Got called burger and amerimutt again. Why are you so mean to me just because I'm American? We're a good country and we help the world.
Got called burger and amerimutt again. Why are you so mean to me just because I'm American...
emotional pain doesn't really exist.
kys, el goblino
Quit spamming this tread mi amigo
only actual mutts get angry at the meme.
your country is shit. because of you we lost 3 fucking wars. worst team mates. dont bother looking to us when you go to war for the kikes again
>only actual mutts get angry at the meme.
no one gets mad at this forced meme
the only thing people get mad at is the faggots trying to force it.
>We're a good country and we help the world
maybe 50% of you do
the other half doesn't know nor care about how the world works. All they care about is their own selfish personal interests. Americans are so afraid of communism and socialism, but what really will destroy america is capitalism and the resulting rampant individualism.
Just getting your own medicine after shitposting every euro thread with "kek, europe cucked the fuck out" despite being royally cucked since you abolished segregation, even sooner one might argue. You literally had a huge enrichment bomb in your country and decided to flip the switch at some point. Your country is ground zero of globalist cuckoldry.
I don't get the hate.
And stop insulting burgers! Burgers are delicious...
Grow some balls and learn to handle bantz. Jesus Christ what the fuck happened to you burgers you guys used to be badass.
Don't fret. You're still no.1 in my heart, ameribro.
Now go out there with newfound pride and courage, and make America great again.
>we help the world.
>We're a good country and we help the world.
JEWSA is the great Satan.
>n-no one get mad , l-l-look at how not mad I am!
Nigger please, you probably clicked this thread because you have your browser set to search for the word "mutt", just to oppose those forced meme shitposters, amirite, amerimutt?
Whiter than you mohammed
American here,I find the amerimutt meme to be hilarious
59 % percent of you are ok
Give me your address so I can come drag you behind a f250 to put some hair on your balls yiu fucking faggot.
The meme is true.
I do it sometimes because it's funny
Because Eurocucks are dipshits that see a Jew meme and slobber all over their own cocks in a frantic horde to post as much of it as they can.
Oh to jerk off the Jew. How swell.
I see Poland here doing it! For shame. Really.
I think we got a mutt here. GO HOME!
sticks and stones user. Being called a burger is true, because burgers are fucking delicious and we love them. Amerifat/mutt shouldn't be offended if that doesn't apply to you.
slavic marketing interns are assmad that they aren't really white
Doesnt matter if were russians or not, bitch. Our propaganda was succesful, mutt
It will be used againist you as long as it triggers you
They're just jealous of us, OP. They couldn't handle breathing the sweet air of our freedom.
Thats the point man, a ton of you are genuine mutts and therefore are extremely buttblasted because they realize they cant even trace back their heritage and if they did, they would find more different racial DNA samples in them than in a thai whores cunt. And the others who were not mad until that point are mad because they realize that their country is not a sociological meme "melting pot", but a real one. Thats probably the reason why mutts can only differentiate between nigger, jew, slav, ayrab, asian and white.