Syria General /sg/ - FLYING TANK Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>E Ghouta Feb 28
>Afrin Feb 28
>Yemen Feb 26
>Idlib Feb 25
>Random Feb 12
>DeZ-Bukamal Feb12

>Lavrov on Syria

Devs Feb 28
>Idlib; HTS launches large op against Jabhat Tahrir Souriya, cap Kafr Losen, Aqrabat, Deir Hassan, and Qah, currently attacking Atmeh
>UN report claims the North Korea sent supplies for manufacturing chemical weapons on 40 occasions between 2012-2017
>Syrian envoy to the UN states military forces could not have used chemical weapons, as they do not possess them
>E Ghouta; SAA resumes offensive in suburbs of Harasta and Arbeen, capture area around Sayyed Mohammad Mosque, advance along Harasta-Douma St
>Deir Ezzor; ISIS claims to have killed 13 SDF fighters and captured 4 more in the town of Al-Sha’afah
>Peskov; Russia doing its best to maintain humanitarian pauses in Eastern Ghouta
>Ru MoD; Over 300 civilians can’t leave East Ghouta due to terrorist shelling
>Turkish military sends reinforcements to Afrin for 2nd phase of Operation Olive Branch
>YPG destroys FSA vehicle in Afrin, killing three
>Possible US sanctions ‘obstacle’ for Iraq as it studies issue of buying S-400 systems – FM
>Afghan president offers recognition of Taliban as political group, proposes ceasefire, prisoner exch, new elections/constitution review


Other urls found in this thread:

>red pill must watch videos

American senator tells the other side of the story:
>Ron Paul | |
Virginia senator on Aleppo:
>UN Neutral report on "War Crimes" in Syria:
Syria: Not a Revolution:
>Pipelines and Syria:
>Syria ambassador in USA:
Women under Bashar
>The Face of American Regime Change:
Assad visits monastery for Christmas:
>Soldier met family after 5 years:
Canadian Journalist Expose The Lies of Syria:

"Chemical attacks" in Khan Sheykhun on April 4 by MIT profesor or
>Assad: Chemical Attack Fabrication

>THE TRUTH ABOUT White helmets:
White helmets killing a child for UN
Staging CW attack videos

NGO�s and hybrid warfare:
WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade
Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria
/sg visits Army 2017 -
Aleppobro takes pix for /sg -
muh gas -
Thread reminder to watch Threads.

Syrian Timelapse: Ebin Maps



>tfw your best goy still hasn't finished off ISIS, giving you an excuse to stay

Bomb the Bakeries!

At this rate it will be years untill they clear right bank of euphrates




Its made up of 400 kurds and 200 either turkmens or arabs i dont remember

>No, I'm in charge here!

I got contacted by many Jewesses on okcupid, some of them are actually not half bad, some I dare actually call cute. From your probably non-existent experience with Jewesses, are they worth the time?

user NO!
Don't get Mossad'd please

Are you ready for the Turkmen century??

>probably non-existent experience with Jewesses

>this level of delusion

But I really want to get that J*wish pussy. Really hard to get premarital sex here. I thought why not look towards the most degenerate people on earth for my degenerate needs?

Considereing I'm a Jewess myself I think you should make aliyah, convert to Judaism and settle in the Promised Land.

Do you guys have a link of one of the old threads from the Battle of Aleppo ? I want to rewatch them

You Christian or just atheist, senpai?
>GENEVA (Reuters) - At the request of Britain, the United Nations Human Rights Council is expected to hold an “urgent debate” on Friday on the deteriorating situation in Syria’s enclave of eastern Ghouta, a spokesman said on Friday.
>Britain’s draft resolution, seen by Reuters, strongly condemns the “sustained denial of humanitarian access, repeated attacks against medical facilities ... any indiscriminate use of heavy weapons and aerial bombardments, including cluster munitions, incendiary weapons and barrel bombs, and the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian authorities against civilians ... including against the people living in eastern Ghouta”.
>Q – This morning, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused rebel groups in Eastern Ghouta of blocking the delivery of humanitarian aid and the evacuation of civilians who wish to leave. What is your response?
>A – All concerned parties must fully implement the provisions of UN Security Council resolution 2401, which calls for the establishment of a permanent truce lasting at least 30 days. This truce is absolutely necessary to allow humanitarian actors to deliver aid and to securely evacuate the sick and injured.
>Armed groups in Eastern Ghouta pledged to the UN Security Council that they would abide by resolution 2401 and accept the truce. Bashar al-Assad’s regime, on the other hand, did not make such a commitment. But he must abide by Security Council resolutions.
>We are therefore asking backers of the Syrian regime to exert maximum pressure to force it to implement its obligations.

