Dragon Ball Super

We’ve already seen that working as a park ranger is THE most effective training method in the series. How much stronger do you think CHADten and HUNKs will be by the time the ToP concludes?

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>We’ve already seen that working as a park ranger is THE most effective training method in the series.
nice headcanon


They can use the hyperbolic time chamber to train.
Then use the dragon balls to age them back to how they were before entering the tournament without losing the fruits of their training.
I don't see why they don't spam this.

Pull that stick out of your ass and learn to take a joke, dude.

Pull that stick out of your ass and learn to take a joke, dude.

post vegeta

>Shook off destruction energy
>Gohanfags think a simple punch from Gohan's most powerful form, while Frieza is in his 4th form will mean Gohan will beat Frieza

why would they train in the hyperbolic time chamber when they can just fight wild animals and poachers?

>>Gohanfags think a simple punch from Gohan's most powerful form, while Frieza is in his 4th form will mean Gohan will beat Frieza

>Thinks Fusion Reborn is of any significance
You're more than a decade too late.

I want Chi-Chi to sit on my face and rub my dick with her feet.


Someone post Rozie butt



Actually the most efficient method of training in the series is nofap. Roshi abstained for a few days and went from ~100 powerlevel to being able to fight against Buu Saga level opponents who break super katchin like it's nothing.


He's so cute when in mortal danger.


Reminder that Dyspo is U11's Gohan

>both are stated to be among the strongest in their universes
>both get cocky because of this
>both end up making dumb mistakes and jobbing in pathetic almost comedical ways

Reminder that Freezer is the mos complex and depest character in dragon ball, he is very interesiting and funny for watch because he have a amazing personality what makes his more interesiting that anothers characters in the show. He is evil but with much pasion for the power and he dont care nothing exept his and is impossible that another villan can superate Freezer. Cell and Majinbuu are no good compared to Freezer because Freezer made and before and after in he history of anime because he is a great villain.

Why is Dyspo CONSTANTLY getting BTFO?

manga ch. 28

He's husbando bait

he's the Gohan of his universe

Would you rather have Buu on the U7 team or Maji=Kayo?

>next manga volume is out at November 2

I can't wait for more Toyo art

i don't think super is going to give them any love

they made future trunks, so baby trunks had to be born, but i think they regret making goten

>It's retarded and, at that point, they were not innocent and Krillin is dumb.
They hadn't killed anyone still. Hell, at that point, in a court of law, you could argue a good chunk of what they did was self defense. The only person they killed was Dr. Gero who was holding them hostage, They brutally beat the fighters without killing them, Stole a truck without killing the owners, Fucked with the police without killing them, Went to Kame house and fought piccolo. And then Cell showed up and ate them.

From a crime and punishment standpoint the worst thing they'd done is carjacking and harassing police officers. They were mostly just hunting down Goku because 16 wanted to and they didn't have anything better to do.

Wrong gif.

Foolish Gohanfag

>I will call her Shitfla as everyone else does, that will show how much of a Shitflafag I totally am not
Getting desperate there eh waifufag?
And what point have you even got for me to refute? Your non-argument comparing Gohan and Dyspo has no place given how he has achieved several wins in the current tournament alone and has an incoming power up and an actual roleas the Survivor in the developments to come in the current arc.

Truly a hero to look up to


So who will betray who first?

What will trigger Goku to transform into his new form? The thought of losing his universe?

Frieza is trash


>november 2
fuck, at this point the anime will be on another arc by the time we get into the actual tournament

I'm confident that in Toei's anime it will be a repeat of him first revealing the SSJBKK against Hit.

>No results for him on e621
The fans don't even try

Toei can't keep getting away with this.
>this is a saturday morning cartoon
>yes they can

>finally made the connection with his name
>he is literally New Supreme Kai

His universe will be erased. But he will be granted the honour to fight Jiren.

That's because they're too lazy to grab from random japanese twitters.





Nice, I really want to see the next cover art

>tentacle rape and now slime rape
whats next futa?


