Is there a reason why the US doesn't have Paid Leave?
Is there a reason why the US doesn't have Paid Leave?
lol the US doesn't have paid maternity leave?
what the fuck is wrong with you fucking savages?
Because, while we are getting worse, we don't want the government telling us how to run every aspect of our lives. Want paid leave? Negotiate with your employer...
Apparently it's only good when a liberal enforces it.
>we don't want the government telling us how to run every aspect of our lives
>but our employer should
People have paid leave if they negotate for it in their job. Otherwise they don't and they make more money.
Do you want to make more money? Or have a baby?
This only proves that the US is the best country.
You shouldn't pay people for NOT WORKING.
don't try to fight their cognitive dissonance and distorted vision of freedom cause you won't make it.
they have their heads so far up the asses, that anything considered remotely liberal is a no-no.
raising your kids isn't a liberal kink, it's a fucking human right and unless the government enforces it, companies won't think of "the greater good" vs their own profit.
>paid maternity leave
I think it's stupid. women should be paid for the work they do, not win free money for having a working vagina
bc they recognize that women shouldnt be rewarded for their laziness
MANY full time workers get it
but I fully support no time off, women dont belong in the workforce
do you have kids?
did your mom raise you when you were little, or were you raised by a chink maid?
parental leave laws work for both sexes, dumbass
you can be a dad, and raise your kid if the wife decides to work.
I actually had a few co-workers do that at my previous work place, where only one of the parents get to stay home
>Intentionally conceive a baby which will inevitably remove you from the workforce
>Complain that no one wants to pay you to not work because of a decision you made
The more i read stupid comments, the more i see that you fucks have no idea what you're talking about
parental leave laws can be accorded to any parent, not only to the mother as it is instrumental that at least one parent takes care of the children, not the fucking maid.
>In a reality where there is only one available employer and negotiation is improbable
>Thinks that coercing employers into paying gibs to mothers so they can raise their children without sacrifice is a human right
kys faggot I didn't know gypsies needed a nanny to take care of them
how many times do i have to repeat that the only reason you see things like this is because your retarded brain can't comprehend that any one of the parents can have paid parental leave from work.
as long as you pay taxes, the state should allow you to raise the future of the damn country, otherwise you end up with school shooters, a fucked up society, kids unready for life...well pretty much like the US
And you wonder why the US is full of criminals. NO PARENTS TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR LITTLE CRETINS.
Abortion should be mandatory.
Americas founding was based off of selfishness, so it's always been kind of backward. I figure the reason is more advanced on other subjects is because all the people opposing them came to America
>the employer shouldn't be the one to consider the possibility of maternity leave
>the government must force them to do it instead
Why do Europeans have no respect for other people's money?
Simple fact of the matter is there are too many sheboons ready to abuse a federally mandated maternity leave, and maternity leave protection exist already in case law. Much better place for it so liberal lawyers can't construe it as an obligation.
>he needs the government to negotiate his pay for him
How sad.
Yeah, the rest of the world is lazy as fuck.
Everyone thinks Americans work too many hours, too many days, too many weeks in a year.
We're just not lazy pieces of shit like the rest of the world. That's why we're #1.
the government needs to enforce, not to negotiate.
don't be fucking retarded, most employers will take advantage of you
do you even have a fucking job?
How bad is Romanian education that you can't understand Americans enjoy the same things without it being a federal mandate?
Do you also have trouble understanding how someone can intentionally not follow a law? Are you autistic?
the only thing you're #1 in is convicted criminals
Huurrr I should get paid for not working.
Some companies do. It's up to the owner of a company to decide what thy want to do. You don't have that right? What is wrong with you?
>get a husband you whore
>not being a stay at home mom
there should not be a need for it, unless you are so low income that you require it.
Shaniqua will turn her body into a baby factory in constant production if she knew she could get work off for the rest of her life and get paid for it. She’ll just feed the kids pop-tarts and purple drank to minimize losses.
