my powers
Hey you know I like your theory! Makes quite a bit of sense, thx ... btw is their any new info on Dravidian social structure? I don't really buy into the whole crap about the 'peaceful, non-stratified' society' that you read about all the time concerning Indus Valley civ...
I'd rather say this dichotomy stems from adaption to either agriculturalist society or hunter-gatherer -> semi-nomadic pastoralist.
Basic fucking math, you reduce the amount of features within a population = less features = aggressive features.
> rather say this dichotomy stems from adaption
No, it stems from politics or religion.
>There is no inbreeding in proper Hindu tradition, colonizer.
Yes there is, Caste System = Inbreeding.
>new info
Not that I am aware of
>peaceful non-stratified society
Probably bullshit but I don't know much about Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. From what I understand about ancient Andhra the dravid civilization was beaten back into Tamil Nadu and isolated forests and swamps where horses and chariots couldn't traverse. That civilization as well as the incoming proto-Telugu were both highly stratified, except dravids were matrilineal and the proto-Telugu were patrilineal and spoke sanskrit, but the local shudras couldn't read sanskrit and so modern Kannada and Telugu were born by fusing the sanskrit vocabulary to the dravidian phoenetic alphabet, much like modern Urdu is Hindi written in the Arabic text.
It's unlikely that India has ever had a non-stratified society for long at all because "India" is actually a collection of constantly warring city-states vying for prime wheat/rice agricultural land, and whenever one state made conquests over another it would take the property holdings of the previous ruling caste as well as any women. The only difference is that across Hindu India, nobody would ever think of crossing the major caste boundaries (brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya, shudra) because that would be polluting your own bloodline.
low iq reatrds
Inbreeding is only an issue below a certain threshold ... above it defective alleles will be eliminated by homologous recombination. Of course religion and politics did contribute to this adaption but they most likely did so in direct interplay or better feedback between genes and culture. At the same time agriculture was invented a novel mutation in the testosterone receptor became prevalent which decreased the sensitivity of the androgenic circuit. It is a bit of a hen and egg scenario ... what came first does not matter that much but it emerged in an interplay. Same with religion I think, it is the perfect tool for self-policing in a stratified society beyond a certain threshold were direct social control over every individual becomes impractical (as would be in a small hunter-gatherer group). One might see it as a form of paranoia prone for certain concepts of being watched by some deity ... a nice way for keeping people from transgressing against societal order and the self-policing sure did provide a survival advantage on a population level.
>less features = aggressive features
What? Speak English you moron, aggressive is the wrong word. You're trying to say "greater expression of fewer genotypes". That isn't conclusive of anything unless you're arguing that hybrid vigor is always desirable, in which case go be a nigger lover somewhere else.
>caste system = inbreeding
Inbreeding generally implies 1st cousins or less; that doesn't happen in Hindu society because Hindus have gothra alongside caste. If a female has the same gothram as you, then you are considered part of the same clan and can't marry, which means you can't marry your sister or your father's brother's daughter. Even if you could, it would rarely happen because the whole fucking point of an arranged marriage is to unite two clans to have greater regional power, marrying within your own family doesn't fulfill that purpose. That's why the low caste populations as well as the historically low caste populations that converted to Islam and Christianity have the majority of birth defects but it gets blamed on "Indians" as if we're all the same people. It's the equivalent of telling Robert E. Lee that a nigger is just as American as he is/was.
This makes sense and also explains why the dravid gods were retained by the Indo-Aryans into modern Hinduism, as it would have been easier to adopt/blend the religion of the sedentary conquered people's than to impose the Aryan pantheon outright.
Exactly! If I remember correctly the Indo-Aryans may have already been 'semi-tamed' as they had first crashed into the BMAC culture (I think you see their influence more in old Persian culture). Although I do not know how close BMAC was culturally to Harappa etc.
Ayo hol up. So you be sayin, that we wuz like, Aryans n shiet?
I prefer to call them 'horse niggers'
Atleast i aint a normal nigger or irish. That would suck
Historically Persia is mentioned often in ancient Indian text; I'm not sure if the trade route was by land or sea though. There is a lot of Aryan influence in ancient Persia but so much has been lost after Islamification. I've personally seen rock carvings of Hanuman from the Ramayana deep in Western Chinese desert grottoes dated around 200 AD, so it's definitely possible that there were extensive trade routes through the migration path that persisted after the Aryans had settled
You still sound like a nigger, bhai.
