I want statements with credible evidence to back them up please.
Why do we consider Sub-Saharan negroids to be an inferior race?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mostly those IQ studies
Do you have any examples of what kind of statements you expect?
They have been very controversial and are considered "anti-science". I'm not saying that the conclusions of the studies are false but there is a lot of doubt about them.
E.g. "They have a lower IQ as compared to..."
If you doubt the studies, can you tell me what parts or which studies? I feel like you are only here to build hollow opinions to support mass immigration.
We don't. Learn to recognize satire.
Go to Nigeria, hell even the local ghetto. its pretty self evident.
You mean "you" don't! no one else in this thread thinks its satire. You "its satire" fags need to stop deluding yourselves.
>The earliest modern human remains are found in Morroco
>scientist theorize modern man developed in Ethiopia
what did they mean by this?
they're dumb as fuck
- the bell curve
I don't support mass immigration, i'm actually doing this because a friend brought up my opinions on race and I wanted to make sure that what I know is right.
Mostly first hand experience desu.
Mutts opinions are not respected. Don't ever lump yourself with actual European's
>self evidence
that's like the last time a jew-media-influenced child is going to turn to!! we need to give the cunt (((paperwork))) for him to be happy. I guess after that there is a "review process" and they wipe the people and research from public record so that after a while, any dissenters have no evidence to go on except for WORTHLESS ANECDOTES AND STEREOTYPES.
>Gets so BTFO that he has to resort to name calling
people in deserts have little food and food with little value, so they remain dumb.
people on coasts that eat seafood full of fatty acids and omega vitamins grow stronger brains.
It wasnt the stoned Ape theory.
It was eating shellfish that made some humans smarter than others.
They don't have any Neanderthal in them.
They're 100% sapiens niggers with some archaic hominid genes too.
Stop replying to troll threads, you fucking morons!
why do you need to be right? it's just a friend, they will understand if you have difference of opinion.
if it really disturbs you so much and you truly feel like there is no evidence for them being worse or better, I can see why you thought this site would help you. unfortunately after some review all the data I have on this topic is from north americans and not real africans.
You have to prove we are an equal race.
History and science isn't on your side
From the looks of it, could it even speak ?
they superior actually the should not trapped here and go back into their high tech african lands and fly around in spaceshits
Black user that has been around black people my whole life (Chicongo).
Black people (from my experience) aren't dumber than any other group that I deal with on the daily (unless my room temp IQ is limiting my perception of stupidity).
Blacks generally fall into situations where they have a difficult time getting out of and the holes are easier to fall deeper into than out of, I've always planned to start some type of initiative to help inner city people when my inheritance hits.
no tribe south of the sahara ever came up with a written language, nor did they figure out the wheel.
when Europe was developing industrial power and getting ready to fly for the first time, they were at the technological level of the European bronze age
For me, I tend to consider sub- Saharans a different subspecies. After all, our multiple differences in bone structure and body pigmentation would be enough for science to call us seperate species if modern science wasn't (((so liberal))). But these differences aside, they still have culture, language, and primative religion so they are technically people.
Perhaps you can look at the crime stats user
Patrick Ewing was a LEGEND, sir
Nsibidi is an ancient script used to communicate in various languages in West Central Africa. Most notably used by the Uguakima and Ejagham (Ekoi) people of Nigeria and Cameroon, Nsibidi is also used by the nearby Ebe, Efik, Ibibio, Igbo, and Uyanga people. The script is believed to date back to 5000 BC, but the oldest Inscriptions date to 2500 BC.
The fact that subsaharan Africa is a shithole coupled with the fact that most subsaharan African transplants in our own societies are pieces of shit?
This isn’t really astrophysics.
Observation. How do we know crows are smarter than sparrows? they are able to use tools, recognize patterns, understand cause and effect, advanced vocalizations etc.
What do you find when you observe sub Saharan african culture and history? Is there advances in science/math they are responsible for? Engineering? Agriculture? ANYTHING?
>I'll ignore 50,000 years of undeniable evidence of black inferiority and pretend that niggers are equal to whites by default.
>I'm too fucking stupid to know the entire northern half of Africa used to be full of white people.
are mutts this stupid
>who could be responsible for this?
IQ, other genetic factis that make them impulsive uncontrollable etc.
We wuz kikes n shiet
They aren't inferior if you don't consider them to be human. They are the most advanced proto-human, above the abos.
Almost complete lack of developed civilized culture, educational system, governmental system, complex mathematical systems, architecture, agricultural, astronomical, shit I could go on and on.
South Africans are people that literally just climbed down from the trees. They're a step up from literal monkeys.
The more important question is why you need convincing of this? All of this is readily apparent, observable evidence just from looking at the people that live there TODAY.
