ChristBol Official Thread

Are you sick of the degeneracy plaguing the West?

Do you seek greater spiritual meaning through Christ and following His Church?

Are you disillusioned with the crass materialism and nihilism of most right-wing political movements?

Do you want to crush the normie bourgeoisie who profit off of exploitation?

Then join ChristBol, the vanguard of traditional right wing reactionary politics.

Other urls found in this thread:

this is the official discord. Join now and save the west and your souls.

. g g / k b 3 Q T 3

my life changed ever since I met the fine folks over at christbol

Free church state-mandated milkers for all God fearing men.


We even have our own e-celebs, join now or be left behind!

I'm interested in your organisation, please tell me more...

Join our valiant fight against the decadent forces of paganism


I am glad comrade that you have found purpose and meaning through christbol. Combining traditional Christianity with bolshevism is truly the only way to seek a better world on earth and eternal paradise.

christian server bkXHBgq

We shall be as a light unto the nations, join ChristBol Gang, and together we can overcome the world, for who is he that overcomes the world but he who believes that Jesus is the son of God?

We believe in spreading traditional Christianity and promoting a traditional economy, free of big corporations and jewish exploitation.
discord code is: kb3QT3

um yes Taiping called they want their meme back


>when your meme political movement is such a failure you start promoting to the same Christians you used to call christcucks


Any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:33)

If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? (NIV, 1 John 3:17)

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (NIV, Matthew 6:19-21)

Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle. (NIV, Proverbs 23:4-5)

"and do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased (Hebrews 13:16)".

ChristBol is a brotherhood of all nations, we stand with our Eastern brothers in this fight.



Great quotes, brother. They really capture the essence of Chrstbol, a movement dedicated to helping the poor and marginalized. Please join our discord if you haven't already.


poor people serve money

ChristBol is the only movement that promises to seize the Khazar Milkers and redistribute them equally. One set of Khazar Milkers for every man.

One milky a day keeps the degeneracy away.


>Implying we used to be nazbol fags


Nazbol was created by a Jew.
Bolshevism is Judaism.
Judaism is the opposite of Chistianity.
How sad are you little nothings when you must pander to the lowest common denominator? And what's much worse: you can't even succeed with them!

top lel


ChristBol is when you take Orthodox Christianity, the Unabomber Manifesto, NazBol, Anti-LARPaganism and Khazar Milkers together for a deadly concoction.

Literally a demon.

if your remove the Nazbol and Jew tits ... you simply have christianity. so the only incentive is adopting judaism. TRS fails, nazbol fails... at some point you're gonna snap and just kill yourself hueahueahuea

>Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days
-- KJV

You will burn unless you recant your materialism

>"Children are not coming into school with the hand strength and dexterity they had 10 years ago," Sally Payne, a pediatrician at the Heart of England foundation NHS Trust tells the Guardian. "Children coming into school are being given a pencil but are increasingly not be able to hold it because they don’t have the fundamental movement skills.

>"To be able to grip a pencil and move it, you need strong control of the fine muscles in your fingers. Children need lots of opportunity to develop those skills." And, in a tech-addled age where kids often learn to clatter a keyboard before wielding a pen, those skills may not be forthcoming.

As you can see, the world is going to shit. ChristBol's manifesto, which includes both Khazar Milkers and an anti-tech philosophy, promises to fix this. Khazar Cows will need milking every day and this will fix the current problem of the youth's declining grip strength. It will also provide fresh organic human (not disgusting cow) milk for the youth to grow into strong men capable of holding their own. Stop being cucks and embrace the truth.

Christcucks are pathetic. Nobody wants to be a part of your dick slicing jew cult. Europeans succeeded despite cuckstianity not because of it, it's a doctrine of submission and pacifism and it's literally for fucking slaves. Inb4 muh crusades, the only honorable thing christcucks ever did went completely against their own pacifist doctrine

grug read big heavy book it say "those who pick sword will die by sword" wow book stupid think grug shudnt fight book bad not european book want grug to die

But Bomber Harris was a devout Christian and didn't he turn Dresden into an eternal cauldron of fire?


