Dragon Maid

are you excited for the new OVA?

It's the dick chapter, right?

You know what's gross that gross people eat?


Literally just this big fucking boiled cow tongue without even any sauces or flavorings sometimes

My mom made this occasionally but I never ate it

She makes great lagman and olivie when she isn't being an autistic health freak and not putting any meat and fat in it

Good borscht too and she used to make great hambaagu like beef cutlets back before she became a vegetarian because of her ridiculous yoga friends

Please please please

Sauce son of a bitch, I demand the Fucking sauce!

Of what?

>An original video animation episode will be released on the seventh Blu-ray/DVD compilation volume on 20 September 2017.

season 2 announcement? pls


I wouldn't hold your breath.

It's an adaption of the onsen and Valentine's chapters respectively as far as what's been released about it.

It better be the oppai loli.

He clearly wants to add some sauce to the tail you mongrel!

I don't think she'll appear until halfway through season 2 (if we get one) like elma


>liking oppai loli

Pick one.

Iruru is cute.

If it gets translated, yes

I like how she turned out to be the teen daughter of the family.

fuck that abomination

She's a good girl once house broken.

tongue is just muscle tissue like any other meat

So glad KyoAni never touched this monstrosity.

dargon maid is the most shiit anime i have ever witnessed

Tongue as a sliced deli meat is fanstastic if you ask me.

This is some shit taste right here.
Maybe you've never had it prepared well, but tongue is delicious.

You don't watch a lot of anime, and you are easily persuaded by mainstream thought.

No. I dropped this in the middle of the second episode.



When is the OVA coming out?

See: .