Wife told me yesterday shes pregnant. We're both conservatives. how do i attain pic related...

Wife told me yesterday shes pregnant. We're both conservatives. how do i attain pic related? How do I ensure my kids dont follow their tide pod-eating peers?

don't send them to public school

This 100%. Once in public school they will be dragged down to meet the lowest common denominator then built up in the liberal teachers image.

Be born in 1945.

Oh... you weren't.... basically, you fucked up real bad and are going to be stuck in a messy divorce.

godspeed OP

t. mgtow evolutionary dead end

my child is in pre kindergarten now, and i am seriously thinking of homeschooling her starting next year.

be somewhat authoritarian yet still clear that their best interest is in mind

or you could ask someone with proper credentials and not the ideological manchildren on Sup Forums

i will be the one raping your wife and daughter during the revolution

most red pills are acquired through experience. Don't shelter them too much

.t edgy faggot

This home school or find a good Christian private school.

> Don't spank
> Get out of big cities
> Don't send them to public school

Homeschool them like Varg Vikernes, but without the larp. Then systematically indoctrinate them with good morals, family values and a sense of pride for their ancestral culture. Then when theyre reaching middleschool age, send them to a private school. Prep/boarding is preferable.

It's too late for you, the kid is going to be a darker shade of brown than that dog.

And I will be the one skinning you alive

>find a good Christian private school.


Is that all you want to do with your life?
Become a debt slave and knock up your female like an ape??
Ever thought of trying to change history or society?


>easier than you'd believe, cheaper than the endless fundraisers of public school, better results than any private school, no indoctrination
Weekly attendance (minimum) at a socially conservative church
>Get them socially involved and focus on families like you want to be
Focus on your marriage, not your kids
>Kids grow up and leave; your wife shouldn't. Focus on *her* so the kids understand marriage is most important.
>Marriage, love, and staying married are all acts of the will. Work at it, don't expect emotions to make shit work
>No one can read minds - talk with your spouse about everything
>Be honest with your kids
>If you make a mistake, admit it. If you were in the wrong, apologize
>No santa claus, easter bunny stuff. Its lies. Don't lie to anyone, especially your kids
Teach them how to think by explaining your positions and thoughts logically
Have strict limits, but allow them freedom within those limits.
Let them face the consequences of their actions as long as it is isn't maiming or death
t the father of 5 sons, the oldest of whom are strong, honest, conservatives with a head start on life.

pic related no longer exists
stop procreating and bringing more suffering into this doomed world

Enjoy your divorce.

Encourage Bible reading.
Show them the difference between people who are in this world to what is pure.
Explain that there are consequences for actions in the world and explain the need for punishment so that when they are older they don't learn about punishment the hard way.
Don't punish them in anger...ever. It's a correction tool for their benefit, not your venting time.
Encourage a love for nature and outdoor activities.
Be kind and patient, but fair and willing to show the need for justice.

Fuck off Ahmed

'Don't let them do things that'll make you dislike them'

emphasize shapes and colored blocks early.

the ideal complexity being a decagon and other n gons or zoids mixed in. Tri zoids are especially neat when paired atop and one step removed from its trapezoid bases. i.e. dollar pryamid scheme.

Avoid Corporate branded symbolism in teaching texts and emphasize unbiased peer review in solution making process of the learning cycle and socialize by sports to develop good teamwork traits for future careers.

>How to create a socially and technically incompetent autist

If you indoctrinate your isolated children with your own brand of propaganda, they will grow up not being able to identify the propaganda of other movements. This is how you end up with a rebellious soyboy/coalburner in college, with this kind of authoritarian, roll your own education nonsense.

teach them yourself, school is a marxist indoctrination camp

>Fuck off Ahmed
Thats what the Ahmeds do.
Breed constantly breed.

Make sure they are red pilled about the non-White untermensch before they ever encounter one, make them understand that the country is now an open zoom. Homeschool them if possible your wife stays at home and possible work a few hours from it while attending her daily chores and educates the children. Make sure they eat in a healthy way, do sports, read books, know the actual history and most importantly, do NOT live in the city and teach them how to shoot

Fuck off, heeb.

Heh, if your wife is white, i'd wait to see what colour the kid comes out as first before making any decisions.

>What an idiot
Homeschooled kids are *more* politically engaged, *less* subject to advertising and propaganda, *more* socially confident and adept, and so on.
Look at the Harvard study as well as Willis, O'Brian 2011. That's why the Ivy League heavily recruits homeschooled kids.

*Open zoo
fucking autocorrect

keep them away from Sup Forums.

keep them away from the internet, if possible.

not letting your kid do anything they want is a basic rule of parenting

Don't ever allow your children to be exposed to memes or any sort of online culture

Teach them before anything Responsibility and let them be responsible for things as early as possible. Instill hard work ethic.


Do you know who the father is?

>asking for parenting tips on Sup Forums

it's too late for zer

Avoid inner cities. Limit screen time. Teach your child philosophy, math and cursive writing. Read to them. Work your ass off at work. Quit smoking and drinking during the week. Work out at least twice a week. Befriend your local church. Get into gardening andor have a wood furnace. Join the NRA. Don't take pol too seriously. Legitimately love your wife.

That's it.