>How bad is Romanian education that you can't understand Americans enjoy the same things without it being a federal mandate?
I work as a doctor, you retarded fuck
I remember three weeks ago one of you stupid motherfuckers broke his leg skiing, and was shitting his pants because he didn't understand that healthcare is free and we took care of him without him having to pay a dime because we have a working fucking system designated to take care of it's people, not to shit on your every right under the ruse of freedom which you clearly don't have
you fucks are retarded.
that dude took pictures with half doctors because he was in awe.
you're all savages
This is why they raise so many school shooters. Bad conditions as kids.
paid leave? that's communism
also weekends? fucking commies fucked us again
>why the US doesn't have Paid Leave?
We have something even better called 'personal savings'.
Our government was not made to enforce maternity leave on employers. If it were made to do so, the hiring of woman for real jobs would plummet.
A pregnant female worker is not capable of offering the same caliber of work compared to a non pregnant female, and it is immoral to expect the same level of work from a pregnant woman in the first place.
If employers are required to pay maternity leave, and are unable to negotiate terms around said paying of maternity leave, they will simply avoid hiring women who seem likely to become pregnant.
This is the reality.
>Romanian doctor can't understand why the US doesn't have mandatory maternity leave
Holy shit remind me to never get sick in Romania. Do you have trouble doing your finances too?
Another one for you.
I've lived in Texas for about 6 years of my life, and one of the things that was absolutely stunning to me was a coach friend of mine who was telling me a story about one of the niggers kids in his class who was epileptic and always wore a sign not to call the ambulance with him, because it was too expensive
this is freedom
this is the freedom you enjoy
the freedom to die
whilst paying taxes to fight jewish wars
gg america
you win
fucking gypsy education
>pweez daddy pweez! force them to pay me gibs! the childwen pweez! for society!
user, why are you so eager to cede your own responsibilities to the state?
>pic related
How coincidental
>Our government was not made to enforce maternity leave on employers. If it were made to do so, the hiring of woman for real jobs would plummet.
A pregnant female worker is not capable of offering the same caliber of work compared to a non pregnant female, and it is immoral to expect the same level of work from a pregnant woman in the first place.
If employers are required to pay maternity leave, and are unable to negotiate terms around said paying of maternity leave, they will simply avoid hiring women who seem likely to become pregnant.
are you a robot or a human being?
do you have children?
>Holy shit remind me to never get sick in Romania. Do you have trouble doing your finances too?
please never do
Bingo. The way we "raise" children in the US is horrendous. Mothers can't be with their kids because we struggle raising them on the father's income alone so instead we toss the kid into daycare as soon as possible and hope he turns out alright and doesn't end up resenting his parents and his whole existence.
>I'm a doctor in Romania who treated a dumb American who couldn't believe socialized healthcare exist
>I also lived in Texas for 6 years
>yet I still don't seem to understand why things are different in America compared to Europe
You are either lying or are really dumb.
>he trusts the banks
Youre fucked dude.
A fucking gypo telling the rest of the world how it is.
Lots of corporations in the US provide for paid family leave. You actually have to be useful enough to work for one of those corporations. The fact that there is no law mandating this is why stupid people don't think it exists.
Meanwhile everyone's favorite state passed a law that gives family leave for 6 weeks paid for by tax dollars. Every taco bender that wants to shit a new bean every 9 months gets 6 weeks off of their part time job at Applebees paid for by those that have real jobs.
yes different
in the stupid sense
you have no human decency
>can't quote right
Ok so you are just a liar. Got it.
Your country is a bumbling fucking borderline third world mess with gypsies running rampant, the fact you think paying people who aren’t working is good and not exploitable must mean you are a fucking gypsie. Who the fuck are you to assume you know whats best for america? Go scrouge around peoples garbage and pump out babies so the govt can give you gibs AND you dont have to work. Fucking romanians need to be gassed.
>implying shaniqua has a job in the first place
You are a LARPing faggot who doesn't know shit about my country. You honestly believe we don't have maternity leave. How stupid can one be?
