Say goodbye to your video games Drumpftards
Say goodbye to your video games Drumpftards
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I still have DOOM on floppy.
>from my cold dead hands
nice. make sure to back up your pwads too
maybe underage kids shouldn't play 18+ games. how about parents actually start caring? In the end it's not the guns nor the videogames that are the problem, but rather the general spirit of a community. the modern western men is a self centered shithead.
This never happen
>hurr hurr Trump's gunna make vidya illegal
You're retarded if you think a lifelong businessman is going to punch the second biggest entertainment industry in America in the gut. Whatever Trump does it won't prevent anyone from getting a steady stream of garbage FPSs to consume. Even if anything bad did happen (which is highly unlikely), it will probably one affect console kiddies. In short, you are a retard, OP.
So is the US the only place with video games?
western games are already shit because sjws though.
and telling whichever studios version of CoD they cant pay barreta to have a 50. cal in their next game is anti-capitalist
This. I'm tired of hearing little twelve year old bitch child voices over teamspeak.
Video games are for faggot numales anyway. Go out and learn a skill.
No games are basically made in the US anymore anyway
Bobby kotick doesn't care
Cod makes too much money
Yep, there are plenty of resources for parents to know and limit what content their kids play, but most don't care.
Honestly most kids past age 12 or so can play GTA or whatever and turn out just fine. It's just the ones with mental/social development problems that shouldn't be exposed to such things.
Can't. Int 5 is the prerequisite for crafting
If he touches videogames I'm off the Trump train
Common sense game control, now
This is going to be 'grandma posting on facebook' level shit. Trump isn't going to understand a single word they say.
Barron will explain everything. He's very good with the cyber
Or they'll have to phrase it so he'll understand.
>"These are 'points', players want to grab them. You know, like pussies."
I haven't played video games in 10 years.
You fucks already took them away, remember?
He's just gonna talk with them and then say "oh okay I guess video games don't cause violence" and move on
>wondering how a game like JFK Reloaded is considered
its a 2d digital cross hair tied to a mouse cursor, not a sniper rifle.
>Trump blame games
>left jumps over itself to show how stupid he is and how video game save no impact on real world
>SJWs have now openly made entire arguments against their own position and either have to be quite or be shown to be blatant hypocrites.
Is this what he's doing? I want to believe but I don't know anymore.
>trump says some possibly but wrong ideas about violence in our society
>shills spas the board for days because trump said a thing
>I sage the shills
if Walmart and Dicks are making restrictions to their Firearms selection...
will ToysRUs, BestBuy, and Amazon make restrictions to what video games they sell ??
I'm way too tired to be making this argument.
replace the video game guns
Die in a fire you stupid subhuman nigger.
>fucking with basement dwellers video games
drumphfs finished
who the fuck still plays burger made vidya?
Well burgers made most of the rooty tooty point and shooties you've probably played.
or you can do both... unless you think working is a 24/7 thing
>what is h-doom
I don't play vidya anymore but it is an interesting issue. Videogames definitely reward gun violence and I have to admit they sparked my interest in guns. Could it be enough to make someone mentally unstable want that thrill in real life? Hard to say
But what scares me about the flipside is that if guns are not rendered realistically, younger generations will never be interested in them. That could yield a population unwilling to arm or defend themselves
>No Wolfenstein
Remember when the left loved this shit?
>Tipper Gore
>Democrat Joe (((Lieberman)))
>Democrat Herbert Kohl
>Democrat Byron Dorgan
Good, children shouldn't play video games. I'm tired of hearing neckbeards accidently hitting on boys because they sound like chicks on the mic, too
he doesn't know about John Duttenhofer and his passion for COD.
read more fag
That is a possibility. But for the most part it would be Jack Thompson tier BS.
Problem lies more with the parents than the games.
>no more guns
>no more video games
The utter state of americans
>real aryan men pick up sticks and watch paint dry
>playing video games
Band them all
If Trump says it it must be right
This is peak boomer.
Trump is fucking fumbling this bad, what an idiot honestly my opinion of him drops weekly.
Talk about leading from behind. What the hell happened to you Trump?
only liberals and sjw pussies want more degeneracy in video games like torture and gore
well adjusted people like trump want video games to educate and teach like those trivia and church games for kids 6 year and up
He's Making Multiplayer Great Again. No more whining little shits saturating CoD servers, and Modern Warfare 2 Remaster is around the corner just in time, too.
