What can we conservative blacks do get rid of n-gger mentality in our race?

>Honestly im depressed, Knowing that ignorant blacks out number us like 3+ to 1.
>Knowing that you have a subset of blacks who are hell bent on remaining victims and blaming whites for everything
>Knowing that the major flaw in your race are those who are simply have no concept of the future and what future planning entails

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You can't. Checked. /thread

Do what Michael Jackson did. Shed away the nigger in you.

Everybody here is going to kill me: Date white women. Spend time with white people. They will accept and love you far more than the majority of American blacks who subscribe to ghetto jungle culture. I'm sure you're repulsed by uppity, obstinate, crass black women anyway. You probably never feel welcome or at ease around most blacks who subscribe to this subculture anyway. You can feel their eyes on you.

The only thing we can do as conservative blacks is to uplift our race and breed with white women. That way our offspring will have higher IQ and we will also contribute to destroying our hated enemy.

It's ultimately white people that are flooding our neighborhoods with crack and porn. It's white people that are overwhelmingly atheist degenerates while we are proud Christians. We have to get rid of the white scum first, just like in South Africa, and only then our people can be free.

Become police officers and clean up the worst neighborhoods because white cops won't do it anymore for fear of "das raycis".

I don't think that will happen until the welfare state dies. That is what is keeping it going. It is preventing reality hitting them in the face. It is the same with all the African aid. Once the world burns that will stop and the only blacks left are the ones that can survive and make something of it. It is the same with my white people. Nothing will change until everything is lost sadly.

Unironically eugenics.

(You) nigger

> It's ultimately Jews that are flooding our neighborhoods with crack and porn
Ftfy. We could be gassing Jews if we could just work together.

I honestly feel bad for self-aware black people.

It's the only way. Nothing will change until the Welfare system is fixed, and then you'll need generations to correct the culture.

Nah he's right, we need to fuck white women and end your race. That way our offspring will have higher IQ + be more lighter-skinned, and we will make you go extinct too.

It's white people who are the biggest problem in the world today, and it's white people who are destroying the black community with liberalism, violence and drugs.

>Honestly im depressed, Knowing that ignorant blacks out number us like 3+ to 1.

This is more like 20 to 1.

It all starts in the church. If your pastors are not preaching the unadulterated word of God then there is no hope for niggers.

What did Jesus tell the prostitute after He forgave her? "Go and sin no more." But your people love sin, they don't love God. Judgement day is coming for all of us. Unless niggers repent and turn away from sin, they will die twice and be cast into the lake of fire. Jesus will say to them on judgement day, "Depart from me you workers of iniquity. I never knew you."

You are supposed to be leaders in your communities.
Pass the trials and become a chief now.
Apply for chiefdom in your nearest tribal center

Take control of the media.

Jews actually help us blacks, it's white people who are the problem. You guys keep us down, celebrate black kids being aborted, flood our neighborhoods with drugs and then shoot our kids for being drug dealers. This is all your fault.

>we will also contribute to destroying our hated enemy.
Arabs, Chinks, Whites
Only one of those races bends over backwards to help you in any way they can. The other two enslave, castrate and genocide blacks. Choose wisely.

>You guys keep us down, celebrate black kids being aborted
Whites are against abortion you moron. Jews are for abortion.

Push men into raising their kids instead of running and you will see improvement overnight.

BASED black men like you need to fuck our women so we can be BASED magapedes!

We will get rid of you all, just wait. Blacks will be the world majority by 2100. The best thing we can do is just breed you out, breed with your women and make sure you are all thoroughly race-mixed.

If Blacks can win in North America and Europe, we would also gain access to your stockpiles, and we can use them to defend Africa from foreigners.

How can YOU help? I have no idea, don’t think one man can do it.

Although keep hope alive. I'm starting to see a trend of lots of black men actually staying and raising their children. And even though these men are still rather niggerish, im hoping that the presence of a father figure could be beneficial to the next generation.

So hold fast and keep your integrity, and perhaps in 15-20 years a shift will occur.

you do understand that when your children are smart, they wont breed with blacks but instead with whites.
Eventually your generations will become white.

Mix-race babies sort of disgust me to look at. Normalizing the relationship is just as disgusting


Sup Forums celebrates black kids being aborted, so don't give me that shit. The founder of Planned Parenthood wanted blacks to mass abort their children to keep our population down.

Well it ain't going to work, blacks will be half of the world's population by 2100, and then the real whoop ass on pale white boys will begin.

Start businesses, be successful, be a role model, hire young blacks and show them how to be successful, support other local black owned business.