The two ex-great powers are still as pitiful as ever in their handling of the conflict.


>When even a Turk tells you that your horny empire fantasies are delusional and he hits trips.
Suicide is the only answer burger man.


I have it on good authority that the day of the turkmen is almost here

>he doesn't know there's Kurds fighting on Turkey's side

Are you the same Belgian who's usually here or some normie faggot?

Where is pingu? I haven't seen him for a while.

would you abandon judaism for and take your husbands religion
if you were in love
lets say a tall handsome european who was religious
or would it be a deal breaker
>inb4 it's shlomo roleplaying

>Implying ypg, pkk stands for any kind of Kurdish unity or kurdish nationalism.
They would sell their own mother's if the money is right. It's all about money bucko don't get emotional.

>I think you should make aliyah
c-can I make something else? Any other options?

I saw him yesterday, actually.
>The US Department of Defense has commented on the UN-mandated Independent International Commission of Inquiry's investigation over the alleged use of chlorine in the Syrian provinces of Idlib and Eastern Ghouta by Syrian government forces.
>The United States "has not seen any evidence yet" of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government in Eastern Ghouta, US Department of Defense spokesperson Dana White said during a briefing on Thursday, when asked whether the United States has seen any proof of chemical weapons use by government forces under the control of Syrian President Bashar Assad.


Well, it IS preposterous. Even in a perfect world where Kurds have been turned into dust magically, those places still have at least 50% Arab. And we all know how it turns out with Arabs+Nationalism.
Güzel edit.

They're so....white.

There is nothing wrong with arab nationalism. Both turks and arabs agree that kurds dont exist and are a made up ethnicity.

>And we all know how it turns out with Arabs+Nationalism.

Guys, listen to this video at 0:24
Is it just me or there's someone saying "Push, push!" with American accent?

Oh, I missed him then.


>Tigers will hit once again in next hours. Similar tactic to Mallah farms area. #Damascus


no not american accent

Yet there nose are large enough to be aircraft carriers.

>They're so....Polish

true that, but be really wary, user

It doesnt sound like an american accent.

It's another Aleppo!

No, but I'd excpet him to make a concession and convert. Men should carry the burden. after all they always like reminer us they're stronger physically and emotionally, right?

Well of course, what is it that the Muslims say? "If Muhammad will not go to the mountain, the mountain must come to Muhammad"? you can simply sit at home and wait a few years until our brave soldiers carve up Syria and annex it, let Israel will come to you, and you could marry a cute kosher girl and raise high IQ Jewish beauties.

Alright, is this even English then?
Or that's Arabic? Arab anons respond pls

>posting your battle tactics on twitter

>made up ethnicity
Did Bongroach go full-on cCc amk cCc?

Im almost 100% certain its not arabic.

jk abla, was the only pingu pic i had and had to post, siktir kek

Its just not how someone would say push especially not an american, sounds like BOSH BOSH

The tiger always wins, doesnt matter if he posts it on twitter.

No, it's not American.
>t. American

I'm the one who sometimes spergs about bidi bidi Kurdistan and about supporting all secessionists

Agreed there is

I'm not on usual "Turks bashing Arabs" kool-aid m8.
No Arab will pay a small price for a better, more prosperous country. Because they know the state bureaucrats are also Arabs, and these guys will steal from them in order to strengthen their own tribe.
It is just the way it is.

Probably a kike then

This isn't about Kurds, it never was. This circlejerk of a general won't let reason and logic dictate people's perception of the war.


Wow, a based roach

I like how only the russians here think this shit english accent is american. Never change Ivan.

