How bad is it? Is it actually a mini ice age?
Ice age europe
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Its called a winter
it's just poor planning to live on that island
this isn't winter its an ice age.
90% of people are having fun wondering why everything is closed.
10% are crashing cars, getting stuck somewhere and dying like mongs.
aren't most of those places at the same lattitude as canada? forget the "muh past! muh ocean currents!" excuse for a while and think with your noggins. europe is supposed to be cold.
lol not heard the word mong for a while.
I didn't use the word mong (yet) but cheers I guess
It's not an ice age but it is pretty bad where i am, Certainly the best/worst i have seen since in this country since i was probably 4 or 5
its not bad here atm in most places... but the next wave of snow tomorrow could really start to pile up
im a mong :(
No this is just winter, the only difference is we usually don't get snow in March.
Looks like absolutely fucking nothing to me and I live in North Carolina.
Winterchan is sick of this migrant gang rape epidemic and wants to save her kindred kinder.
That's too cold! Stop it!
that's fucking nothing you thin skinned faggot
It's about 2 inches of snow where I am and that only really came on in the last few hours. No-one else in my family went to work despite the roads being clear all day. Everyone is acting like the world is ending. There are ``red alerts'' issued for the weather, indicating a risk to life, which is laughable.
I work in a supermarket and the milk and bread was sold out by 9 am because retards have to 'stock up' on a month's worth for a single day of snow. Ironically, those with 8 loaves and 18 litres of milk in their trolley were complaining about others 'panic buying'. Totally oblivious. Interestingly it was about 10 degrees warmer in the cold room fridge than the warehouse, so you could go in there to 'warm up'.
Everyone I work with knew how stupid the whole situation is, and knows that the rest of the world laughs at us, but I guess those are the people who actually bothered to come in.
Checked and true
It will only get colder, this is barely the beginning. Oh if only you knew how lucky you are to have cold
>but muh snow
Better than getting sick during summer because it's so fucking hot
That is the funniest part to it.
i's 2 days tops, you could live off the soup in the back of the cupboard and not die
But those same people don't have guns and choose to bin that knife?
I am confus britbong. Confus.
First proper winter in some years.
>ice age
t. -25-50 degrees celsius all winter with multiple record breaking snow storms
Let's see how well the migrants deal with a real winter, lmao
They gonna find out why high IQ whites dominate the north.
Seems like just business as usual to me
most people in the world are oblivious hypocrites.
it's a side effect of their programmed inarticulation.
It's 'bad' for us because we don't have the infrastructure to handle a couple of days of genuine cold weather.
If it snows a few inches and/or the roads ice up overnight, everything comes to a grinding halt for a number of reasons:
1)Salting trucks undermanned and incapable of covering any minor roads
2)A nation full of 2 wheel drive vehicles and drivers with little cold weather driving experience. Those that do have 4wd never have snow tires so they struggle too. This leads to many places where people have tried to get somewhere, fucked it up in their 1.6 litre hatchback and blocked off the road for everyone else.
So we end up with a lot of people getting relatively well stuck in villages and small towns for a couple of days at worst.
Maybe we could invest more money into this issue but why bother? The money that it costs us in a couple of snow days every few years is probably less than the cost of snow proofing our roads and towns.
So basically just sit back and enjoy the day off work if you got one and watch how in 2 days the roads will look like it hasn't snowed in a decade. Meanwhile Russian's are going about their business as usual in -30 degree weather with added windchill and snow up to their eyeballs.
Wait, your 0 our 32?
So, it's like a little below freezing there?
>those with 8 loaves and 18 litres of milk in their trolley were complaining about others 'panic buying'
What a kicking those cunts need. i've seen pakis clearing shelves of stuff in my local Sainsburys although I suspect the cunts buying up all the milk and bread are middle class whites, we have a lots of hipster type wank where I live
Good, maybe yall should focus on not offending Muslims as a primary resource dump instead of inclimate weather....fucking retards, you deserve to become meat popsicles.
today was the coldest day in march in the uk since records began, and honestly if you are out before 7am it is pretty hitting
doubt it will last long though
These pussies. I've gotten 5 inches in as many hours of the heavy shit and we expect 4 more inches before it's done.
