Israel NO! Black Jews matter too!

How can Trump and Ivanka stand by and not do anything about the lives of blacks not mattering in Israel?

Other urls found in this thread:

Kek, I remember the last time they tried to rally and block the main streets, and had to stop at night because drivers couldn't see them and an them over

Hmm, a country that rallies up members of another race and detains them in concentration camps...
Where have I heard that before, it sounds oddly familiar.

We don;t put them in camps, we kick them out

Should gas them for good measure, otherwise they breed.

Stupid kike.

You lock them up until they leave you hook nosed motherfucker

Hmm, a country that rallies up members of another race and kicks them out, Where have I heard that before, it sounds oddly familiar.

Waste of resources, when they breed outside of your borders.

And you don't do it to your border-hoppers?

das raciss

Black people are native to Israel, why dont you go back to europe you fake jew?

Colombian intellectual


>Liying kike

Why are you people so evil? What the fuck. Everyone has shown you love and kindness, and you fuck their sisters.

No u


Not my fault your sister is hot, mate

They are born that way. It's always been like that, and always will be.
You show a little sympathy, and they take all your shekels

Still, israel uses holohoax mythos to do exactly what they purport was done to the jews as a reason to do said thing.
360 degree hypocrisy from the world of jewish satanic inversion

I don't see a problem with this. If the oppressed Jew can do it, so can we.

Germany didn't deport them though

Answer the question, raping women because they're attractive is not an argument

The difference is Jews don't wallow in self pity when they defend their homeland. We should kick all none whites out, but everybody is too concerned with the spook that is "morality".

Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Germany deported Jews to Palestine in 1933, with a star of david/swastika coin.

It's a legitimate question. No other religion looks upon non-followers as donkeys. Why are you so evil? It's not just because your religion is supremacist garbage, there must be a deeper answer.

The Haavara agreement only deported thousands of Jews,and that was done by an agreement, aka they were deported volunteerly.
Depeorting them PEACFULLY and let them have their possesions and wealth.

Doesn't fit into the narrative that everyone gets told in school today, funny isn't it?

March 1st, just as they promised.
>“We have expelled about 20,000 and now the mission is to get the rest out,” Netanyahu said.
>The vast majority came from Eritrea and Sudan and many said they fled war and persecution as well as economic hardship, but Israel treats them as economic migrants.
>The plan launched this week offers African migrants a $3,500 payment from the Israeli government and a free air ticket to return home or go to “third countries”, which rights groups identified as Rwanda and Uganda.

>No other religion looks upon non-followers as donkeys.
Read a book

>deported volunteerly
aka they moved out
you deport them violently, what makes you not better than Nazis

a jew that lied? color me shocked.

woah! BASED israel! Its almost like they're just IMMUNE to these sort of politics! strange!

African asylum seekers don't belong in israel, they belong in africa, the next state that isn't at war to be precise, that's not israel

No, we offer them to choose either deportation or arrest

Give real answers, you're typing gobbledygook. Tell me 3 other religions that are as supremacist as yours.

>deportation or arrest
that's what the Nazis did too, no?

Good. Now we just need to retake South Africa.

>a Jew that lied?
Lol, eat cyanide faggot. Look it up yourself if you don't believe me

Every other country in the last 2000 years kicked you out violently.
Hitler did it the most peaceful way compared to the 300 other moments in history.

And I always thought every jew was gassed and shot right ont he spot....

Based Israel.
Jews were always white.

Your country should have as many refugees as Europe, considering you're the reason their plight exists.

black lives only matter to democrats because they need the vote. otherwise they don't matter at all. just ask the apes in the concrete jungles of chimpcago

>tfw ywn be an Israeli kike

They'll deport them to America and Europe BTW.

Islam (> asks for 3 religion when there are only 3 main ones and Judaism is one of them)

Israelis are Nazis. Hopefully Iran blows you sky high soon.

>even ethiopian jews are falling prey to the communism meme
it is really sad
africa as a whole is really sad
some of their countries had genuine prospects but were kicked back down by the cold war and other crabs in the bucket

>black lives only matter to democrats because they need the vote
black lives only matter to democrats WHEN they need the vote
Wanna make a bet?

Lol good luck with that. Landmass and manpower don't really matter when your capital is a radioactive crater

Read a book, there are many religions. Islam is the most peaceful of all religions, as Jesus is mentioned more times than Mohammad is in the Quran.