This is retarded. Paid maternity leave is typically handled on a corporate level. Some offer it and some don't. Most do because of the social pressure. It's true we don't have a federal mandate requiring companies to pay women on maternity leave, but the majority of companies and corporations do offer paid maternity leave if the woman is a full-time employee.
>underestimating the power of the diversity hire quota
They very easily find new jobs when they need to.
Its not guaranteed. Based on employer.
Go find a way to scam people out of their money and act like a pillar of morality you retarded gypsie faggot
Overwhelming majority offer some form of maternity leave to salary women. Point is the gypsy nigger thinks it doesn't exist unless it's a federal law, which is the exact opposite of how our system works.
>No maternity leave
>Wonder why your birth rate is so low
You're sorely mistaken if the vast majority of Americans can afford to save in the first place, and yes it does have to do with keeping up with the jones's but it also has to do with the insane amount of usury that happens in the US. There are too many bills to save a decent amount of money for most people. Not only that, good luck taking leave from your job to raise a baby and then finding out you've been let go when you try to come back.
>the only thing you're #1 in is convicted criminals
Women don’t belong in the workplace. Women belong at home, taking care of the children and the house.
>Higher infant mortality than US
>Lower life expectancy
>Make 75% less money than Americans
You're clueless if you actually think that healthcare in America is a problem for employed white people. Americans make so much more money than Romanians, that even if you had to pay for your own insurance, you would still be better off than a gyp.
>find out you've been let go when you try to come back
That's illegal
>it happens anyway!
No it really doesn't. Companies tend to minimize their potential lawsuits, and a part of this is giving employees proper termination notice.
This and nothing else.
Lmao parents so low income they cant afford a child or their medical care. Yeah theres a lot of idiots like that here qhp have children but work at Jack in the box for 10 an hour.
This. It just so happens that the majority of high quality Americans wouldn't want to have children when they can't afford it, don't have the time to raise them, or end up having to leaching off of society if they could help it. When that happens you end up with a surplus of low quality people having lots of kids compared to the low amount of children produced by high quality people.
That nigger would have government healthcare, which covers rides in the ambulance. Further proof the gypso is lying.
Many Americans, like myself, own our own businesses.
So, by your logic, I'm a slave to myself?
I'm making the equivalent of $118/hr right now, and I'm able to take time out of my day to shit on your stupid comment, and still make money doing it.
But yes, by all means, continue to lecture us on how we're all "slaves".
yeah because it's up to capitalist corporate vampires to decide if a mother need that sort of thing.
Straight fucked up. Then you wonder why american culture and society is so degenerate and there is so much pathologies within it.
Woman shouldn't work anyway
You can be let go after a consecutive 12 weeks. That's far too low.
Good theory, but it doesn't make sense because European countries which have paid maternity leave have a lower birth rate. Also, if anything paid maternity leave would encourage "low quality" Americans to have kids, because it means they could afford it.
because we dont start earning money in june
and isnt japan notorious with a hellish work force? the kind of work force that causes people to die from exhaustion?
Not you nigger. I'm talking about the vast majority of people.
Keep lying to yourselves as much as you want
Yes, it is about morality, upbringing and decent human life.
Precisely because you can't balance work and family (as one of the anons well stated), and the current social environment is not such that only one working parent can actually provide for a young family (without getting into debt in which they already are getting through collage).
Starting a family is hard if you want your kids to have a good life and want to provide for them especially if you're young
ergo demographic problems
ergo why you need immigration
can't you fucking see it's a circleshitfest or are your heads so far up your asses that anything humane is considered a liberal fantasy ?
a mom can't be a mom if she works 9 hours a day much as she can't be a decent employee either raising her kids for the remainder of the day
same goes for the dad if he's the one to get paternity leave
(If you didn't ever have a baby, or have to take care of a baby, shut your fucking whore mouth)
Because it's literally communism!!!
Has there been a study comparing birthrates and when maternity leave was introduced?
