Western Chinese mutt experienced fat shaming
What mutt type is this?
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That looks some sort of Guatemalan with very little European admixture. Possibility of Mayan descent I'd wage.
A spice bag.
>Arianna James
she is fat even for western standards and in comparison to the average asian girl shes literally a landwhale
i love china
Red on Red
why u fattu piggu you fat fat
Dios mio...
b-b-but communism r00ls
This is Drumpf's fault.
Has a nigger nose too, absolutely disgusting
la ogra de las americas...
Japanese people do that in terms of trying to help you realize you are unhealthy so you start trying to get loss.
That like UK article about a fat cook whom his friend was texting him fat fuck for months until he lost all that extra weight.
Perhaps some kind of Pacific islander?
It's prob a squatemalan that's so fat she gets a mongoloid face and chink eyes.
Chinks are quite blunt about everything, even themselves.
Looks like a Hawaiian island nigger mixed with some Mexican / spic. Truly an el Abominacion.
Westie mutt roastie tries to colonize China by dictating what they can and can't say.
Don't people wonder why Asians are generally skinny? It's not the genes or diet, it's the effective shame-based culture.
the muttest of the mutts
>Sup fattie
>Mental breakdown
too ashamed to grow enough food? man that must run really deep
She shouldn't have eaten the person who insulted her though...
I know a few orientals and they don't think twice about saying this shit
>lose beard trimmer charger
>beard looks like shit
>fuck it i'll just get the old razor out
>go into work with a smooth face for the first time (had designer stubble since I started)
>vietnamese friend looks at me in shock and goes NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU UUUUUUGGGGLLLLLLLYYYYYY
made me laugh
fatass! why you so fat?
HUUURRRRR!! Fuck off, tubby. Lose fucking weight. This fucking country could learn a thing or two from eating less like chinks and poos.
What the fuck am I reading
She said Chinese with Black
> curvaceous
A bag of lard is not "curvy". You're fucking fat, you dumb bitch
China is basically Trump as a country and every Chinese person is a microcosm of Trump
manatee+Amy Schumer with a hint of asian
Lol, there is literally a whole generation of people under 5ft tall in china due to malnutrution.
One of the reasons China can be so based is because PC culture is non existent.
Have you ever seen a Chinese person? They are all over 5'8" in height nowadays. In fact, if you're under 5'7", you are considered "subhuman" in China. I'm not joking.
>They are all over 5'8" in height nowadays.
Yeah, no.
Are you in the North or the south? In the North and Central regions of China, they are all really tall.
>What the fuck am I reading
the end times, user
the end is near.
Central China; Sichuan. I'm 5'11 and I'm almost always the tallest guy around, even among the young generation.
I'm genuily curious what most chinese think about all the western discussions about identity politics, feminism, minority rights, rape culture, micro aggressions,etc. .
Don't japs love sumos
Whaddayaknow, its not only whites who can be politically uncorrect now and again.
I'm so surprised. Let's try and invite those people into our homelands and educate them.
>be fat
>get called fat
such is life
Also, Sichuan is a melting pot that had migrations from all over China. So the genetics here vary.
Lol Sichuan is one of the shorter areas in China. By Central I'm talking about the central costal regions. Northern China is also quite tall.
Good lord the entitlement. Fuck you you pig.
FUCK thx fuck I'm full African, shit being a mutt is a disgusting life having no place too fit in or any culture or identity for
It’s not 1960 anymore
Also, I've been up North. They aren't really that much different.
El goblina gorda de las americas...Dios ayudanos
Chigger LOL
But they're bring it back anyways.
They have a word for that: 白左
creatura mcdolana.
illegal transfat
The scientific name for this mutt is Mixtumque ex inferno. It is a fairly common breed, it normally takes a commanding role in packs of mutts, some lesser mutts have even been observed worshipping this mutt.
>People in China Knew It Was Okay to Call Me Fat to My Face
Fixed that for her.
What are people from Wuhan like? I know a girl from there who went to my old school with me. She was very cute and sweet with a nice soft soothing voice. A bit asocial though. Well technically she was from Ezhou or something, but she would just say Wuhan.
Look up the term Baizuo
>as a bigger woman
She went back to the /Motherland/ after years of McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts in the West, and she expected the Rice Pickers and Circuit-Board Builders to accept her with open arms
You have to go back Xiang.
When I lived in Beijing, the people there were pretty tall.
WTF! I love the Chinese now!
Sure why not? I'm going there this summer.
So what does this bitch want to happen? For an entire culture of a billion people to watch their mouth because her fat feelings got hurt?
>when the other mutts tease you for being a mutt
dios mio...
>FUCK thx im full Chimp, shit being a half-monkey is a disgusting life having no place too fit in or any culture or identity for
Why did she write an article about Chinese people calling her a fat cunt? What is this shit?
This kills the escalator.
That's why they're pushing racemixing, Hershey.
>assigned to a 'FAT Club'
I fucking love Singapore
You're not actually from china
There's no way anyone would be able to post from there
more like
>Ariana Mucho Grande
Shes the typical mexishit and central american spic woman.
Typical of a college educated, narcissistic, attention whore, land whale that no matter how much noise they make will never find anything but a bottom teir nu-male that can't even spring a boner and supply her needed two carpet rats so she can bring in the equivilant of $65K yearly Govt support
La aberración inconmensurable.
La goblina gorda mas fea
What is a 'FAT Club'? Is that like a state-enforced fitness program to get fatties to lose weight?
She doesn't look Chinese she looks like a quadroon
That's a truefriend right there
I mean you can if you buy a Sup Forums pass. It's just that most Chinese people don't actually want to use Sup Forums.
I chat with a chinaman every week, I once introduced him to Sup Forums, surprisingly he had no problem accessing it
That's cause she isn't Chinese.
Yeah, I heard that they're pretty sly about it, like pointing to your stomach and saying shit like "You must really like food, don't you?"
This mutt is called infernum demergeris, it is one of the most deadly mutts. Little is known about this mutt, it is understood to live underground, hiding from light so it can't see its own skin colour.
Researchers have been found skinned near where these mutts are known to lurk, what happens to their white skin, we can't even imagine.
I laffed
She looks Samoan...
Anyways, most of the world is like this. The idea that you shouldn't tell someone they are fat when they obviously are fat is only a western thing.
Ariana Rocky Horror