What conspiracies do you genuinely believe in?
What conspiracies do you genuinely believe in?
george bush didn't do 9/11
that's pretty much a conspiracy theory now
I believe humans are not permitted to die unless they create progeny, and that is the reason elderly basically get teens and push their crotches together. it's only after the child is born that the colour seeps away from their world and they begin to see what they have done: they have given universe notice that their DNA is redundant and are now in a race to avoid annihilation.
reproduction is probably reinforced by farmers, since no smart humans would ever commit to the procedure. I do not know if these farmers are human, jewish, or some kind of aliens.
I don't know about any conspiracies, but there is substantial evidence to support the idea that what we have been taught about WW2 is almost entirely false.
Everything & Nothing
>NASDAQ is 100% ran by artificial intelligence
>jeff bezos and the CIA are banking on a complete economic collapse
>christopher steele isn't a real person
>thomas pynchon isn't a real person
>hiroyuki nishimura isn't a real person
>stephen paddock's brother was actually stephen paddock - the entire las vegas shooting never really happened
The dinosaur extinction was an inside job done by Jews who funded aliens to fire meteorites into Earth.
This, fucking kikes at every turn.
Global warming.
Golf rumors
Tell me about this
Obama is Indonesian, his father is Bapak Subud. He was picked up as part of CIA operations in region. He was then exposed to aftermath of CIA promoted geneocide in Indonesian 60s
How would Jeff Bezos benefit from an economic collapse?
this one is fantastic
>christopher steele isn't a real person
this. is so accurate
Rockefellers aren't jews, you fucking anti-semites, and they're the no.1 elites
Kalergi plan.
no one mentioned rockefellers, juden
>pancreas denial
gulf war syndrome is actually radiation poisoning caused by DU in the bullets
global elitist cult is real, they like human sacrifice
roswell was a cover up, thats not a weather balloon
CIA stole Nikola Teslas death ray schematics upon his death
the universe is an artificial construct and god is just fucking with us
soylent green is people
Conspiracies I believe in :
AIDS = it was given to Africa for a reason
JFK = he wasn't killed by a white kid in an elevated window position
9/11 = those muslims were allowed to board the plane, given the green light
2016 Election = Hillary and FBI upper-command cooked up entire Russia story
Climate Change = the NOAA actively doctors up weather statistics and temperatures from years ago, and fudges those numbers in their databases
Moon = no human ever landed on the moon
>hiroyuki isnt real
>moot was based all along
>directed by hideo kojima
That Google is pre censoring us all before the massive mother of all false flags... So we can't resist phase 2
We will have internet good goy scores and anyone who is a "low class" internet citizen will be blacklisted and banned ,
Tiger woods affair was a cover for a different PGA murder. Hope i dont get v& now.
Rockefellers are Protestant in name only. They converted in the 1940s I believe.
jews control the world
the saudi royal family is composed of undercover jews
holocaust didnt happen(i want to believe it did)
jews are the ones destroying the world
Jews are trying to disarm, gag and exterminate the white race, civil war is on the table
Global warming/climate change is a scam to force white countries to give money to undeserving 3rd worlders
NK is a black site for the sale of arms, slaves and drugs
Big pharma is the biggest menace to global health
Russiagate is complete bullshit
ummm...MKUltra isn't a conspiracty anymore. It's a fact
people are so brainwashed, ironically by MK Ultra, that they are conditioned to associate it as one.
proof to the contrary or no.
>and they're the no.1 elites
That's Rothschilds, retard.
Just scrolled to the bottom, bank of souls is the only one there that I recognize and think is true. The others could be too, but they're probably memes
The despair code
I can't find anything about pic related.
well how am i gonna know what meat trading is then?
Pancreases are alien parasitic life forms.
Leave this retarded shit for /x/ please.
Apparently I'm a tier 9 conspiracy theorist.
The elite is comprised of Pedos
Prince Charles --> BFF Savile
Prince Andrew ---> BFF Epstein
Trump --> BFF Epstein
Clitons --> BFF Satan
You need to google this shit, it's priceless
>The Simpsons is real footage
John D's ancestry is not jewish. Why does this board constantly talk about jews but never mentions how Rockefellers are the ones fucking the world up??? Genuinely anti-semitic to just say all the elites are jews. Why not mention the plethora of elites that are not jews, like Rockefellers, Saudis, etc. and when they mention jews it's always minor shit like Soros or guys who are watching out for Rockefeller big oil globalism interests, like Kissinger.
