2000s nostalgia thread

what happened to the Key anime era? it just suddenly vanish away slowly into past memories.
Was Angel beats the last of its supernatural SOL anime?
Sup Forums doesnt talk about Clannad, Air, or Kanna anymore, has key's oldfags finally broke the cycle depravity and moved on in life like the shows?
Most SOL nowaday are just very meme worthy. Did we stopped having anime that involve deep personal internal drama like key stuffs, or is it just their presence is really low?

Key shit is overrated as fuck.

Dude they've been gone since the split with /jp/, you've only just noticed ?

yes just like many anime that are popular on Sup Forums with undying consecutive threads a day.

Clannad was perfect. The genre is done. Nothing else needs to be said; No more tears should be shed.

Reminder that Angel Beats is just an inferior version of Haibane Renmei

Dude the Keyshit has been discussed to death. When I first started browsing this place in '11 there was literally a Clannad thread at anytime of the day, not to mention the 'Best Key Girl' bullshit.

The shows didn't even have that much substance, aside from Clannad After Story. Even something like KGNE has more 'deep personal internal drama' than Keyshit.

Clannad was mediocre until After Story.

I was still in highschool during clannad era, wonder how did Sup Forums looked like back then?


>'Best Key Girl' bullshit.
history repeats itself again on Sup Forums, but with different flavor.

Pretty much the same, only the memes were different.
We do get more discussions going on nowadays, back then it was all about trashing the popular shows.

>he doesn't like haremshit

Key's era was congruent with haruhi and lucky star's era.
also when Sup Forums has an explosion of newfags/animefag migration.

What was that recent Key anime again? The show that has a bitchy white hair girl who keeps carrying around a camera.
The was such a trainwreck.
Jun should never write scripts for an anime again.

Sup Forums was infested with tripfags, there were general threads everywhere, and at any one time 1/3 of the board had nothing to do with anime.

Sup Forums was lot more like Sup Forums with anime. I'm actually impressed with how on-topic Sup Forums is nowadays, back then there were constant metathreads complaining about the quality of the board.

which explain why Sup Forums became the most xenophobic board today, which is also a good thing. All of the normal faggotories has became which Sup Forums is today, even /vg/ is barely holding onto its post.

Sup Forums is barely holding out too. The amount of new fucking fags posting making posts having watched hardly any anime, and all the spoonfeeding. Fuck it all

Maybe it's just my nostalgia goggles but I found Sup Forums to be much funnier back then. Sup Forums had this weird, obsessive culture (e.g. the endless arguments over moeshit) that was both fucked up and hilarious.

Nowadays it just seems to be a group of fairly normal people discussing anime. Sup Forums is becoming more and more like an anonymous version of reddit.

>I found Sup Forums to be much funnier back then. Sup Forums had this weird, obsessive culture
It was. And a huge majority of Sup Forums were INTP and INTJ with practically zero extroverts and zero sensors. If you did personality polls now you'd get a very different result.

back then people created new content, now if you do and someone doesn't like it you get >>>reddit as a reply, this place has become too stiff in that regard

Both are pretentious shit, Haibane Renmei is Angel Beats for people who don't want to admit they like Angel Beats to look hip and cool.

Why does Ushio not look like her dad at all?

What if I like Angel Beats and hate Haibane Renmei.

I miss Underwater Ray Romano


Get your shit together, user.

Man I remember marathoning Clannad and After Story in like 2 or 3 days way back in high school. First anime I watched aside from shounenshits and Pokemon too.

Because blue hair doesn't really look good on her.

Then you're being too honest with your taste, this is Sup Forums faggot

Its all just ironic shitposting now

>Was Angel beats the last of its supernatural SOL anime?
Angel Beats was from 2010. Little Busters got an adaptation in 2012-2013.

Also there's a Kud Wafter movie being made.

Lets be real 00's shows look like shit. Imagine a show like Aria or Princess Tutu that wasn't wasted and made today instead.

KyoAni decided that they aren't doing VN adaptations anymore.
8bit destroyed Rewrite.
David Production has done great things with Planetarian.

The early ones look like shit because they were still getting used to the new technology at the time.

No, you are wrong. The best era of character design. ~00~2009

There is no After Story without 1st season build up. 1st season was as great as AS.

KyoAni is so polarizing. If they make shows you like, they're amazing. If they don't, you're almost always stuck with shit and you start flinging shit at them for not making shows you like.

>Princess Tutu
>Looks like shit

You'd better not be talking about the actual art.

Clannad started the moe trend (well, it technically didn't start it, but it made it that popular) which eventually gave way to the moeblob and the downfall of anime as we know it. It's ironic because the supposed """"""GOAT SoL anime""""""" is what ruined the genre in the first place

But Clannad wasn't released until long into the moe trend, and the same year as Clannad there were multiple other huge VN adaptations released such as Myself; Yourself, Ef: A Tale of Memories and School Days. All major anime releases, from the same year, and most even the same season.

Yeah, right. The only reason to prefer Haibane Renmei over Angel Beats is just to look "hip and cool".

There is absolutely no way one would prefer a sincere piece of actual Art which conveys meaning through literary devices, tone, situations and atmosphere over a "by-the-book" tearjerking mediocrity that tries its best to please everyone with bright colors, sniper rifles and highschool concerts, no way.

And stop throwing buzzwords around you dumbfuck, especially ones you don't even understand.

>Sup Forums became the most xenophobic board today
I really haven't seen this. I bet most xenophobic posts are just Sup Forums cross-boarders.

This. The TWGOK waifu threads were amazing (and that was not so long ago, they were very active in 2011 and even 2012).


Blame Lucky Shit for that

Nowadays designs are much worse.