Now imagine 100 years ago. 500 years ago. 1000 years ago. Compare the state of those people at each time to anywhere in Europe. Huge, massively vast gulfs of civilization divide White people from the negroid horde of subhumans.
Who do you work for and why do you insist on perpetuating the lie that we came from these subhumans? Clearly White people are a DEGREDATION from a much more advanced people. Call us abandoned here or left to slowly devolve, we did not come from the nigger hordes. They came from US.
Which can be accounted for by the Flynn effect and lead-poisoning.
You're getting caucasian and white mixed up it's ok though, I'm here to help you.
Hmm I wonder why that is.
I think whites are plaidian criminals that were dumped here similarly to Australia.
Black evolved on earth probably.
Hey does this kinda look like two hands clasped together to anyone else?
So is that Limburger man?
I see it user
Fallacy. Imperialism implies the rise of white civilization from some distant point in time, and if anything your suggestion that imperialism suppressed negroid races is a clear indication that the negroid races sprung into existence AFTER Whites.
If negroids are the first peoples, you cannot explain why they did not develop into an imperialist society / culture before whites did.
Also you're looking at the last 2000 years, tops. Humans have existed for tens of thousands of years. Where were the groids and what were they doing during that time? Whites were evolving into an imperialist society, as you suggest, right? We clearly could not have been suppressing the groids if they came before us.
What people like you are suggesting is that whites evolved from the groid, then went back and enslaved them, which is complete bullshit because it implies that they never evolved at all.
If groids never evolved, then you can't explain white people. The clear answer being that whites never evolved from groids to begin with.
All human life on this planet is a bleed-off from Whites on Earth, and this extends to civilization especially. The lesser races are the devolution and descent into subhuman splinters, not our "ancestors" that somehow magically never managed to evolve alongside Whites, as you suggest.
you realize black people were living in the exact same conditions long before imperialism. White people were not in sub Saharan africa until 1600s, think of the shit accomplished by europe by 1600,this is well after the renaissance. European countries were making world spanning civilizations with advanced math/engineering/governments etc while sub Saharan, completely without any European influence/interference were living the same way they had for thousands of years with zero advancements.
>Bronze Age
You’re being way to generous, they never even come close to rivaling Sumer or the Hittites
Look carefully at today's culture of mingling the races, especially the negroid races.
It's an obvious agenda to evolve the negroid out of existence by forcing integration, especially with white people.
The problem is that there are far less white people than negroids alive today. Nothing short of a total nuclear wipeout of Africa could prevent the destruction of the white race, at the rate negroids are reproducing and being forced upon white nations.
By 2025 things are going to change dramatically when the world is forced to admit that CO2 is not causing a warming trend and we are infact entering into a cooling period caused by the solar minimum.
Historically these cooling periods collapse/destroy civilizations. This is caused first by a loss of arable land and massive reduction in food. This leads to large scale migration which then results in wars and the spread of disease.
When the shit gets abd and countries are struggling to take care of their own people, there will be a pole shift in priorities and immigration will cease. The most dangerous threat during this time period is any country that has aland route from africa, because africa has a booming population and will be hit hardest by this once the west stops aid/food to africa because they have their own problems. This will cause mass exodus from africa to europe/middle east.
The US will likely be ok though mexico may collapse in which case, border security will be extremely important. Europe will likely be fucked quite hard but I expect the europe that emerges from this event by 2100 will look quite different.
Here are the theories:
early hominids had fur, they move to africa get btfo by the sun after losing their fur (which makes no fucking sense because every primate in africa has fur afaik) so they evolve dark skin, they then move out of africa and lose the pigmentation because reasons.
Everyone was pigmented up until about 8k years ago, then white people diverge from all other humans for some reason.
or your hypothesis, which I ask why isn't light hair, eyes and skin dominant genes if they came first?
>Everyone was pigmented up until about 8k years ago
Who taught you this nonsense. Might wanna start questioning your sources.
"Previous research on skin-color genes fit that picture. For example, a “depigmentation gene” called SLC24A5 linked to pale skin swept through European populations in the past 6000 years. "
Yes, why do we assume they can't assimilate in civilized society?
because it's not politically acceptable to recognize they actually are an inferior species
This is pseudo science at its worst. It's not even science, it's a suggestion and even makes a huge generalization.
There is no clear compelling evidence that a "white gene" bleached Europe at any point in time.
all of that stone and not a single castle
>if it walks like an ape...
>acts like an ape...
>talks like an ape...
>then it's probably an ___
What pisses me off is that these Jewish-subverted kids in here actually believe white people are responsible for niggers never evolving.
how about brainsize and brain mass?
Mingling of races? Even in the states where the nigger population is highest outside of mexican america remaining static at 12% and declining after 400-500 years, if every nigger in the states were to breed White and their mixed race offspring were to do the same you would end up with something that looks like the bitch in the picture. And she's actually 1/2. You proposed scenario is physically impossible.