Do you genuinely believe an ethnicity is responsible for this and not, say, literally anyone who has amassed enough money to be able to influence your life and freedom?
what is glass camera? is it some shit about your phone spying on you? because i unironically believe this shit
I keep pointing out folk need to be more specific aswell but I think the memes just make people chuckle too much.
such is the danger of creating an egregore that appears to be the literal incarnation of comedy
JFK was killed by the KGB in retaliation for the USSR's humiliation at the end of the cuban missile crises.
I really want to hear more about this
>What conspiracies do you genuinely believe in?
that amerimmuttania's "greatness" is the most elaborate meme ever created...
read my post, 2 above yours.
>Still using the nope rope flag
what are you afraid of?
Toxoplasmosis is an alien life form that controls the world
affects 60 million in the USA alone
away on business, always use a meme flag
>Finland Doesn't exist.
Fuck elf niggers
They dont even exist faggot.
The Pancreas Prevarication.
Pancreas? You have likely heard of the mythical little thing that many claim resides inside of you. But you have not seen it. You have not touched it nor do you likely know anything about it. But you think it's there right?
It's a pure fabrication. A lie. Made by those at the top to ensure their diabolical plans for humanity can easily transition into being. One day a new resident of the human body will be discovered and this one will need pills or treatment. As we can gaze upon things smaller and smaller as time goes on it is not hard to believe this future. Your kids may need injections at school for something you did not know existed since it was discovered after your time in school.
Doctors are playing a long with it, the nutters they are. The medical field is ripe with a history of torture, human experimentation and more. This has not changed in our time. The delight in the grand misinformation campaign, playing with our minds and bodies as they LARP the idea of the pancreas with us while we shower the sadists with money.
So, ask yourself, have seen your Pancreas? Do you trust the elites? Do you trust doctors?
If not you are more sane than I started out. Take the Pancreas Pill now.
I have done autopsies while in University.
It does in fact exist.
Florida shooting was staged because the democrats lost so much support and fucked up royally during the immigration debates. They needed a way to avoid having it voted on and to regain popularity. The shooting allowed them to attack gun owners and thus republicans. The kids are obviously fed lines and there to drum up support and make mean old consevatives look bad. They are using it to rerally their support so they can have their fabeled "blue wave".
Can you heal my diabetes bro?
I don't think that counts as theory
I get that in order to be a doctor, you have to "fit in" and soon they will get you hooked on something to keep you shut when it gets too much. We have ex doctors in hiding because they did abhorrent things (pedo, drugs, cannibalism necro etc) and now they are stuck forever in hiding for fear of their life.
You are entering a cult, the cult of the pancreas my friend. Give it time, and soon you will be killing people under the guise of "pancreatic" cancer and more for the thrill of it.
You are just a pawn in their game my friend. My brotherhood will uncover the truth and your relentless attacks against it will fail.
keep shilling
no such thing as diabetes
type one or type 2?
It is too late for you, without their "medicine" you will die, and with it you will be subject to pains and ills until death. You have been chosen by them for testing and those doctors are laughing behind your back at your suffering.
i uninronically believe in John Titor
I know you are aussie shit posting, but I was actually training to be an autopsy assistant and the doctor I worked with was red pill as fuck.
Autopsy assistants don't need a degree, you can literally train to be one if a pathologist thinks you are worthy.
Dude showed me that alcohol is beneficial in moderation as long as you eat protein before you drink. My first case was a fat bitch that should have had a fatty liver...but her liver was clean...I asked him how the fuck that could be...he explained: Alcoholics will stop eating and use alcohol as a calorie substitute. If you eat protein before you drink, you will never fuck up your liver.
#2) Black lung from smoking is a meme. You only get black lung if you have lung cancer. The lung is one of the best air filters in the world. Never saw a black smoker's lung and could not identify a smoker from a non smoker unless the belongings that came with the corpse had a pack of cigarettes.
3) the human brain is the size of your two hands with fingers interlaced. it is pretty fucking small
has anyone been autistic enough to document links to all of this stuff yet?
Im not a bloody roo man.
Nothing you said means anything in regards to the pancreas. Not that it matters since you're lying anyway.
you will laugh...but before you take your blood sugar before a meal, have a strong cinnamon tea and then 20 minutes later take your blood sugar and see how low it goes.
Keep drinking cinnamon tea a little before meals, and 1 cup after your meal. Stop eating processed wheat and refined sugar and you will never have a problem
try it before you laugh
Secret Space Program
Raelian Movement (Clonaid has been successful)
Lucifer Project
& Deflate Gate
Am I crazy?