Rig this Sup Forums pol
He is going to UNSOY a generation.
Vidya is just a propaganda tool nowadays
>yfw Trump convinces the vidya industry to go back to focusing on comfy games like platformers with cartoon violence
God I hope to god console games get vanned
>Year of Our Lord 2020
>Mount and Blade 2 finally comes out
>cant play it because orange cheeto man has outlawed video games
Who cares? Shooting games are fucking pointless
>Super mario master race
Pic is cancer related
>muh violent video games scapegoat
15 years and we've conclusively proven this ISN'T a casual factor in violence. The research is in. Its solid. End of story.
Trump doesn't speak Japanese.
Okay trump you are AB testing really hard right now. You can stop it.
>Culture isn't a factor in violence
Research means nothing
don't be silly.
This is something everyone is missing.
To save nomenclature Prez Trump had a hand in the latest Wolfenstein.
If I don't get my vidya there will be violence.
So it is actually the opposite.
So I have taken it upon myself to make a vidya.
People need to take video games in moderation.
Trump: Hey, does vidya cause school shootings or is it the guns?
Execs: Definitely the guns
Anita: Yeah fuck guns
Trump: Ok so then we can all agree that computer games does not cause sexism, racism etc.
Execs & Anita: Uh..... *pic related*
Just like anything you need to take moderation into account you can OD on vidya and you should follow the ratings it is not really a good idea to let someone under the age of 15 play GTA for example UNLESS they happen to be mature enough because I did huehuehuehueheu but thats besides the point it is an individual thing some people can't handle video games especially hyper zealous religious folk take for example that guy that reviewed GTA to try to cencor it he happened to do some really fucked up shit in the game and not really complete any story missions...........................
Adults shouldn’t be playing video games
B-but kids will find a way to play 18+ regardless. So why bother, am i right?
Good vidya is only slightly less denegerate than pol.
You gunna tell me I shouldn't be fucking your wife next also ?
mother fucker you goto your room and think about what you have done.
Im the big boy here you need to check yo self before you rekt yo self.
You don't remember the SJW outcry because of the doom trailer in 2015
Memes and buzzwords aside, video games a waste of time. No respectable adult should have video games as a hobby.
No man over 20 should be playing video games
Friendly reminder that one of Trump's brothers is on the board of the executives for the holding company that owns the studio that made Wolfenstein: The Jew Collussus
>No more whining little shits saturating CoD servers
Been a thing since kids using TS and CS in the early 00s
your just jealous of those niggers making 6 figures for playing a fucking video game for 20 minutes.
Good goy trump wasting time on irrelevant bullshit to appeal to the dems who will always hate him. While everything he campaigned for is sitting on the waiting list. What a useless cunt.
I've got wood to chop
Animals to kill
And Houses to construct
and women to sex
And I am making a video game.
What the fuck are you doing with your life?
Oh and I find time to play games also.
You just sit here telling people what to do and when to do it jerking off to pictures of fucking anime.
I can't believe he's serious about this shit.
This and gun control are the final straw, anyone still laboring under the delusion that Trump will be a two term president is just that, delusional
His brother is a major shareholder in Zenimax and has a seat on their board, Trump isn't gonna do anything to video games
Just more control on the Ratings
cleaning this up.
okay, hyper violent games are garbage but then again, they don't change a sane individual to the point where they think it's good to go on a real killing spree.
>Say goodbye to your video games
Where have you been the past 20 years? Oh probably weren't born.
You can't even purchase the most violent video game ever made, Hatred, outside of steam, why don't you blame the actual fucking problem, the god damn parents
Holy fuck you're right...
If only there was a way to tell if a game is unsuitable for a 12 year old
>why don't you blame the actual fucking problem, the god damn parents
well in hindsight of the florida shooting the upbringing was a big factor but vidya wasn't.
Thats mean no more metal gear?
Didn’t he just announce aluminum tariffs that knocked the Dow down by 1%?
>dad builds you a holodeck
Excuse me fuck you
The Tyrants will come up with any excuse and any scapegoat to blame for his failed sense of security.
his dad should have been more loving to his poor little chiald
I play minecraft with my son but after every session I whip him with a chain and yell you fucking soyboy cunt why arent you shooting up a school. Its defintely brought us closer.