Blue Wave Impending
Drumpf is going to be btfo in November and there's nothing you can do. Cry more snowflakes.


>mainstream media
Remember 2016?
OP is a faggot

Good. Full communism now. Time to kill the fash in the streets using semi-auto weapons that are banned for them but given to us.

All polls were within the margin of error. Your precious Drumpf skated by on a handful of votes in swing states, probably hacked for him by his lover Putin.
The American People are waking up this November and they are angry at this dictator and his white supremacist regime.


Need I remind you that a Hillary landslide was predicted and expected until her campaign collapsed in the wee hours that Wednesday.

Nope, sorry, Rod has God on his side. You demorats have no chance

Thanks to Putin and his army of Russian bots.
What's the point with arguing with you though, you're probably a bot as well.

Eh, shouldn’t argue with you either since you buy into conspiracy theories too.
I bet you think the moon landing is fake too.

>All pulls within margin of error
LMAO no the fuck they weren't.
You have to be a drooling tard to believe what you just shit out on your keyboard.
Then again these are the same people who think Russians retweeting Joy Reid somehow flipped the election.

Ignore them, they’re one of the redditors who are taking part in this long term dem shilling raid since the election.

How many?
Who did they retweet?
What was the agenda?
Alex Jones is more stable than you unhinged retards

21 intelligence agencies confirm Putin interfered for Trump. I'm not the conspiritard here, I'm on the right side of history
Yes they were, go look up any Salon or Vox article. It will debunk your "alternative facts" pretty fast

>Thanks to Putin and his army of Russian bots.

I see you read fake news sites. Anyone reading this report OP.

I know, but I've known leftist my whole life and they all have one thing in common. They have never examined their own positions.
Presenting them with reality is a sure way to get them rustled and I just can't help myself.
They come here to shill but they end up being a rhetorical punching bag, it's kinda cathartic to be honest.


>reporting people for reading real news
Um that's not how this website works sweetie. Your precious Sup Forums is now an anti-Drumpf board that will help Nancy Pelosi become President by early 2019

Holy fuck hahahaha!

>what are odds
Those aren't polls, those are statistical models. The polls themselves were within the margin of error.

>Sup Forums
>Anti trump



Your precious Blumpf is gonna get your guns pretty soon. Will you be a fan of him then?
Oh the sweet tears as you gun nuts get your weapons taken by the President endorsed by those child-murdering-NRA scum. It will be his last act before we impeach him next year

It’ll snow in July before gun nuts go blue.

>The Russians interfered reeee
A few tweets and most of them were focused on retarded leftwingers like BLM
>11 million Mexicans living in our nation
But they would never vote, just don't check ID's cuz dats rayciss

Which one is foreign interference you drooling tard?

But they won't come out to vote for him in November. A wave of young people and PoC will come out instead of them and depose your cheeto Hitler.
Did you expect a generation raised on Harry Potter and Hunger Games not to fight your fascist regime?

>Checks laws
Nothing has changed

K. Keep holding your breath sweetie lmao

>margin of error

>margin of error 2.0

The primaries mean nothing anyways.
Throughout the 80s Congress was blue and Reagan wasn’t deposed.
In 2010 a red wave hit and didn’t depose Obama.

>Hilldawg will win in a landslide
There's a reason your party is dependent on room temp IQ niggers and spic welfare recipients voting

Those presidents didn't suck Russian cock illegally though. And the blue wave will hold congress until 2020 when Kamala Harris btfos your precious Drumpf
No one liked Hillary you fucking projecting scum

I can't believe Shareblue hires such niggers
I thought they were sending their best here

Poll in question
They're not even trying

>No one liked Hillary
Salon " Why Hillary is Beloved"
>Check a reputable source like Salon, drumftard
What's it like being a walking contradiction?

>m-muh shareblue
You think sometimes that people just don't like you racist ass scum. Sup Forums will be a lefty board by the end of the year. The Blue Wave will take over everything.
We will outlive you

>Sup Forums

>Sup Forums will be lefty
Hahaha ohh sweetie.
This is just getting sad.

>hehe look i don't have to address your argument because you made a typo.
Everyone knows you racist ass Sup Forums scum are going to be purged by the end of the decade. We will rewrite the constitution to allow Obama to run for President for the rest of his life. The right wing is dead. It will never again resurge. Trump was the last dying breath of your ideology.
We are the future

Good bait, for a second there I thought you were an actual lefty

Wrong again Blumpftard. We are the future of this country, you better repent to Saint Anita before you gamer-gate racist homophobic sexists are purged in the Day of the Scythe that will purge all you rural and suburban retards.

Please forgive my white privilege saint Anita and forgive me for mansplaining.
Take me and my wife's son as an offering of sacrifice and cleanse the land of microaggressions.