Shut the fuck up you fucking nigger and go back to the cotton fields

>Try to help
>Uncle tom

>Don't help
>Are a nig

Fucked either way, but at least you're trying. It's just humanity is fucked anyways

No, what will happen is that eventually all whites become black. It's a lot easier to BLACK recessive white genes than to BLEACH dominant black genes.

Once all whites are 10%-20% black, you will resemble us, look coffee-colored, lose your blue eyes and light hair, and you will then join us.

Then he dies alone. Or, he lowers himself to splay footed, loud, uncouth black women. Or kills himself.


>Sup Forums celebrates black kids being aborted
implying Sup Forums is even white

Notice how mr "conservative black" has no rebuke for this nigger?

That is because he actually wants what this nigger wants.

You better get ready cos you will be seeing a lot more of them. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Your race is subservient and always has been.
Chinks, Whites, Arabs
Choose who you wish to serve. In this fantasy you have where all whites vanish the power vacuum is not going to be filled by blacks. Out of the Arabs or the Chinese, I would choose the latter. If you had the ability to plan ahead, you would know that this is not good for your race.

>jews help blacks

You should read Evola and unironically go back to Africa.

Sorry bruh, they outnumber you about 100,000 to 1

Nothing short of eugenics sadly. If you’re smart and industrious enough then start a sterility clinic chain in hoods across the country. I would personally donate a lot of my income to this service

northern climate makes blacks turn white eventually because no sunlight so no biological need for melanin.
Blacks need vitamins to stay alive up here because their skin can't absorb the little sunlight that we enjoy in winter.

Go back to Africa.

mmmm. I hink they out number you like 9 to 1 to be honest. I grew up in inner city.

Bullshit we weren't always subservient. There were times when we were ruling over white and browns. For example Blacks conquered Spain from white people.

Modern technology changes all that. And we can just take Vitamin D pills now anyway. Face it your race is over.

Eugenics. Remove habitual troublemakers from the gene pool.

Don't let the whiny racists on Sup Forums push you left. That's probably your biggest challenge because lefties will come here and attack you as right wingers to manipulate you. Realize just because you are on the right doesn't mean you have to associate or ass kiss the /r9k/ incels on Sup Forums.

>For example Blacks conquered Spain from white people.
Alright this is clearly bait now.

I respect guys like you man.
Wish you all the best.

>Well it ain't going to work, blacks will be half of the world's population by 2100, and then the real whoop ass on pale white boys will begin.
No it won't. You are insane if population trends can continue like that to 2100 with no interruption

So it becomes bait as soon as I suggest that white people can be defeated by blacks? Lol the fucking arrogance..... what is happening right now in South Africa? Lmao.

Has nothing to do with race black user.

Contrary to popular belief, Most people don't give a shit about race. I've lived near trailer parks in BFE and inner city section 8. Poor people do what poor people do. Poverty is the problem, not race.

it's ok to be black, it's also ok to be white

you can not.
We are just to different.
All you can do is not breed.

What you do is you become the conservative black Eddie Murphy and just rip on ghetto blacks with no remorse. White libs won't be able to say shit... And blacks will go nuts about you epic red pills about black culture. It will wake up swaths of young blacks to the stupidity of american black culture. Comedy is the best weapon. But if I was black that is what I would do.

>this is all your fault
Allow me to sing you the song of my people

But that's you fucking anglo bitches who brought blacks to your modernity shithole. Stupid WASP rayciss asses.

>Sup Forums celebrates black kids being aborted, so don't give me that shit

Oh shut the fuck up. The faggots from reddit who came here and jumped on the stormfag bandwagon are the only retards who do that. Anyone who is actually a traditionalist opposes abortion. Most of these faggots aren't right wing, they are just friendless losers who got b8ed by whitey posting anti white shit with the nigger flag on Sup Forums and they are dumb enough to think those are actually niggers.


Inform them about the jewish problem.

There is no fixing a large group of people user. Better yourself and hope that others follow your example, but don't count on it and don't get depressed if it doesn't happen. We whites feel the same way when we look at white leftists

The same shit that happened in Zimbabwe, they just haven't started begging whitey to come back yet.

Let's face it, race war would be like bowling for whites.
We have large scale war engraved to our genes, while blacks only have tribe-scale bushfights in their history.
Peaceful solution is best for us all, and a black ethnostate with no white overlords is the safest bet for blacks.

You can't, any more than whites in England can fix the chavs or the scallies. Fuck 'em, they live wretched lives of welfare addiction and mindless anger. They have the emotional intelligence of an eight year old, they will die like that.

Leave the areas the idiots are in. When we do it it's called White Flight, and now you know why we do it. Over a quarter of the white population of London quietly "fled" over fifteen years. Your "job" is to live as well as you can, not carry the weight of wilful idiots who can't balance their outgings with their income.