I like this meme sucks that its so underrated


No, you move

What was his problem?

finally got unbanned from posting the champa san getting milked. You faggots said i wouldnt

Cell > Frieza

how long until the hour special?

>have 3 fighters left
>but we have jiran so we have an advantage

NO you absolute dumbfuck, that's not at all how this tournament is supposed to work. When the time runs out the team with the most fighters left wins. If your team is only Jiren, guess what, YOU CANNOT WIN unless Jiren wipes out literally everyone.

october 8th

>no sombrero
>no corona
>no guitar strapped to his back

Get lost

what hour special

Being a horrifying bio-weapon


>YOU CANNOT WIN unless Jiren wipes out literally everyone.
I'm pretty sure that's what they expect to happen. Jiren will likely wake up in the final 5-10 minutes and start throwing people out with little effort. He's playing the holdbacku game, just like goku and vegeta(mentioned that he and toppo have no physical damage)

In a way he's playing the game the right way, since he has no clue just how powerful goku and vegeta are. better to let those morons energy starve themselves against lightweights.

>unless Jiren wipes out literally everyone.
That's literally what he's implying.

I dont think 45 minutes of training will do much

if Jiren is Saitama-tier then at his fullpower he would probably be able to completely disintegrate the arena

What did everyone think of Frost's episode?

good episode

>you can't win unless Jiren does exactly what he's good at

a shit. having vegeta fall for an obvious trap seemed out of character. and frost being a dumbass and not chucking the vial the very second vegeta was sealed was also pretty bad.

Rate the episode

Worst episode since 106 (Gohan and Piccolo)


Good shit, tenouttaten

Thought it was pretty in-character for both of them to be honest.

it was filler. Frost did nothing except beat up on a character that was close to death and millions of times weaker. Roshi using the mafuba and it getting redirected was a nice touch, but it ultimately amounted to nothing as vegeta was easily freed. The 3 eliminations all were of pointless filler characters. You could skip this episode and hardly anything would change

Great episode, and it dealt a crushing blow to Gohanfags.

Jiren looks like he's about to fucking yell at Dyspo for how much of a fucking dumb useless jobber he is
I can feel his internal kept-up frustration at his dumb coworker

I just want Super to be good

I can't believe this

glad i'm not the only one that noticed this. when dyspo quickly apologized, it made me think that there's something sinister, malicious about jiren's character.

it would be pretty rad if they revealed jiren as some abusive mofo that yells and belittles the pride troop.

Nothing wrong with filler as long as it's entertaining, especially in a series with typically garbage overarching plots like DB where it's the more minor skirmishes and interactions and so on that make it entertaining in the first place.

Irrelevant here because it was at best just an alright episode, but still.

>when dyspo quickly apologized, it made me think that there's something sinister,
Nah, Dyspo probably looks up to Jiren and felt like he just let down his dad in a way.

Maybe if they had unlimited stamina so they could constantly train and never get tired like based Androids.

>implying these are "Frieza episodes" when he hasn't even gone gold yet
The state of Gohanfags.

why does the Gohan fanbase hate Califla so much?

Reminder for retards
Completed SSB isn't a power boost from regular SSB, it's just the explosive power that a SSB can use at the start but being permanent instead temporal.


Roshi almost fucking took out Frost single handed. Why the fuck didn't he use Mafuba on Frieza when he invaded last time?

I can not help thinking that Kale and Cali are the two halves of Broly. I would like to see the fusion

I think what made this worse was it was supposed to be a Frost episode, yet Frost does almost nothing the entire episode. His plan against vegeta fails easily and he just runs away. Who was this episode made for? Frost fans? Roshi fans? Vegeta fans? Nobody.

Oh and they waste like 5 minutes recapping who died

What is the full name of this character, the form he is using, and the attack he is peforming?

Because she took his papa

shit, shit and shit

I cant wait to see Gohan getting ringed out BY HIS OWN TEAM

Gohanfags BTFO

Super Saiyan Asspull Toei!Torankusu using the Sword of Friendship

He's cute to bully.