Why are Japanese people so short despite being a well developed country with some of the best health statistics in the world?
Why are Japanese people so short despite being a well developed country with some of the best health statistics in the...
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Shit genetics.
They die all the time from swordgut.
tiny ashin penor cant mak nuff sperms 2 make tall man cells oly divid haffway
Wasn't there a photo about a bunch of german boys and girls alongside the Japanese boys who were taller than the German ones? I can't find it.
Low consumption of red meat historically. They are getting taller now cause they are eating more big macs
Lack of protein.
Because they live in a small country.
isnt it obvious? s o y
>the McArthur was cross eyed
being short is an evolutionary advantage
back in the primitive days, the manlets were the ones who mated the most, since the shorter people were less likely to be spotted by predators. big lanky noodlets would step outside their caves and be spotted from miles away by dinosaurs or whatever. the manlets could walk outside and all the plants and shit would be taller than them, so nobody could see them. this also made them ideal hunters so they could sneak up on animals undetected. the manlets were renown for their ability to survive and thus were chosen as mates more often than the lanklets.
t. manlet coping
t. dinosaur bait
when will this shitty meme end?
>increased meat eating in diet before maturing causes more growth is a meme
back to lefty/pol/ you go
>a picture beats nation wide statistics on population
'Rice - the short mans wheat'
I work with Japanese people and almost all of the men are over six feet tall
Or all most six feet tall
Just genetics. Don’t need to be 6 feet to be a master race.
5'8'' is the ideal human height. Enjoy your joint pain oafs.
I ve been to Japan and they are not that short.
Im 1.82 and i felt average there.
i think it's mostly to do with the age of their population, i think their youth are fairly tall
Bullshit. I'm 5'11 and I felt like a giant walking around Tokyo.
> tfw perfect height with 6' penor
> tfw pure white European ancestry
mate with me bitches
It's because they eat rice and fish and soy instead of bread and red meat and dairy.
Rice = empty grain compared to wheat. Try eating them side by side and you'll see what I mean.
Fish = subpar protein compared to red meat.
No Dairy = no calcium for bigger bones.
Red meat, wheat, and dairy are all positively correlated with height in all the studies I've read.
Jap, Chinese, and Kor have all gained height since introducing western style foods.
You see the number 88 behind Tay
on purpose?
Yes it's obviously a meme.
>'Rice - the short mans wheat'
pret clever
>every jap is Hirohito
Low-quality threads like this need to stop.
t. broscientist
why do the french suck chink and nip cock so much?
even the women ffs
it's the only place in europe where east asian men are considered a viable, respectable option
food culture respect.
>t. mohammad
Why do you hate asians?
How do japs have such beautiful hair well off into their 40s and 50s if they eat so much soyboy sauce foods
sounds pretty whorish to me
I am european
east asians are odd, just odd
also hapas look like burn victims, with milky, plasticine-looking skin and odd epicanthic folds
Japanese are among the shortest people in East Asia. They have an average height of 5'7". China's average height is 5'8" and South Korea, 5'9".
>dressing like a stereotypical butler
was he doing a meido cosplay?
the 10% with an emishi component are slightly taller, and Ryu Kyu islanders are also typically taller. Know a guy from Hokkaido who is 6'1" and father was 5'10".
Japan was originally called the "submissive dwarf country". The ancestors of the Japanese were seen as midgets by the Chinese.
Because being taller obviously didn't provide more of a survival advantage to living in Japan
china saw everyone outside of their 'world' as weird primitive barbarians and their own historical sources list chinese figures as regularly being 7ft. Also Japan had a famous Samurai who was also claimed to be 7foot who famously shot 100 men in a swamp till he ran out of arrows and was the first to commit seppuku in shame when he couldn't defeat the army.
tl;dr asian history doesn't reflect anything like the truth.
But it's true that the Japanese were always shorter than it's neighboring countries. Even a WW2 manual made by Americans to distinguish Chinese from Japanese, said that Japanese people were shorter.
Godzilla keeps stepping on them
That photo is obviously shopped.