Read Bible by God . Also an American lecturing Europeans on what makes Europe great lol

Christianity is religious Marxism.

>christianity is religious marxism

Brainlet detected

Marxism is atheistic heresy. Helping the poor and needy is a divine good.

pathetic leftypol shilling

Dugin is a Talmudist Jew who practices Kabbalah.
>pic related

itt: Jews

milk truck arrive

Europe isn't so great under cuckstianity today, faggot. Your little island is a disaster too.

Also, why are these communist kikes allowed to brigade our board, but when I try to advertise my white nationalist cytube room the thread is deleted immediately? Hmm, really makes you think.

We are christbol, not nazbol. Our's is the true path. Repent and join us, and you too will be saved.

Bolshevism is Communism.

And Communism is Judaism.

And Judaism is anti-Christianity.

second milk truck arrive necessary for you

This israeli can't even grasp simple English grammar. Transparent as ever, shlomo.

I've seen some jewish ploys in my day, and this has got to be one of the more half-asssed one.

>Are you disillusioned with the crass materialism and nihilism of most right-wing political movements?
You mean left-wing?

>White nationalists worship their DNA
>Not materialism of the highest order

>The Yank is anti-worker
What a shock

Finally, good religion for you and me :)

That may be the case but ChristBol is infact, the daring synthesis of Christianity, Agrarianism and Syndicalism.

Jesus spoke at length about the evils of greed and the necessity of helping the poor and needy. Capitalism is incompatible with Christianity.

What's the use of calling it ChristBOL if you aren't Bolshevists/Communists/Kikes?

>White nationalists worship their DNA
First of all that's a strawman
>Racial nationalism is right-wing
I know alot of communist and left leaning movements that were racial nationalists: vietnamese communists, Chinese communists (han chinese), Juche (north korea), Natbol, Strasserism

And even if there is a form of right-wing racial nationalism. Why does that imply "all right-wing are nihilistic and materialist." If you think that then you don't understand anything about what left and right means.

So is Communism. Jesus was teaching Zoroastrianism which was a Socialist system. Jesus was a Socialist, just like Hitler.s

It's the bourgoise who work solely in the interests of Capital lad


quite possibly the dumbest post I've read today

And how much research have you done into this topic?

>screencapped his own posts and made a collage featuring le merchant meme
probably atheist as well
kys you're self

d-dont hax0r me bro!!!!!1

bump so all the Christians of Sup Forums can see how Jews manipulate them using religion

Fuck off shills

See? Jesus was Christbol

Jesus was an Aryan philosopher.

Is this also for national syndicalists?

yes as long as you're christian.

So long as you're Christian, then yes.

Invite to the server is n U D C a K c

>Tfw atheist

>jerks off to obscure japanese scat porn
>ignores pope washing feet
>ignores catholic church being China's personal doormat
deus vult we need to take back Constantinople!!!!
that's a kike you fool

Kek this may work and be funny at the same time

utterly separate from the thread's topic

but keep going.

Satanism(Bolshevism) and Christianity are obviously incompatible.
>'bourgeoisie' are normies
No you subhuman, the peasants are normies. Go buy a car you can't afford, go on a holiday you can't afford, don't invest your money buy spend it on shit, then complain that the system's keeping you down. You're held down because youre incompetent.

nigga you dumb thinkin you smart with your elementary analysis of capitalism lmfao



Never forget the 6 million pagans murdered at Verden

We are a multifaceted movement, so if you don't like ChristBol then join our PrimBol wing for the promotion of Christian Primitivism as we work to bring down the internet for the glory of God.

Some of the leading intellectuals of the ChristBol Gang:

>Jesus Christ of Nazareth
>Sir Arthur Harris
>Theodore Kaczynski
>Corneliu Codreanu
>Abigail Shapiro
>Pol Pot
>St. Stalin of Georgia


I'm in

Have you joined?

thou shalt not steal

We also BTFO Survive the Jive, almost bullycided him