Prostitution used to be taboo in society, but these girls don't even think it is prostitution. Just my college alone has a dozen of these girls. When did this become normal?
Why are so many girls turning to "sugar baby" lifestyle?
There have always been rich men with young gfs. It is just now that they get paid.
OP, what you need to understand is that women by nature are fucking useless. Most of them have already decided they can be "brought" if the price is high enough.
The fuck is that dude on the left doing there?
I have a sugar baby. Nothing personal kid. Costs me only 1500 a month.
It's always been normal for a female to sell itself. They're lazy, incompetent, immature, stupid creatures. They should be bought and sold like property.
>mfw an 18 year old I matched with on tinder offered to trade sex for me buying her a cheap bottle of vodka
We're talking like $10 here. Women really were a mistake
>Provides 9 months room and board to your son, who would never survive otherwise
>Will automatically be highly motivated to ensure his well being for the rest of his life
>Have a yummy hole that squirts all over your dick when you pound it just right
The Muh women are useless argument is just a defense mechanism for gammas.
She might give off on being a whore. Hell, she might stick that bottle in her gaping pussy.
Arranged marriages should be a thing again.
>>Will automatically be highly motivated to ensure his well being for the rest of his life
Is that why they let doctors mutilate their infant sons right after birth and drug them for acting out like kids do and now even put them on hormones?
Easy life
It's kind of funny how perfectly the elites have Judaised the Sup Forums mind. They think a woman with masculine features must be a trap and blonde hair means a girl is a coal burner. At a certain point the Jews don't have to do anything because Sup Forums Jews themselves.
Why do democrats think they're not still the rascist, overly baring government party who would like to erode most of our rights.
I love blondes. It has nothing to do with the color of her hair and everything to do with the 1000 yard black cock stare
>muh horsheshoe theory
>women should be praised for their basic biological requirement as women
>this is so widely inaccurate I dont even know where to start
>this is also an ignorant statement
Are you a roastie yourself or just a plain ol dumbass?
It's because women are stupid, irrational and lazy, nothing new here
This. Women are mentally retarded in comparison to males. They have 18 percent less neurons, and whopping, 45% less synaptic connections then males on average. They exist solely to bounce of cock and belong to a male.
Let's see.
Left chick is a tranny
Middle chick is a Jew
Right chick is well into her 30s and is panicking because no one wants to marry her slut ass
> t. incel who has only ever kissed his pillow.
What is sugar baby?
pic related
They aren't.
One on the left looks like a man
A good tranny test: arm to body ratio. The one on the left has too large of arms to have always been that size for a woman. Her face is already a give away, but the arms, broad shoulders and no hips seals this.
it's actually pretty honest.
non-chads pay for sex one way or another anyway.
Story? 1500 sounds cheap. How often do you bang her? Does the 1500 include taking her out?
I also want info, if you were to bang 3x a week and then have to spend zero personal time on stupid bullshit conversations. This would be an amazing deal, unfortunately society isn't built on efficiency.
I'm totally down for this. I would easily spend this much in a useless relationship and be tied down.