Considering how the entire Winter before this was a never ending autumn, that's kind of a daring claim.
yup, brits are notorious pussies when it comes to the cold.
we are island monkeys not snow niggers
rain is our forte
Yes yes thank you American, truly the only ones in the west who can say they're doing it right. Oh wait.
Not really, some people make a fuss but thats about it. It's usually the media who blows it completely out of proportion and actively attempts to panic people.
>Normal late Winter here in Alpenland.
>Vienna is freaking out as usual because the lazy commies in the capital can't manage the public utilites once the temperature drops below 0 °C.
>It ghets oworse once you have an ounce of snow, public transports nearly breaks down and is late days on end.
>This shit happens year, every year there is fucking -20 something degrees south of Vienna.
>Suddenly everyone thinks there is an ice age.
Y'all a bunch of pussies. At least the refugees freak out nicely. They even stop shitting up malls when it is that fucking cold.
>tfw will never experience a frozen comfy winter in my country
Crap, also this is my real flag.
Which countries qualify as snownigger status now?
this kills the britbong
the winds are going the opposite direction and it does not look like they are going to change for a long time, a powerful wall of wind is coming down off of canada and it is cancelling any northerly flow
she looks quirky but I would balls deep in her and blow so hard, there's just something about brit women that pull the extra bit of cum out of me
> something about this chick, I would impale twice in a row, and it makes me wanna fap
i consider your amerimutt and raise you 1 awoo
it's great all the shitskins stay indoors, even Amsterdam was tolerable for once
It's as bad as it was 5 years ago.
I remember walking 10 miles in that. Literally, the streets were so dead (as opposed to super busy) I could hear my headphones on minimum volume.
If it's an ice age I'll literally ask my next door neighbor to cook me in his big Jew styled oven like a turkey. Fuck freezing my cunt off.
I love you winter-chan and here's some more ice for the fire.
also, definitive changes in the climate are making themselves evident
it isn't really so cold here in germany. But my little brother got yesterday slight cold combustion while I can't even go outside without getting my fingers bleeding because of the cold .
Anyone with any sense got off ages ago.
>2 inches of snow and everything closed.
Fucking casuals
>t. light-skinned nigger
It's all an Alt-Right conspiracy to take back London.
It's sort of bad. We hadn't had snow like that in Paris in 30 years. We usually don't have snow at all.
too be fair i would complain like a motherfucker if i lived in a place it constantly rained.
i visited England one Christmas and 2 cm of snow dropped, this caused all the shops to close, the airports shut down, nobody could drive etc. Kids were sliding down hills in garbage bags kek. That tiny amount of snow was a big deal, and this was in Liverpool.
> Liverpool
Did you happen to see a big buff black bastard wondering around?
This, I fucking love the snow.
Our local councils wasted all their budgets on Equality Officers and six figure salaries for HR so now there's none left to do basic things like grit roads when it snows. Or maintain flood defences in areas know to flood once a decade. None of our foreign train operators have any incentive to run bad weather services,so they don't. Our almost entirely foreign owned power companies take a slight breeze as an excuse to bump up the price of gas and electricty, so don't believe a word of their bullshit about shoratges.
Not even joking. Less than a foot of snow has fucked this place up because society simply doesn't run for society any more. The government solution: give the irresponsible money grabbers more tax money.
nothing we didn't have before. the last few winters were pretty mild, so people freak out when it actually gets colder again
It aint so bad, its pretty decent here at -7 celsius. Best cold we have had in years and let me tell you it feels great.
It's just a bit cold outside. Here in Hessia we don't even have much snow. It's just icy.
>15c in Poland
>Ice age
Ten years ago a winter without 1 metre of snow and -25C wasn't a winter.
Nowadays I just don't even fucking know what is that shit supposed to be.
That's winter.
nope, just a whole bunch of chavs thinking they were badasses with butterknives.
i love you winter-chan
>chavs with butterknives
Dark times. Thank the government and police these weapons of mass destruction are off are streets today.
I jest not, there is a big black rapist that wonders around the UK and he is known for ass raping bodybuilders.
It's just winter, you pussy!
