Macron: "Pensioners are useless"

> French President Emmanuel Macron downplayed on Thursday his recent collapse in popularity among older voters, who have suffered the brunt of tax changes meant to favor those in work and revive the economy.

> The 40-year old president, who swept to power last May, decided to cut workers' payroll charges and offset some of the cost by raising a tax payed on all income, including pensions.

> That means most French workers saw a small increase in their net salary on they January payslip, while a majority of pensioners have instead noticed a drop in their monthly pension payment.

> "I know I'm asking for an effort from the oldest, that sometimes some of them grumble," Macron told reporters after a pensioner complained to him on the sidelines of a visit to a military site in the east.

> "It doesn't make me popular but I won't apologise for it," he said.

> "It really doesn't matter to me," Macron said. "I don't comment on the ups and downs. There are people who have obsessed over that all their life, nothing is left of them. What counts is the work you do for the country."

This cunt done cut 5 euros outta my NEETbux.

is Macron the Fountainhead that will lead France back to its rightful spot as the leader of Earth?

Fucking based

Damn. The France redemption arc is shaping up to be one of the better twists on the show.

Let me get this straight ???? this packet of macaroni is moaning about old people whilst niggers are running rampant across his country ????

this is NOT based.

Emmanuel "The cruel pensioner remover" Macron
When will he stop?

In just a bit over 4 years.


Don't fall from it Sup Forums. I know that you criaturas americana are retarded but just stop.

>whilst niggers are running rampant across his country
at least they still ave le constitution

do you mean the catalyst for the reinstatement of the monarchy?

In 4 years he will be the new Gran Mufti os France going by his plans.

>reinstatement of the monarchy
The guillotine is thirsting for fresh blood.
His plans won't happen.

These are the same old people who did nothing while the country was being overrun by jungle niggers and sand niggers.

Isn't his wife old enough to be retired? Was that a sneaky attack on her?

Of course. For every pensioneer that finally dies to free up resources, you could import 5 more refugees.

Macron is an idiot. And so is everyone ITFT (In This Fucking Thread).

Aux armes citoyens!


They started the whole mess too, every generation after has had non whites being there as the status quo. They were born in a 90% white country, with home ownership and left it like this.




>fuck boomers
Macron is seriously based.

if he doesn't like pensioners, why does the presigolo fuck one?

Sounds like something of a roundabout bail-in.

I haven't seen jack shit on my salary. Maybe 10e,if that. Fuck him, not >myguy at all.

that's based but Macron is still a faggot who worships the EU, which wants to be a socialist federation
nothing short of a right wing nationalist can resuscitate france

>L'Afrique commence aux Pyrenees

I thought Limousin was in buttfuck nowhere, how are they over 1/4 non white births?

Keep it up France, someday your pensioners might be as fucked by the government as ours.

checked, but the nigger realms actually has always begun below (and including) the bordeaux-lyon axis

This image stinks of bullshit. Auvergne is a green desert, no way it's 20% nogs. I live in Alsace and there's not a single nog in my town and the next few. There's too many in the nearest medium sized city, but nowhere near 35%.

the disease is also found in islanders and southern italians, if births in limousin and auvergne have one of these backgrounds, the kids are tested

either you are a kike or just too retarded to know what d&c is

How bad do you have it? I have a German who's 35, and he's genuinely worried about his pension already. Like actually stressed about it, and stressing every month to put as much money aside as possible because he thinks that by the time he gets too old to work he will practically have to pay his own pension. Is he overreacting?

Where do you have your German? Locked him in your closet? Where did you get him? Or did your grandfather capture him in the war and you inherited him?

Oh, 35? You just kidnapped a German tourist? I see... Do you play hide the sausage with him?

He's a free range German. I let him live his life just on the other side of the border and I just go tease him about Alsace-Lorraine every now and then.


Seriously? A Chilean?


Indeed. The raise is like 1 or 2€ and the media are acting like that faggot is changing the country

>1 or 2€
They removed 5€ on my APL. I'm glad I'm on the RSA, I would feel insulted if they took 5€ with one hand and gave back 1 or 2 with the other.

I really hope that welfare for afrofrenchmen was left unchaged.

get a job faggot

No thanks, Avi.