>[YouTube] Al Watan Al Ackbar - The Greatest Country
Would collapse in the next nanosecond of its foundation.
Oh, okay then.

F-fuck you.
*gets shot*


So you think that's English too?

would you have a romantic date with possible sexual outcome with a goyim?
or does he have to convert for that too?


>"If Muhammad will not go to the mountain, the mountain must come to Muhammad"
I don't associate with child rapists or take them as a role model, I was on a thread a few minutes ago where a S*udi was having a /b-tier ama and he kept legitimately saying that there's nothing wrong with raping a 6 yo. Only 2 people agreed with him, wanna guess what (((their))) flag was?
>you can simply sit at home and wait a few years until our brave soldiers carve up Syria and annex it
There there, it's ok to have dreams, even if you know they'll never come true, Jewess.

Its definitely not an american accent (or arabic).


I aint opening that shit nigga, you think I'm out of my mind to have that in my watch history?

Reminder that a nail of turk worth 10000 heads of westerners.
Turks are our dedicated enemy, they deserve more respect than mutts germs and finns combined.

its just some idiots firing an artillery gun

I would never expect Mechazawa to ally with rebelz to be frank.

Let me dream you faggot
ٱمة عربية واحدة في دولة واحدة one day

I'm talking about who made it, check the watermarks :^)

No, G-d forbid. they are as filthy as animals. if it's not cut, he don't get the squat.

Are you an ath*ist then? or a Christi*n? pagans and non belivers are worse according to Jewish tradition. but ofc that the Muslims have no morals, the desert stripped them of their humanity a long time ago. shame.

turkey is retarded, its going to be pic related all over again

I like you too eternal liberator.
See you at the other side of the trench.

You really think that Mukhabarat is powerful enough to trace down your IP and history when the army could barely stand on its own without help?
And besides, you would be just watching a war video. It's not like you're watching a propaganda film.

don't worry we will apply for your release with screenshots of your patriotic posts if they arrest you

would you want him to convert and actually be a practicing jew or would you want it just cos of family
btw in my culture and opinion, the women is the one to convert cos the man is the head of the family
i personally wouldn't care much as long as my children are raised in christianity

like i used to date a cute muslim girl
she was too nice, great body blond, blue eyes
great smile and nice ass
and after a while i understood her family was too religious and she was leaning to them and i broke up until it became any serious
just am interested how other cultures feel about that

>Tigers will hit once again in next hours. Similar tactic to Mallah farms area. #Damascus

Why would a Berber want a united Arab nation? You guys got screwed hard by the Arabs.
You're actually one of the few nations that aren't shit, met a very cute Morocco girl online once, she wanted to convert me to Islam to save my soul and shit, what a waste.


>. if it's not cut, he don't get the squat.
pretty sure you're larping that you're a girl
and i just wanted to know what jewesses think

>ٱمة عربية واحدة في دولة واحدة


Some of his videos are genuinely funny. I love his laugh too.

Why is Arabic such small font on the internet, how do they even read those squiggles.

Jared Kushner should have converted to Christianity?

Good luck Ahmet. Hope personally you will survive to play HH with me.

Hey, don't be sad now.
You guys can still have gigantic federations.
Contain Israel, sign NAP in between yourselves (and actually stick to it) and it will kick off, I'm sure of it.
>ٱمة عربية واحدة في دولة واحدة
I can't read sandrunes without signs. (etre/ötre)(?). What does it say?

>pagans and non belivers are worse according to Jewish tradition.
Glad I'd be hated there, no better feeling than knowing (((they))) don't like you.It's a goal to achieve.
>the Muslims have no morals
Your countrymen seem to very much like the same ideology though.

>genital mutilation

no thanks. God didn't make no mistake

Listen to this guy.

Horus Heresy?

A يٱ
I dunno, it seems the same as far as real size goes.

Where was the last time barrel bomb stood side-by-side with the rebels?
In Aleppo hospital

>You really think that Mukhabarat is powerful enough to trace down your IP and history when the army could barely stand on its own without help?
They're really good at that, even if they're bad at actual wars.