How do I stop the masturbation jew? I jack off like 3x a day minimum
How do I stop the masturbation jew? I jack off like 3x a day minimum
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so like, find a good mirror and look long and hard at your ass. see the weird shape it is? go for a fucking jog.
hobbies that get you out of the house. stop being a weak bitch.
honestly my ass looks pretty good
probably an ok idea. my main hobby is playing guitar, which means when i am not working, i am at home.
>playing guitar
that's your mains hobby? your probably don't know shit about music
Every time you think about fapping, do 20 push ups.
Stay away from the internet, including this site.
After 45 days of not fapping and no porn, you stop thinking about it. Once you see a naked woman or porn you find it strange or funny.
Who fuckin cares? I beat off at work just so I can pass the time by saying they paid to do just that.
fucking degenerate. beating off isn't good for you.
Wear a chastity cage.
Practice some spiritualism, it will help you find your center. Most masturbation is simply a vice for something not being tended to. Infact think of your deepest inner most self, picture it as a raging flame. What does that flame want to do it want's to grow strong and big. It wants to pass on the torch of life, before it's extinguished be time and entropy.
When you burn without the purpose of reproduction you hurt that flame, weaken it, subdue it. You feel guilty at the end, because you know it was not meant to be this way. You're wasting your seed man, the precious plasma of not only life, but life itself.
Edge yourself to this pic every day and don’t nut.
Blueball yourself for 6 months.
No fap is gay and doesn’t work. All Edge turns you into a fucking 750lb Slavic bull
edging damages your urethra forever btw.
Well if you can't stop, sooner or later you will get burned out. Eventually nothing will satisfy you and you'll stop. All porn is big tits, big asses, little tits, little asses, dicks, vaginas. It gets boring eventually because there's nothing new about it.
LOL the most blatant example of making shit up on the spot I've ever seen.
Well shit I don’t even have to rub my kraken to edge, if it brushes at the right place when I walk the natives move in and start building teepee. Am I fucked?
Whether you nut in a slut or a sock makes no difference. Just think WWCD, "What Would Chad Do?" and try not to rip your dick off in the process.
>I beat off at work just so I can pass the time
Up it to 13x until you can't even stand the thought of touching it.
Anyone else stop fapping but now get weekly wet dreams?
I've been going a week. I hella hump my bed in the morning when I'm waking up but I don't ejaculate. I should probably stop that too tho.
Go work for Oxfam. They dont fap.
Your brain has been hardwired, you might have to ween yourself off of it. That's your brain trying to get the same fix, but without the effort.
If you got no alternative then why is this a problem? You will get bored of it eventually.
Mind boggling
i graduated from a music conservatory and I work in the music business.
good suggestion
i have a kid and a second on the way. honestly i have a very high sex drive, but my wife is a prude in comparison. i grew up without a father and i had a few close relatives die when i was pretty young, so i probably have some demons.
i dont really watch much porn. i just look at bikini pics on fb
i have jacked off over 10x in one day on a rare occasion
i am married, but we have a kid and a second one on the way, so my wife is not really in the mood as often as muh dick is
3x a day sounds like a bit much, but if it's not getting in the way of your life and your health then it shouldn't be a problem. Addiction is when doing something gets in the way of other things you'd like to do more. For example, watching TV isn't an addiction, even if binge watch 5 hr shows often, until you start skipping out on work and other social events to do it. If wanking doesn't prevent you from living your life, then I think your overestimating the problem.
Having said that, if your concerned, talk to your GP. Also, don't fap to porn. The jury is still out on NoFap, but everyone agrees porn is really bad for you.
What i did was counter-intuitive, i completely desensitized myself to porn by watching it everywhere. If i was doing homework, I'd open up some porn. Procrastinating on youtube? Nah do it on pornhub instead.
Also tried watching some kinky stuff like BDSM etc. After a while just thinking about tits or girls wouldn't get me horny. But i still had the ability to jack off when i wanred to (only difference is now i can control the urge).
But honestly OP if that doesn't work, just do it for health. 3 times a day isn't good for your dick. Lots of wear and tear over time
I used to fap at least once a day and decided one day to just stop. I ended up getting it down to once every other day, once a week, etc.
What a fucking fake plastic faced bitch. Only people with psychological yellow fever would fap to that cunt.
i dont know if its an addiction. i prefer to be home anyway because i am a functional NEET. since i am already home, not doing shit else, jacking off is always available.
i feel like this would fuck you up
ill probably try this.
Do those three times a day interfere with your daily life?
Did you get any benefits from doing so? Genuinely curious. I actually found fapping had health benefits for me:
When I was around 15-16 I noticed I was getting tons of wet dreams (hadn't fapped really before this point). I actually started a nightly ritual of doing it once (without porn) before I go to sleep. No more wet dreams, and now I always sleep like a baby, and only ever have problems at night if I'm really sick.
You just stop. That's all there is to it. The urges will start hitting you hard after the 5 day mark. Cold showers really help with taking away the excessive horny feelings. It gets easier after the first three weeks, because that's when the neural pathways in your brain start to significantly change, just gotta push through with sheer willpower. Don't touch your dick outside of taking a piss, don't even look at, and definitely DO NOT look at anything remotely close to porn, because triggers are a big deal.
i dont really know because all i really do it go to work and come home. anyone with my schedule has enough time to jack off 3x or more a day
>functioning NEET
Now that's a problem. I know I personally suffer from being inclined to that sort of lifestyle, but you need to force yourself outside at least once every two days. Other user was right, pick up a hobby that gets you outside. That or visit parks/museums.