I was reading Haaretz and there was an article about how the Jews are mad because the global liberal order is being destroyed by Trump, Brexit ad Russia's annexation of Ukraine. they said that their impression of the Holocaust is being ruined...

a comment by a Haaretz reader:
"The chickens are coming home to roost"
>It would have been better to be honest from the beginning. Christians persecuted Jews for hundreds of years and in most of the countries of Europe, including England and the US. The holocaust of European Jewry was the crime of the 20th century, but not the only such crime. And, therein lies the problem. There were many holocausts (Armenians, Ukrainians, Slavs), but zionists wanted to make it a capitol "H" holocaust and the only one. I am still waiting for a holocaust museum for the liberals, trade unionists, Democratic Socialists, homosexuals, gypsies/Roma, Catholic priests, bolsheviks, communists, those 'unwilling to work', and the other political opponents of the Nazi government. Where do we hear that?
"The crumbling consensus that jews were the ultimate Holocaust victims."

same difference polakbro

>Islam is the most peaceful of all religions, as Jesus is mentioned more times than Mohammad is in the Quran.

Oh wow, you really should read a book, if your religion allows you that is

that always makes me wonder. there's no nation that really loves jews from the bottom of their heart.

Yeah but you're literal untermench

Your prophets make more sense in Islam than they do in your own books.

Why don't you go out and sing a song about Mohammad while holding up a drawing of him?
Oh right, your friendly brothers would stone you to death for that...

I bet I can beat the shit out of you and your best friend without a sweat. Fight me irl nigger

Sure they did, and Islam is the religion of peace, as you said previously.

Fucking sand people, literally all of you, jews, muslims, africans, all of you are nothing but trouble.

the only real answer

lel you would think in all their "studying" they would realize the star is a political and non-religious symbol

What're your stats?

Islam obviously is the dominant religion. There are no post-Islamic societies. Hitler, and other great men, all admired the ferocious quality Islam has. Soon Europe will be Muslim, and the EU will turn on Israhell.

Wow, look at you. Someone who actually knows things in this board instead of making up some satanic conspiracy about everything we use as a symbol. You get a thumbs up for all I know

They aren't selling them they tossing em out..

Ask ur mum

he'll just krav maga your face in and then your friend's face. pretty simple, really.
do you think american jews are welcome in israel? are they always considered "foreign"? it is a different culture, what with american jews never having held a weapon before.

because we know deep down they dont matter here, hopefully we and you guys for that matter, follow the example.

Open your borders you fucking racist.

More than welcomed actually. I can't think of anybody that dislikes American Jews

6 feet 200 ibs, highly doubt you could take me.

Sure, if you suck my dick first, you kiwi 2-legged-bird-thingy

How much is that is non moot units of measurements again?

183 cm and 91 Kg

About the same. 180cm and 100kg. I go to the GYM twice a week though

Everyone dislikes American Jews. Even the blacks here don't rape them.

I don't workout, I'd destroy you.

In america maybe. In Israel it's different

Bring it pussy


I have the whole world on my side too. I'd be killing you for humanity's sake.


>jews advocate for brown mass immigration to white countries
>don't want brown mass immigration for Israel
More and more people are seeing the jew for what it is. And in a time of dirty bombs they will pay. Every jew will be hunted down and killed in time.

Bitch I own you, the fuck are you talking about

Fuck, I wish my country would do the same instead of "muh huemin rights and sheeeit".

More and more people hate you every day. Because they see you for what you are. You have done so much damage to the world. You're immoral. You look at the goyim as animals that you can lie to kill and rape.

You're the devil and the enemy of all the goyim. And yes you will be hunted down and this time bongs and burgers won't save you.

In your wet dream "Sven".

Why dont jews just kill them, oh right they are scared that the white goyim will see they are evil and kill them.

>We must destroy ir-

>black jews
These "people" are illegal economic migrants from Rwanda and Sudan, thus we have every right to kick them the fuck out

>deported to deth

Black Jewlife matters!

Why the fuck do you kikes think you are white?

>More and more people hate us every day. Because they see us for what we are. We have done so much damage to Europe. We're immoral. We look at our own citizens as animals that you can lie to kill and rape.
ftfy, Achmed of Swedistan

They are trying to integrate by painting their faces white, you racist.

We both know it jew and if you have some good in you somewhere, then you know it's the morally right thing to do. Killing you is a moral good and by your own words you admit it.

I don't hate jews because they're jews. I hate jews because of their immoral actions - historical and modern day. If you just minded your own business I wouldn't have anything against you. But you don't. You lie. You cheat. You destroy. You're sick.

I will kill as many of you as I can and more and more people like me are made every day.

>We must destroy the iranian peo-

Are you a jew? Why do you enjoy sucking jew dick?

When do we begin to remove mizrahim?

I imagine jews read our post like a human reads insects moving in the dirt. Its no use trying to reason with him he thinks no his brain literally doesnt identify us as sapient beings.

The only good thing with Israel is that arab jews and European jews (and african jews) are mixing.