I have held a human brain in my hands, I don't care that you believe me or not, other australia
a lot of it can be found from google. however the remainder of it is obscure stuff that has been mentioned on /x/ over the years. you can probably find a lot of it in an archive
>am i crazy?
thats what they want you to think
Short story time, my frist diabetes doctor was a literal jew and it was terrible, he was just the nasty type of man, i can't describe it very well, anyways, everytime i went to consult with him he gave me free samples of some obscure medicine and some weirdass diets, got fed up with him this one time i went to his office and the floor was LITTERED with ant wings (google it), never saw anything like that. NOPED the fuck out and never went back.
Will do, thanks user.
*let me type less like a retard
Take 1/2 a cup of cinnamon tea before meals (use sticks..and use Ceylon cinnamon, big difference) and a cup after meals.
use 3 sticks per 1L
take blood sugar before and after.
Do this for 1 month whilst avoiding wheat products and any refined sugar.
be amazed.
thanks user. i will search around
It's posted so often here and on /x/ that I'm well on my way to google all of them,actually
no problem, check my other post, I corrected some retarded shit I wrote and brought some more details.
My uncle suffered with that shit for 15 years and it worked for him.
Thanks mate, hope that ceylon cinnamon is not hard to come by.
The airforce shot down united 93. I don't blame them because they had no idea where the thing was heading and they didn't know if they could regain control. They just most likely made up a story about how the passengers took over and crashed the plane. The political fallout of it being known bush or cheney authorized the shooting down of the plane would have been too much. Go look up the air force interview.
golf rumors
Germany and France want to turn the EU into the Fourth Reich.
> Brain parasite
> Affect the dopamine levels
> Makes you depresive
> Reduce Fear and self preservation instincts
Its the fucking left virus.
>Lithuanian Poems?
What do they mean by this?
not at all, just more expensive, check the internet...pic related is the real shit.
IF you can't find the real stuff, use more of the chinese cinnamon 1.5x more. Make sure you buy sticks so you don't get fillers.
real stuff, 3 sticks
chinese stuff 4.5-5 sticks.
Add some fresh squeezed lemon juice and pure stevia leaves for a delicious iced tea. Stevia is also fucking fantastic for diabetes
>the no.1 elites
If they were you wouldn't know their names
i dont think there was even a plane there at all. even in cases where planes crash straight down, there is usually lots of wreckage and bodies/ blood everywhere.
if you look into at the crash of flight 427 in pittsburgh, there was so much gore around the crash site it had to be declared a biohazard and crash workers were wearing hazmat suits.
every witness from the flight 93 crash site i have heard of has noted the obvious lack of any blood or bodies at the crash site
indeed...notice how soyboys love cats
Every jew psychiatrist was a cat lover
Crazy cat ladies
SJW women are all cat lovers
Homosexuality of babies from pregnant women in contact with cats and cat litter is a suppressed medical reality
Note: Pregnant women are told to stay away from cat litter and cats during pregnancy
A third of the human population is infected.
God lord...
And I have killed 50 men. Your lies mean nothing here fraud.
THe CDC in the USA called it one of the top 3 epidemics. 60 million americans are said to be infected...18% of the population
a simple blood test can tell you if you are infected. You can cure it with antibiotics and anti-parasitics.
If you have access to huito, eat lots of the fruit and make a tea of the leaves. It cures this shit
SO dexter is a kiwi?
You are dense, im making the point I can make any claim about myself on here, just like you. Quit playing the fool or brain up.
If anyone takes the pancreas seriously then google pancreas on google images. You will see cartoons (few of which look alike), movie props (only a handful, and again all very different, and even more different from the art) and that is most of it.
This is the first step to unraveling it all.
I think many of these lists are created to mislead or shuffle the mind of conspiracists who are in the way of real conspiracies.
again, I performed autopsies, believe me or not. I don't fucking care.
Tip for you serial killer: the pancreas accumulates poisons. So when you do your craft, remove the alien you call a pancreas
Pro tip> the eye ball juice concentrates toxins/poisons in a concentration of x1000...so you will want to remove the eyeballs as well.
When they do autopsies (suspicious deaths), they remove the vitreous humor with a syringe to do toxicology. It holds toxins longer than even the pancreas
SHIT, this is real? I hate cats now.
Ah yes, the mighty pancreas keeps our body clean of "toxins". Just like those detox diets eh?
Toxins is the lamest trick in the book to fool gullible people.