-15 celsius, no snow
sucks ass
But that's like summer there... It doesn't count
we had worse 5 years back, nothing we haven't had before and actually with low snow depth.
Faggot Southerners and their Mediterranean genes are responsible for the panic. I hope they gas themselves with carbon monoxide from faulty heaters.
South coast fag reporting in. 2" earlier today, maybe more tomorrow. It'll be all gone by Monday.
Look at the map. Iceland has mild winters.
>it's not cold here
Tfw when you see all the foreigners coming out looking at the snow for the first time while they are at home on welfare
>walk out of the house
Meh. Its cold as fuck, but its not that ba-
>wind starts blowing
I live in West Suffolk and work in Cambridge.
It's literally fucking nothing, a little bit of snow is all. Yes it's settled and more is probably on the way, big fucking deal, this happens every couple of years or so and we're still here.
I've been driving into work just fine, A good 80% of the roads I've been along have been clear and those that aren't are hardly impassable, you just need to take it a bit slower.
I got stuck behind this complete prick on my way to work at one point this morning. They were literally plodding along at 40, in a 60 where the road was perfectly clear. It's pathetic and embarassing.
I think a lot of people, particularly older people, just use it all as an excuse to not turn up for work. They all act as though driving in the snow means you have a 1 in 4 chance of death at the wheel. Fucking baby boomers I swear they'll use any excuse.
I have noticed a few smashed up cars by the sides of roads, pretty grim really. I have a feeling they were being driven by Americans though, because there are LOTS of Americans around where I live and they are all terrible drivers. Question for Americans on Sup Forums, why do you guys love Honda and Mitsubishi so much?
Does America get colder than it does in Europe or something?
You guys are talking like 20 F/6.5 C never happens.
The reason UK almost never gets snow, even if the weather is nasty, is because it normally gets a southwestern flow of water and wind from up the east coast called the atlantic warm water conveyor
the atlantic warm water conveyor appears to have stopped
> it is what was responsible for ending the previous ice age
> and its stopped
To be fair it is still going, but it appears to only be dumping warm water in the gulf of mexico. Its kinda-sorta not following through anymore with recirculating and flowing up the east coast. Thats part of whats making it warmer in the US... but its doing nothing for counterbalancing the siberian air over russia
> which is as cold as the north pole right now
The downturn in temperature started occurring back in 2009 - the massive snowstorms and cold weather in the US (then in 2011 europe freezing over like this). So anything within the last 10 years is problematic to pin down.
> this manga girl
> I want to drive so deep in her
Russia's winter temperatures are mind blowing. It must've been hell on Earth for the Germans fighting in that during WW2. It's questionable if even a modern American army could be victorious in that.
-22 and its a nice comfy winter here.
This winter isn't normal. I've never experienced such a cold before. Something is seriously wrong. My face hurts after 1 min when I'm outside. Not even joking, it feels like Svalbard did. That shithole is a constant ice age island.
I think it's the timing that is unusual, we usually get snow in early December or Late January, we haven't had snow in March for a long time. Here at Oxford there's a collision boat race which was historically cancelled which has run for 175 years.
>UK almost never gets snow
Depends where you are in the country. I used to live near Birmingham and it would snow every year. I've lived in the south west for 15 years and it has snowed exactly three times.
the weather made us europeans great. and what kept niggers lazy and dumb.
absofuckinglutely nothing
>How bad is it? Is it actually a mini ice age?
It's just the coldest time this winter season and it's March lol
Nature is weird but don't think that climate change is not real you dumb Amerimutts
You don't remember the winter 09-10? It was much, much worse than this.
It's because the suburban and rural retards have flipped the poles, the jet stream doesn't know whether it's Arthur or Martha and the whole shows fucked.
>I got stuck behind this complete prick on my way to work at one point this morning. They were literally plodding along at 40, in a 60 where the road was perfectly clear. It's pathetic and embarassing....I have noticed a few smashed up cars by the sides of roads, pretty grim really.
You sound like an over caffeinated asshole lawl
It's a bit of snow burger, please relax
>The reason UK almost never gets snow,
Upland areas have snow nearly every winter. Although you are right this is the beginning of a new Ice Age once the Gulf Stream stops
The UK always goes full retard every time it snows.