>Turkey’s President Erdogan consoles crying six-year-old girl by predicting her glorious death in future combat
>‘If she becomes a martyr, God willing, they will drape the flag on her. She is ready for everything’
Erdogan's little girl's jihad
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Something about Islamized whites makes me feel especially sick.
At least huwhite-ish. And then there are the Bosnians.
Good, meanwhile here 6 year olds are trannies and cant handle conflict
turks will remove this kike CIA puppet piece of shit
According to Euros Bosnians are White, but they aren’t because if you accept Islam, you aren’t white.
>tfw you'll probably be too old to participate in the true great Happening when it finally does hit
No one is white if it makes Europeans feel superior
i would put a bullet in the chest of this roachess without even thinking
youre probably ugly as fuck hu?
Who the fuck is this girl that keeps being spammed? Did king roach purchase a second slave wife from the Balkans or what?
She was a brainwashed member of the Erdogan Youth who was crying so Erdogan said God willing she'd be martyred in a great jihad and have her dead body covered in a beautiful Turkish flag
Shes prob crying because shes getting married next week
Greatest ally and future proud member of the EU indeed. I'm extremely happy to have 10 million of his minions live in my fucking country. Fuck.
t. Mehmet
Americans confuse Westerrner with White. And say Bosniaks aren't White.
But the average American user here is the arbiter of whiteness - "Whiter than you Mohammed" and changes the definition according to whatever he feels like at the time of posting
>you think albanians, bosnians, and chechens are white?
>islam disqualifies you from whiteness imo.
check geoflag of this user
It's some Bible Belt person saying that, not the Euros saying that.
>not even his own daughter
erdogan is trash, but this tobias sounds like a cuck
Interesting, thanks for the info user.
How is this guy still in power? Everyone wants him gone.
he cucked the army when they tried to overthrow him
I mean the Jews and the Americans don't want him
>in a jihad
are there more than one? is more than one allowed to even exist?
yet his enemeis are all in jial, so what do
there's at least the shia and sunni one
A literal search in the archive you find out who are the most common users per nationality say that stuff "Bosniaks aren't white" durr durr. and guess what? It isn't the Europeans saying that.
A national mainstream media posted the tweet of this Tobias and I posted here because it is funny.
Huch is a commie faggot who doesn't even pay his taxes