I'm not talking about every nigger in north america, I'm speaking specifically about Africans flooding the west, because they're set to hit 5 billion people inside of the next 100 years.
The future of south africa.
Lets face it. Marxism fused with Racial theories is the ultimate political ideology.
There were castles in Africa, but they weren't for kangz
>thousands of years of breeding, with no regard of intellect
>no technological advances
>do as little as possible
>indolent sybaritic lazy blacks
Low IQ gives people the ability to think in the now, and not in the present. That's all that's needed to survive in Africa.
>They Waz Kangz!
"The findings, which were detailed today (Jan. 26) in the journal Nature, also hint that light skin evolved not to adjust to the lower-light conditions in Europe compared with Africa, but instead to the new diet that emerged after the agricultural revolution, said study co-author Carles Lalueza-Fox, a paleogenomics researcher at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain.
Many scientists have believed that lighter skin gradually arose in Europeans starting around 40,000 years ago, soon after people left tropical Africa for Europe's higher latitudes. The hunter-gatherer's dark skin pushes this date forward to only 7,000 years ago, suggesting that at least some humans lived considerably longer than thought in Europe before losing the dark pigmentation that evolved under Africa's sun."
Science that goes against your narrative is still science
They look like devolved humans.
serious -- it's the epitome of laziness to build a grass hut because it's too fucking much work to stack rocks and mortar them with mud. fucking african niggers just need to be left to their own devices instead of white farmers and missionaries propping them up.
How many nigger migrants do you actually think are in "Europe". It would seem that so long as the number doesn't actually exceed 12% you would just end up with this:
Who is 25% nigger.
I'd like to think that the people here are just pretending to be retarded, but then i run into people irl that are actually like this so you never know
The outta-africa-thoery is a myth though.
What's their excuse then?
80 million in total
>Black people can't think ahead is what I meant. Not the present, they can't think of the future.
Instant gratification is all they desire
>(((Nature Journal)))
Care to share a less obviously jewish controlled zine?
Also what this guy said The theory creator himself has refuted it now.
I don't why but from what I see, I feel that there's way more than 13% blacks in the US more like 30%
The only reason blacks are human is the time it took for them to branch from the rest of mankind, however many fossils are showing eurasian style humans are much older than previously believed meaning blacks are even older than previously believed. If the seperation point exceeds 200,000 years blacks are not human.
Just look at them. Self-explanatory.
>Go to Nigeria, hell even the local ghetto. its pretty self evident.
Others could say go to romania, it's pretty self-evident.
What's needed are actual studies, that's the best way to prove your point m8.
Population "Europe" total.
741.4 million
What's your source?
You may feel that way, but this is definitely not the case. There are actually places in the states with 0 niggers.
Migrants from Africa are only set to increase. Whatever % you have now, multiply it 10x over because Jews, Israelis to be precise, are actually boating these people over themselves. I wish it was just a meme or me being a racist asshole, but it's reality.
then see how Israel themselves are resolute about not allowing the same people into their nation.
Reputable Source? or just feelings?
>muh feelings
>All the ancestors of contemporary Europeans apparently did not migrate out of Africa as previously believed.
What do israeli migrants have to do with european migrants. They are literally not the same issue.
The pictured utter lack of cranial capacity in which to store a forebrain might supply you with a clue.
Immigration hypocrisy. Not the same issue? Jewish media and politicians are openly advocating the flooding of Europe and America with these people, but won't accept any themselves.
Not the same issue? Are you just being retarded?
I know there are places in the US without blacks, there are places in the US without white people.
But everywhere I see a substantial population I see alot of black people, not only huge population centers but also flyovers, suburbs and country towns.
idk maybe it's just me
They won't accept them theoretically because they are not jewish. Not that I'm a jew, nor is it that I actually care but the jews went out of their way to actually bring niggers into israel. I like to stay informed for accuracy.
How would it be possible to misrepresent the number of niggers in the united states of america?
"Yet long before modern humans left Africa some 125,000 years ago, their antecedents migrated from Africa to Eurasia many times, as is documented in the fossil record."
and that isn't even a homo sapien tooth? or am I missing something?
I understand you very well. But, what's "right" nowadays concerning race?
I mean, all "scientists" claim that race "doesn't exist" and that the term should be vanished. But, is it truly because of science, or is it because of political correctness?
If a scientist found that sub-Saharians are closer to apes, and that they're different from Europeans and Asians, would that scientists be allowed to publish his discovery? Or, as has happened many times, he would be regarded as "racist" just for that? (Darwin or Philippe Rushton, for instance). In most cases, however, labelling one as "racist" is the only strategy liberals know to attack those who have found a controversial truth.
user, we're living in a sort of Orwellian society, in which what's right and wrong is no longer objective, so you shouldn't worry that much.