>every aspect of communism is wrong
>all aspects of "democracy" (cause you insist on calling yourself that) are good
muh ebil commies
>blames it on usury
Nigger you realize the federal reserve is giving out money for free, right? The only fucking usury going on is through payday loans that scam retards who can't do math.
Not for maternity related instances due to discrimination. If you give proper notice of your pregnancy and give them your expected due date, they can not fire you.
Now of you say you only want 4 weeks after and take 12 without telling them, then yea that becomes grounds for termination. But at that point is it really such a problem to pick up the phone?
And none of this is considering that the medical expensives of the pregnancy will he covered by company insurance. So maternity leave in some cases literally cost the company money.
It's not nearly as cut and dry as the trolls try to make it out to be.
Low quality Americans wouldn't even have a real job to take leave from. They would quit and go on welfare and use their children to get more and more money. Also there is far too much propaganda that promotes antinatalism among the educated native populations of the West.
>Romanian birth rate: 1.52
>US birth rate: 1.84
why the fuck should someone be paid without working?
because you have niggers and spcis, paco
Always easy to bait the trolls into outing where they are from.
not a troll
neither did i hide my flag
Sup Forums
>women should be stay at home moms and take care of the housework, cook and clean etc.
>lmao women should work just as much as men, who cares about kids
Bullshit. Only trolls lie out their ass as much as you do.
tell me one lie out of what's i've written in this thread
you have a serious case of echo-chamber
Again, your theory doesn't explain why birth rates in countries that provide maternity leave are lower. Even when you take out the highest birth rate demographic from the US (hispanic) the white American birth rate is still higher than Euro countries.
Canadas is pretty dishonest it's actually on a provincial basis so some provinces have far less paid leave
>I think it's stupid. women should be paid for the work they do, not win free money for having a working vagina
Women deserve to demand whatever they want, they're not a protected class and you don't have to hire them.
Paid maternity leave means less women in the workforce and more stay at home moms.
>Sup Forums
Nah just the local creaturas.
White American birth rate: 1.8
Hispanic American birth rate: 2.4
Romanian birth rate: 1.5
Romania BTFO in every way. It would be easier for a mother to stay at home with no pay in America than having two shit-tier incomes in Romania.
what are you precisely trying to prove?
that an economic powerhouse is better than some second world eastern european ex-commie country?
because it's an immigrant country
what would you need babies for?
>Be epileptic
>Have a seizure from time to time, not that big of a deal
>Stupid overreacting mothers who can't even spell 'epilepsy' call 911 bc OH MAI GAWWWD HEES DYYYYYYING GOD PLEASE SEND AN AMBULANCE OH GOD
>Get taken to hospital in a rush
>Doctors take a look
>Oh, it's just an epileptic seizure, he has had epilepsy from childhood on, look, it says here right in his file
>Parents get slapped with a hospital bill twice every week
That's why he wears the sign. Paying for yourself invites frugality, having everything paid by a faceless group of all people invites wastefulness. It's that simple. I go to the GP every two or three years or so, only when I think it's really necessary. Every single time there will be 60% shitskins who often aren't sick at all in the waiting room. Frequently the same ones too. When I walk past the GP station in my village, there's always a familiar face.
This, and why should the government enforce it? I am extremely concerned for the future of humanity.
You claim to have lived in Texas, yet have no idea of even the most basic facts about American life.
>muh niglet with the no ambulance sign
The niglet has government healthcare. What the fuck do they care about ambulance cost?
Even the insinuation that a niglet family would have even a remote thought to conserve money just shows how little you know about American niggers. And you claim to have lived in Texas, but don't know basic facts about niggers?
No, you are just some faggot troll from Sup Forums who knows jack shit about America besides for memes. At least the other trolls don't overplay their hand as badly as you have.
Regardless too many have too many credit cards and far too much debt because of their own mistakes. It shouldn't happen but it does. I also believe that loans with interest at all are immoral and I therefore would personally say that usury is very much alive and well in America.
only way for women to remain competitive is to give up stuff like that