Read the image better. All French here get baited by it and elsewhere online. Sure it's bad, and this image shows it but it states "ÉVOLUTION DU TAUX", it's not the rate itself it's its evolution!!


le kek

>work your whole life and pay high taxes
>obey the law and suffer for the good of the country
>get to retirement
>whoops you're useless and we're taking your retirement and giving it to hostile Muslims

Such is life in globalist dystopian France. At least you didn't vote for that Hitler nationalist right?

>This assblasted French NEET

>Boomer degenerates being kiked out of their money by the systems they put in place to begin with


this is infants not adults. You don't realize it until you have a kid in public school
you are the most blacked infant rate country in the west. there is no denying it.

pensions proved boomers are retards. Now instead of admitting it they will drain every federal, state, local, municipal of their tax funds.
A cancer if you will, caused by pension planners who thought they could see into the future.

I saw it happen when I was in school. It's nothing like this where I live now.

Boomers and old people in general should pay more taxes. What the fuck could they be saving for? THEY GOING TO DIE ANYWAYS.
Can't take your money to the grave.

t. communist

Pension should not be a thing.
Children should take care of their parents.
Raised shit kids? Enjoy being homeless at 80!
Raised great kids? Enjoy your endless vacation on a beach somewhere near the equator!

but to be fair, we concentrated them in cities suburbs commie blocks when we started importing our former colony dwellers
don't forget either quite a lot of our shitskins are caribbeans from the few colonies we still got there, and though quite dark niggers, they mostly keep to themselves and generally are rather calm if left on their own

>quite a lot of our shitskins are caribbeans
Also Portuguese

yes, but considering those "ours" pushes things a little too far
also, though quite dark and horribly hairy, they at least work and are fairly calm (even if southern-noisy)


You know you are a Spaniard, right?

neoliberal elitist treating humans as disposable resources ,when you will realize in the world we are living


Yeah whatever, you know exactly what I mean. They're still giving me plenty anyway so I don't care, I'm just amused by the stunt.

>Is he overreacting?

No. It's pretty well known by anyone that knows anything about public finance that the system is going to crash and burn. It's unsustainable and requires like eight taxpayers to fund one pensioner, hence why they try to sell it like the nignogs actually pay taxes and will support us in our old age.

Our generation has no chance whatsoever of anything resembling the pensions of our predecessors. This is the reality not just in Germany, but in every single Western country. It's just the result of families slimming down from 12 kids to 6 to 1.5.

At best, we might transition into defined contribution plans with a tiny basic old age supplement paid to everyone. But we are never going to have the defined benefit plans our grandparents and parents had. Anyone that thinks they will is deluded. So your German friend is stressing for a reason.

nationalite the basic infrastructures and will have more than enought

Keep dreaming Kingfag
We'll just finish the job that revolutionaries did

In 4 years you'll be a little pile of ashes and Russian will be Poland's official langage

Ignore the positive comments, guys, those people are faggots.

Hi France, I love your country and culture. I've visited many times. I speak your language too, and I know how to behave while amongst you all.
That being said I'm sad to see what's become of you all in the last 15 years. Please have pride in your history and take your country back from invaders

>Arab looking spanish degenerate talking shit
Spaniardmutts will never cease to amaze me

Perhaps I should clarify that I'm assuming a capitalist system. Obviously if you nationalize industries like resource extraction, electricity generation, and so on you might be getting enough in profit to cover the costs.

You're right, South Pyrenean mountain is Africa
glad that spaniard niggers know geography

He's right

I have to say, I'm liking President Jupiter more and mroe

Of course they are, they worked hard to be.

t. Amerimutt
56% is real
just neck yourself

How is Alsace? If I were to go to anywhere Europe it'd be there

have daily mass shootings
still berates others
muricans are subhumans
every mass shooting in the US is such a pleasure for me
I always cheer for more amerigoblins to be shot

Boomers are worse than niggers.

t. 56%

>based frenchman

He's just setting things right by starving you revolutionnaries like the (((Bourgeois)))-led idiots that you are
"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche."

I'll leave it to you to decide whether it's a good thing or not

I'm biased but I'll say it's beautiful if you're an outdoor kind of guy. There's a lot of hiking trails and a lot of biking routes, old towns with beautiful houses, old fortresses and castles. Germany and Switzerland next door. And almost only white people except in a few larger cities.

He'll be out of the door in the next election and probably done for good.

Funny you'd say that since I'm actually descended of Franco-Alsatians who left in 1871

>old towns with beautiful houses, old fortresses and castles
This is mainly why I would go; how pozzed is Strasbourg?