Patriotism. I don't know why certain blacks don't push black American Patriotism. After all many American blacks trace their lineage further back than even many whites in America through slavery. But the jews have pushed destruction of the black family which also entails forgetting that heritage that blacks are as American as all the rest of us. With Patriotism what Trump said is true, their is no room for prejudice. I also think awaking blacks to the fact it's not really whites that have caused them so much injustice at the top of society but the jews and that they do the same thing to whites while hiding behind the fact they look white to avert blame when anyone notices.

>and a black ethnostate with no white overlords is the safest bet for blacks.

except we all know how that turns out but that's not really white mans problem.

Unlike Zimbabwe South Africa won't be internationally sanctioned by the world and blockaded. Once the white trash has been taken out then the country can truly thrive.

Good thing you guys are too cucked for a race war then. We will just keep emigrating to your countries and breed you out of existence.

Stop leaving your children to be raised by sheboons.

mandatory eugenics

The breeding process user. IQ is relevant to family and your race is an extension of your family. You have to separate from the dindus.


i dont plan to stay in america and live. Currently building an apartment building in my home country of jamaica. That said im not an ethnonationalist in the strict sense, i am for other groups race helping to build up my country

Get in charge
Promote Eugenics programs that pay people with sub 90 IQs not to breed
Allow functioning blacks to thrive while allowing the low IQ individuals to die off

rather freedom than a life of a cage animal like in america

>Patriotism. I don't know why certain blacks don't push black American Patriotism

Go look up Larry Elder, he's very good at this shit. The only downside is 90% of his fans and the ones who are black are already living respectable lives. The ghetto niggers have never heard of him and the left wing niggers consider him an uncle tom.

>Unlike Zimbabwe South Africa won't be internationally sanctioned by the world and blockaded.

Just wait

Caude Africa is doing so well without welfare etc. Your whole pathetic race has no pride, civilasation is beyond you.

>rather freedom than a life of a cage animal like in america

American blacks live better than blacks in any dominantly black nation. You're fucking high.

Can you tell me why have you anglos brought blacks to your industrial bourgeois hell?

Nothing you can do, just focus on bettering yourself and being a good citizen. A black person rather than a nigger.
Institute good values in your kids and teach them how to follow in your steps.

Become black civic nationalists,buy farms in the countryside and start your own community including a privately funded school that will teach some actual knowledge instead of Communist propaganda.

tltr become a redneck

our top ranks are money hungry cucks while the population is getting angrier every year.
Go back before it's too late friend.

Make the best out of yourself you can and become an example for the kids to follow. Tell then what it was like to make it. Talk about how everything seems impossible till you do it then you learn to spot the opportunity you couldn't see before.

This is the same prescription I would give to white people as well.

>i dont plan to stay in america and live. Currently building an apartment building in my home country of jamaica.
wait were you born here or Jamaica?

Just fucking be normal and not a vile tar baby listening to rap. We hate that culture more than anything

Sterilization of your entire race. Nigger problem solved

Absolutely nothing its a waste of time thinking our people will change just live your life raise civilized kids and keep them away from trouble.

I wish you all the best, brutha.

> Admit/Say you have to racemix to be free
>still a race nationalist

Same. They feel whites don’t appreciate them but they also realize how feral and destructive nigs can be, so they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.

not if we stop feeding you.

The sad thing is you can't do anything about. Being a decent black guy is like being born without a right arm. It isnt your fault but you will have to learn to live with the handicap as best you can.

Even at worst you can't get rid of blacks, no one will accept it except hardcore racists. Most of the right are just cucked civic nationalists, they would take our side over racists.

So either way whether the left or right wins we will win, and you will be bred out.

>breed with white women.
No thats really our accomplishment if we hijack genes from europeans to become better, I mean if you wanna fuck a white girl for fun go ahead but I mean using them to change our entire genome fuck no kill yourself with that coon ass shit.

Northern Africans aren't blacks. Also south Africa wouldn't even have a government or infrastructure if it weren't for whites. Weak troll child.

You don't have the iq or even numbers to make ANY significant progress. You are seriously fooling yourself.

If I could go back to an ethnostate, I would.

ha, Mexicans and Chinks are the future majority of America Jamal and they are much less soft footed about black people than whites. You should realize whites are you're only real friend and help us remove the Jew before it's too late.

shoot as many as you can

Sounds like you're tryong to invest in your home country, sounds like a good plan.

Most of the people on here have very little interaction with black people outside of youtube videos. Heck, most of the stormfags on here are liberals shilling to make the rest of us look bad.

The only was to end the problem is for people to not surround themselves with degenerate groups of people
