One video graphic appeared to show missiles raining down on the US state of Florida
Russia's Putin unveils 'invincible' nuclear weapons
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daaamn Putina looks like that?
Israel BTFO
Putin showcased Russia's very latest strategic weapons
>appeared to show missiles raining down on the US
So MIRV? With a hypersonic descent?
aw thats cute. putin thinks hes speedrunning while the US is glichrunning.
nothing to worry about.
Torpedo tits are back on the menu boys
Yeah, I suspect that...
I’m ignorant af, can someone please explain how this is or isn’t the case?
>inb4 do your own research
Heil Vlad
God save Putin
Russians just successfully combat tested the new PAK FA SU-57 stealth plane in Syria.
>Compared to the previous generations, the PAK FA features some unique characteristics, combining the functions of an attack aircraft and a fighter jet.
They haven't got shit and even if they have, subs can rub up against Russian shores.
It's all well and good having these things, which again they haven't, but it's a dick wave by someone with a tiny dick compared to the west.
The bloke is an actual bitch.
Putin highlighted the development of two new nuclear delivery systems, could evade US anti-ballistic missile defences. This is essentially because neither of them are ballistic missiles, which are fired out of the atmosphere in a high-arcing trajectory. One - effectively a very long-range nuclear-tipped torpedo - has been rumoured to be under development since Soviet days but is now seen by US faggots as a credible threat
This is what happens to a white country that doesn't have a nigger population burning its resources up - it becomes a military super power on a small budget.
What weirds me out the most about our glorious leader's recent announcments, is what exactly is this nuclear-powered rocket supposed to be? Is it something like project Pluto cruise missile?
You have gyno mate
>Military superpower
It's not. The U.S is a prime example of what a military superpower is. It's number of force projection units, ie aircraft carriers, outnumbers the rest of the world combined.
Nukes don't equal superpower.
>bombing florida
>just as it becomes a blue state
That would be funny shit
Thats probably exactly what its like
Finally someone who looks worse than I do!
Tampa Bay, where CENTCOM plots the murders brown people for the kikes.
damn she fine.
is she putin out?
What did Nipmoot mean by this?
what are you trying to prove?
Russia is gonna nuke Israel you faggot.
^ BREAKING: Putin Unveils LOW-ALTITUDE, Cruise Missile With UNLIMITED Cruising Range - YouTube ^
Hes a 44d chess retard who spams those daily
putin is a 44dd chest
BBC? Yeah okay, im sure it will happen, ill hold my breath
Elaborate user
delusion: the post
fantastic tits on putin
shills are working extra hard tonight
Putin wanted Russia to become one of the world's main hubs for storing and processing big data
China are also working on similar systems of their own
Macdill AFB is tampa, usmc has some stuff in jacksonville, orlando used to be naval HQ of some sort, got a military footprint in keywest (cant recall what branch, navy or AF) and some medical facilities for military in homestead, this is excluding the armada of auxilery stations that exist in practically every city of FL none of which are by any means hidden
Russia's new stealth fighters used in combat in Syria
Lol wtf
i bet you those invincible missiles shoot smaller missiles to disable intercepting missiles
where's the goddamn video.
New nukes to attack the US? Fucking based! No need for sanctions.
u look cuddly
"The American people should rest assured that we are fully prepared"
It's a new dildo for Prihodko.
>le CG video
it's like it doesn't even exist top kek
perfect body to turn into a trans
>one manlet to rule them all...
Be Murican mutt
>muh carrier strike groups
>muh ZOG objectives in Syria
>muh marines
Completely meaningless now. Everyone would mass spam nukes the second two developed nations declared war on eachother.
*sips nwo puppets*
>Be Canadian
>Suck off a dog
>be canadian
>not infested with niggers
>Canadian Nukes
Lel good fuck florida
If America gets nuked you're fucked too. Keep that in mind, leaf.
Not even American but Ohio class SSBN's carry 144 warheads. The US owns 14.
That's potentially 2304 warheads up against Russia's shores.
Over? Absolutely but this is the point of MAD. The aggressor loses too. So also not over.
We're all fucked, but since I live up north and basically live out in the wilderness I stand a far better chance of surviving.
russia uses arma 3 gameplay to show how they kill isis in syria toplel
nuke it all we will precious. humans must not survive.
Cool, now we know why there was a spike in radiation in remote regions of Russia and why there were sightings of crazy cool missles.
He also said that any nuclear attack against any of Russian allies would be treated as an attack against Russia.
This is very big political development. Even bigger than the announcement of new weapon systems, things that are more technical than political.
Approximately 62 percent of the current stockpile belongs to the air force and is stored at seven bases in the United States and eight bases in six European countries; the navy stores its weapons at two submarine bases, one on each coast. None of the other services possesses nuclear weapons. The statistics contained in this article represent our best estimates, based on many years of closely following nuclear issues.
Any attack on my bros is like an attack on my hoes, too.
>that are invincible
lmao keep thinking that
He's posturing.
don't worry guys. it's just some old soviet rocket that they show case as "new" but in fact they just want to steal more money with it, they'll say all money were spent on developoning of this shit
screw your human clown leaders. we gas them all.
chaos will kill you soon.
wait, so as a floridian should i be concerned about nukes or what?
Its just him flexing before the elelection.
Paper Tiger shit, don't worry too much.
Lets go for a fourth presidential term
Putin is expected to win in 17 days' time.
i putin way too much effort for this shit kek
2030. Trump delayed them, but this will be the big one, the final war against the Devil.
>tfw no womanlet big tits gf who is into oligrachy
just kill me now
>Nukes don't equal superpower.
Perhaps not, but unstoppable nuke missiles assure the enemy's demise. Add China to the mix (Russia and China have been undertaking joint naval exercises) and things get interesting. Destroy the Pacific and Jap navy bases and those Carriers are left without a sustainable group in the Asian Pacific. Add to this China's unsinkable carriers in the S. China Sea and there you have it, the appellation "Superpower" means nothing. Multiply this by the sheer number of Russian nukes guaranteeing some will get through and send the USA back to horse and buggy days and who the fuck cares who is called a superpower by itself? If Outin/China do not threaten Europe and do not launch on them, I suspect pussy Europe will sit by and watch. Factions in Japan are already calling for distance from the USA after Trump riled up Asia.
Russia could wipe Britain off the map, along with all of Europe without sending a single army. Shut up.
You will never be able to beat Putin in offense.
haha, never. It would annihilate the whole region and ruin Russia and USA's financial interests. Israel is safe, like it or not.
>don't worry guys. it's just some old soviet rocket that they show case as "new" but in fact they just want to steal more money with it, they'll say all money were spent on developoning of this shit
Oh yeah...a Sup Forums user armchair expert's opinion is SOOO very comforting! As opposed to countless military experts that have been sounding alarms for years. Thanks! We ALL feel so much better now!
Now I would fuck that!
That's genius though, keep people in the dark.
>implying Pakistan and N.Korea wouldnt spam some nukes its way in the fray (even Russia possibly)
>the navy stores its weapons at two submarine bases
>two bases
Jesus fucking Christ Navy, disperse those things
It would literally be like my vidya then
I can't wait until the end comes and I can have the sweet release of death.