403 Chad stridin' in here, and I fucking HATE all of you. I'm going to give you all a piece of my mind, fags.
CANADA HATE THREAD, for Canadians by Canadians
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Vachier tapette
NL - What the FUCK is wrong with you? You're the niggers of Canada, unfit to do anything besides construction. You are UNABLE to lead. Finally find some oil, waste it all on megaproject with giant extension cord under the ocean so hopefully someone buys some electricity. Fuck off, you fat fucks
NS - You are all fucking losers. You get giant make-work project from the feds to build ships, but do nothing but spread the cheeks for the Irving family. You're all fat as fuck too. Lay off the donairs if you're body mass average is Ricky, Julian and Bubbles.
NB - You're even worse than NS. Your entire province is financed off federal government regional offices. Phoenix pay system moves there, immedaitely fails. No one cares how unique you think you are because you're "bilingual". You're broke, stop taking my money.
PEI - Potatoes and Anne of Green Gables is gettin' old man. No one cares about some thot who moved to PEI to wear hats and peel potatoes. The fact this is your primary claim to fame should make you feel shame.
We're surpassing Britain for the faggotry award.
K-Bec - Don't even get me fucking started. How in the FUCK are you the biggest recipient of transfer payments? Justify that. You can't, because you're a bunch of French fags. The only thing going for you is the long-standing K-Bec industry of whoreing out your women as prostitutes and strippers. Sad.
OP leads the way
ON - you are single-handedly (maybe in partnership with QC) responsible for ruining this country. Look at your fucking mgmt. Some bull dyke who cucked her husband and turned her son gay : lifesitenews.com
This is the level of degeneracy LEADING the province. I hope Trump fucking throws a giant tariff on your manufacturing to end you. You have a larger sub-sovereign debt than California in REAL numbers, not relative. Sad
Prairies. Youre okay, minus the injuns. Keep taking shit into your own hands though.
AB - STOP BEING FAGGOTS. I am sick and tired of seeing Snotley ruining this province. I am confident we will end her reign soon, but if any of you fags aren't voting Kenney, please kill yourselves.
BC - I sincerely hope that earthquake happens tomorrow so it will drown all you Asians, trannies, gays and heroin addicts. Fuck right off. When that happens, I can't wait to build a shit load of pipelines over your watery graves (no doubt arranged in fung shei, or some other gay-ass Asian shit)
nigga I didn't know Trudeau knew any Slanneshi Daemonettes
This. I live in this hellhole and it gets worse by the day. It's okay though because everyone can still buy liquor and smokes, nothing to worry about.
Trudeau is a Slaaneshi cultist if I've ever seen one.
Well fucking do something about it. I'd take fucking FORD if it means ending that reign. You are an EMBARRASSMENT to this country.
and when it doesnt and you get no korean war and years pass and your still buttmad that your not attractive enough to get laid and will be homeless who will care?
Believe me, I would too. Doing everything I can to get people I know involved. It's Toronto my nigger. That cesspool of faggotry and immigrants is a voting powerhouse, and the dyke and faggot are a wet dream for them.
I don't hate Canadians though. I mean the real ones, not the imported faggot shitskins.
> BC Asian, trans, heroin addict chirping about getting laid.
No, in the real world prostitution for fentanyl doesn't count as "getting laid". Can't wait until we lay that pipe across that Province. I hope there's a spill too, that poisons your water supply. It would actually be doing Canada a favour as that would be less drug-addicts to give free heroin to, on my tab.
What did Jihadi Justin mean by this?
Ontario as a whole is not at fault.
Ottawa the cuckolding capital and ashley madison captial of the world
Toronto the modern day Sodom
London the wannabe insurance capital
Sarnia the petrochemical wasteland
are at fault
I know this is a Canadian thread but I'm just here to say I love Canadians, almost all I've met are really cool. Trudeau is the only problem
Fuck off Amerimutt. This is a Canadian-only zone, and you have no idea how bad things are here. See:
Read that article. That is the Premier (our version of Governor) of the largest province of the country. Our problems are VASTLY worse than just PM Castreau
Haha I think you've been talking with Americans on here too much, wearing off on you.
U can't repay kindness with a fuck off, that is not the Canadian way!!!
what in the absolute fuck
And you've been buying into this myth that Canadians are all nice and polite. No, we have an unusual amount of faggots, but outside of that we are normal.
Every post I made was about our PROVINCIAL issues, let alone our cucked federal government. We have far more issues than Justin "I'm a Fag" Trudeau
YEAH! I know! Yet, complete fucking radio silence from any media in the country. CBC is probably blowing itself over it for being so "progressive". Seriously, this is FAR worse than anything Patrick Brown allegedly did, or even if Trump actually grabbed women in the pussies. What Wynne did is FAR worse. And I believe her son still hates her TO THIS DAY.
Trust me as an American I feel your pain. 350 mill pop with about 50% (probably more) faggets. I try not to think about it.
Don't you have a kangaroo invasion to fight off?
I love the part where shes all upset about her kids getting involved with her ex husbands new wife but its ok for her to have her dyke girlfriend move in while dad is forced into the basement cuck shed
Exactly. Being a philandering politician as they all are is one thing. THIS however really speaks to her character.
>Trudeau is the only problem.
No, there are other problems. That he even got elected should give you a hint what state we're in now. Never mind, Americans don't know much about Canada. No reason why you should really.
I'm in Ontario and ready to vote for Ford or Elliott or the neighbor's cat to get Wynne out.
Who else he would unironically not mind the country balkanizing?
Trudeau is a disgrace and a piece of shit. What the hell is wrong with you leafs ?!
I like it, let them have their liberal utopia and see how that works out
What's going on in here guys?
At what cost though? I'm 403 and long have we kept the liberals at bay. By the blood of our people while your lands kept safe. I'm sick of paying for this.
What about NT or NwT as it used to be called, do us next
Territories are eskimos freezing and drinking themselves to death. There.