Why does the average American need a military grade weapon like the AK-15? No one needs that type of gun in their house.
Why does the average American need a military grade weapon like the AK-15? No one needs that type of gun in their house
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Assault kike?
leave it to Alt-right Trump supporters to be anti-semantic
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>need a military grade weapon
To defend against military grade niggatry like home invasions
The Second Amendment is not an unlimited right. No right it is. It is in the interest of the public safety to limit that right to stop crazy fucks from getting weapons and killing children.
*blocks your path
This is bait but you made me laff, have a (You) friend
> losing 90 people a day
Most of whom are gang members, and our country is honestly better off without.
I now this is a troll post but actually the AR-15 isn't even military grade is a civilian version of the M4 and M16 and is not automatic it's semi automatic
God have mercy you people are pathetic.
We should really get rid of you.
But user it looks so scary!
Has anyone else ever wonder why they how a special term specifically for shutting down any criticism of Jew's? Really makes me think?
user, rifles cause less homicide than knives every year
inb4, after, and during /k/ autism.
>military grade
semi auto - kek
All that we hear is how evil white men are, and how much the leftists want us all dead and enslaved. And then, hilariously, after completely deranged rants about how much you want us dead..you demand we give up our guns. We actually have the right to own equak weaponry to that used by the government and police. Want us disarmed? Let the government and police disarm, first. They say that we shouldn't worry about them being the only ones with guns...well, then they shouldn't worry about us being the only ones with guns.
We the people are the masters; we created the government as our servant. It is not the proper role of the servant to tell the master what he does or does not need.
Shut the fuck up.
Neither is the freedom of the press. But they write whatever the fuck they want. Could you please point out the part of the second amendment which gives the government the right to limit the weapons we can own?
>gun that looks exactly like a military gun isn't a military gun
Wew lad
Now, don't be anti-semitic
1,300 people die in The U. S. everyday from cigarettes.
Pic related
Why did the left create a shitty meme from a corporate war criminal in regards to gun control? Isn't that the real threat to our security as a nation?
M16+M4 have 3 round burst , no fully automatic and are fired semi automatically 99% of the time in the military
Trump fucked up big time.
Thanks user, that's actually a pretty good argument. Can I use it in the future?
I think this argument is intellectually dishonest, because it has nothing to do with NEEDING x gun.
It's as if they were trying to ban nuts and said "why do you NEED nuts there is so much other food just don't eat what ppl have allergies to".
Just because I don't NEED something does not mean anyone has any right to deprive me of it.
It’s not called the Bill of Needs. I don’t care how many meme kids get killed.
user, don't be like that. Rifles make up less than 4% of gun homicides every year.
Use CDC if you want the statistics.
didnt the drug trade fuel your economy?
My professor unironically said
>assault rifle 15
All in one 75 minute period
Oh I know, I meant the AR-15 is not an automatic because so many think it is. It's technically semi
>better to have people commit suicide by jumping in front of trains fucking up the daily commute for thousands like here in the uk
yeah no
To shoot niggers, you fucking faggot.
Another one of these, sage
Pretty sure he was just meming, guy
Slippery Slope.
If we let the Libs take the AR-15 today, by next week they'll be going for the Barney Fife revolver, and then going for the BB guns.
With Libs, they never stop, we finally gave them Gay Marriage in all 50 states, and what did they do next ? The Libs went for the powergrab and tried to force the LGBT Queerness into the bathrooms, and let Tranny Men enter the Women's bathroom.
You CANNOT give Libs 1 inch, they will take a mile and never stop, Libs are not rational, you cannot compromise with irrational sickos.
To keep the government from enslaving us. The power of the government is only kept in check by citizens that can fight back.
>assault rifle 15
what he was refering to?
Fuck Trump! If this asshole takes away our rights I swear on my founding father's graves.
>Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually,....
>or 1,300 deaths every day.
There's no way the tobacco industry could be lobbying Washington with the NRA in the way. Fuck them guns.
She was not memeing. Spoke very clearly on how she was anti violence
don't fall for the shilling, actually do the research on what he said, if anything he is for gun rights as he wants teachers to be armed instead of hiring guards.
Just because it triggers the Clintons. It's a good enough reason for amerimutts to do that.
How many of those offenders are black?
>Bill of Needs
Hang yourself kike
You're right op no one needs 55.6 mm NATO fully simi automatic assault clips.
the only guns we should are lever action.
>Nigger that looks almost exactly like an ape isn't an ape
Low-T faggot.
Fuck you nigger, why do you care what I buy?
quality shitposting thread
>Why does the average American need a military grade weapon like the AK-15?
to defend ourselves from hillary clinton voters of the dark and brown persuasion
>Why does the average American need a military grade weapon like the AR-15?
I have thousands of acres of farming land. The AR-15 makes it possible for me to control the feral hogs and wild boars.. which are declared invasive species. Hordes of feral hogs will tear up my crops and land in one single night. They reproduce like mad. A deer rifle(bolt action) can't control the population...the AR-15 DOES. WHY? Because it's a semi-automatic.
Who the fuck are you to tell me I can't have a semi-automatic .223 rifle? Or can't buy a new one?
AK-15 isn't military grade. It's a semi-automatic.
Niggers use glocks.
The AK-15 is a fully semi-automatic military style assault weapon that fires 30 caliber magazine clips in under a 1/2 second. The ammunition has an incendiary device which means heat seeking. It's 2018 it's time for common sense.
Sage goes in all fields