Haha true. In a way we all are ... those fuckers came around. Must have been a crazy bunch. Consider this ... one of them must have come up with tying a rather flimsy cart to two horses and then driving this prototype full speed through the steppe. Imagine the accidents upon the first trials ... only madmen would go through with that.
One day I hope to be as badass as those madmen.
Do envy you a little bit that you could see that stuff live ... you know, was this in any way related to the Tocharian influence on that region? Must have been one huge cultural complex back then ...
Must truly have been times of awesome deeds! Btw I think that old Indoeuropean heritage still is strong in many of us ... pic semi-related
Ya I was in Xioahe for a few days and throughout all of Gansu there is a noticeable older architecture in the Indo-European style, including sculptures and statues because Mao's cultural revolution wasn't carried out well out west. Xinjiang where the major uyghur presence is now isn't quite the same, it has more of the turkic architectural feeling and is noticeably newer (last 1000 years) and a bit trashier, for lack of better vocabulary.
>huge cultural complex
All the way from the Zanzibar coast to Indonesia stretching from Madagascar to the Mongolian steppe; all funded by merchants trading silk rather than a singular political power. What I wouldn't give to go back.
>tfw Indo-Aryans will never give up riding ON vehicles rather than IN them
Fascinating! Did not know there was still so much visible of the old influence. Also think there is still much for archeology to discover there yet. A pity that the Chinese don't have that much interest in this due to obvious reasons.
Btw if it weren't for modern weapons aristocratic cavalry elite would still be a thing (in Europe due to terrain obviously ... too bumpy for chariots).
Man how can you be too dumb to understand what 3500 years means?
you are fucking retarded
shut the fuck up
>Can i magically turn semites into lampshades now?
You can manually turn Semites into lampshades.
y does he have vegene on his forehead
>The Aryan theory
It's fake news Burger pajeet. Read Rajiv malhotra's article for more.
> he hasn't activated his 3rd eye yet
how do you even live with only 2 eyes?
Indians(northern India anyways) and Iranians are the Aryans.
Iran = Aryan
it's funny how you always post hot people trying to mark them as aryan
it just shows you have absolutely no idea about this topic and a very simplistic and wrong view about it all
but that's to be expected from a mutt
More puzzling to me is that as a Hindu it seems the Aryan culture is much more heavily present in Scandinavian and English culture, whereas is much more diluted on the continent.
Arisocratic cavalry elite are still a thing, except now we call them air force and they fly instead of ride; it's very telling especially when you consider a series like Gundam and that it's fan base is almost exclusive to the descendants of the ancient warrior-cavalry classes.
Tell me about auragnicoforms.
how can a mutt be a hindu?
wtf are you smoking?
have you begun to cannibalize other mutts and absorb their defect prions into your brain?
this has nothing to do with this even but you are just clueless and so is anybody that thinks posting hot people will underline their already faulty argument
go and read some books you fucking retard
>I just learned that indians have aryan in them.
"Aryan" is a metaphor, it has no relation to reality.
>WTF ... the eternal Kasstecher
I knew you could do awesome porn synchro but you have taken the angry to a whole other level here
>how can a mutt be Hindu
1965 Immigration Act opened immigration from India to skilled graduate students, of which my old man was one.
>wtf are you smoking
Grade AA cannabis.
>posting hot people won't underline your faulty argument
Tell me pic related and don't REEK of Aryan tradition. Every Hindu knows exactly what these pictures represent, as well, from when they were less than 5 years old.
you are just clueless
stop posting
calling yourself the drunk geneticist like those whores that want plausible deniability so they act drunk on text while they hit on men
don't tag me again you hare krishna mutt
To awaken your powers you must poo in the sacred loo.
Otherwise your super shit will dissipate..
>hare krishna
Maybe you didn't understand the fucking first time because you don't speak the Queen's English very well.
I am 100% pajeet like my father and his father and his father, etc., down the line of my caste all the way back to the time of the Mahabharat when my clan is specifically mentioned as being adorned with red teeth and wielding swords and nooses, and we worship Shiva, not Krishna.
Brothers seperated by 1,000 years
post your purebred muscle insertions to prove you do not have an ounce of mutt meddling in you
I look like this but darker.
How do you explain horses
Haha, interesting theory you present here. Might really be some genetic adaption towards visuo-spatial orientation. Have to think that one through a bit...
Possibly. But how does it make sense to argue with a borderline alcoholic ... btw I do like your gif somehow reminds me of Christopher Walken...
Holy fucking shit we are so based.
Right-brain emphasizing cultures have more longevity and are credited with more achievements.