1. Keep them away from computers, Internet, TV
2. Have them do hands-on activities. Pattern-solving activities. Encourage kids to play. Encourage creativity.
3. Read to them. Teach them math, history, science.
4. Unless you have decent public schools in your area, send them to private school.
5. If you want your kid to be multilingual, it's easier to learn another language when you're young.
6. Give them responsibilities when they're young.
7. Breast feed
8. Give them a nutritious diet. This is important for brain development, and is probably a huge factor in why "minority" groups have less IQ.
9. If your kid has ADHD don't put him or her on those damn meds.

Your kids will be mulattos, mark my words

Redpill me on cursive writing.
I can use it if I have to, but it seems fairly useless, since I just type everything anyway, and my hands are very shaky.

Cursive writing allows you to write 2-3x faster than print.

This really can't be emphasized enough. Also teaching them to take responsibility and encourageing them to be curious about the world around them rather than exposing them to the stupidity modern society forces upon children from an early age. Inspire them to pursue pastimes that are meaningful and educational. Good luck, OP.

And typing allows me to go several times faster than that.
The only reason to do print is for pretty letters, which cursive doesn’t have either.

Do not send them to a nigger infested public school. Private Christian schools in my area are only 4000$ a year which is a small price to pay for the benefits. I checked the demographic on the school I liked - 97% white 2% Mexican 1% other (probably Asian) Not a single nigger kid in the whole school. Jackpot.

Cursive writing helps devlops the brain and increases IQ

1-4 and 6 are very important. Imo 5 shouldn't be pursued unless you're in a multilingual area or have the opportunity to engage with people in the languages. Without social support in the common everyday life it's likely that kids won't find motivation to learn a new language. This can be mitigated with ample opportunity for the languages use. Literature comes to mind.

8 and 9. Most important.
I was diagnosed with add. Placed on ritalin. My parents were easily convinced that I needed it. It made me less prone to distractions, but I couldn't concentrate over the crippling side effects and constant depression.

I would say it increases hand-eye coordination above anything else.

Dont worry bro. Fads come and go, they wont be eating tide pods. Most likely they'll be eating the cotton candy in the attic.

Bumpity bumpity.

I can't speak from experience.

Speaking from statistics though, you've actually hit all of the major points already, so all you need is common sense and vigilance.

make decent money, raise them in a semi-rural area with cheap real estate, get them into a public school from k-8 but for highschool, have them learn everything using online guides from Khan academy. They can chop like 2 years off of high school that way.

The most important thing is to stay involved witb your kid's interests.
The whole spiderman and elsa fiasco on youtube really puts an emphasis on monitoring your kid's media exposure

Bleach pills

Make sure they often see you making things with your hands. That things don't happen by magic. Let them try themselves if they're ready for it, or else emphasize that they can't do it now, but will be able to when they're older.

Same thing for learning, make sure they know how to make a mathematical proof (first part of "Sciencea" by Wooden Books is a good primer for that)

In my experience, it's usually intelligent and creative kids with these "disorders", which I don't consider disorders at all. They're unique personality traits, and their parents and teachers, who primarily deal with mediocrity, are too uninterested and stupid to properly address the child's needs.

No word of a lie, I knew a military dude, sniper.

He bought the DVDs/VHS of old tv shows like Leave it to Beaver and a few others, and made his two sons watch them when they were 7+.

I'm sure that's not the only reason why the kids turned out to be really good kids, mind you he did not spoil them either, and the guy has money, so it was not like he was just being tough because he lacked the $.

Kids were smart, tough, hard working, respectful, independent.

This is pure autism

>asking Sup Forums, the biggest misanthropes of the Internet Hate Machine, about how to raise a family

I posted about a dude I knew making his kids watch old tv shows e.i leave it to beaver.

He has an older brother, all his 6 kids were home schooled... the first 5 were awesome kids/teens/sdults... the last one was a little shit... all home schooled before HS... then sent to a small religious school for highschool... smart kids... lots had to do witparenting... they love their dad to death, their mom not as much.

I have seen the difference of home schooling, no comparison.... none!

Yes, I'd rather learn the white trash parents who feed their toddlers cheese dogs and curly fries, fast food and Doritos. Most parents are fucking morons, user. This weekend, go to your local mall and just sit at the food court during lunchtime and you'll see.

*learn from


you see?

there's hope for us yet.

That dude looks so proud...awesome!

So does anything creative.
Would you rather your kids play guitar or write cursive?

Honestly a good way to help kids hone their focus is to have them engaged in learning activities. Teaching kids, and most importantly, letting helping them find the answers to those questions helps them develop critical minds. I'm not a child psychologist, but I would wager that in later years they will naturally become more focused as they develop deeper interest in things they find interesting.
It helps if the subject is most immediate, like the sciences(world around them, why the sky is blue, or the water is blue).

I don't know how nigger schools are still considered "schools" they're more like daycares, since that's what the nigger mom's use them as.

>judging from a local mall
Grow up. The world is bigger than the "local mall".

>>public school

5 kids here, well behaved, smart......

Talk with your lady and come to an agreement on how you will raise your kids. You MUST agree. Issues arise when mom and dad are not on the same page.

Talk through scenarios and ask the lady how she would approach it then give your imput, come to a concencus.

Have rules planned in advance and set schedules. Get them on a routine... Kids need routine. Up at same time, lunch same time every day, same bed time etc.

Yeah, seconding this. Home schooling is the most important thing you can do for your children. Even if you think you’re unqualified, and you’re not, unschooling is better than pub/private schools.
Look up John Taylor gato.


DNA test those kids.

By Christian you mean Catholic. There are no good protestant schools.
I had a chance lately to visit a Catholic school and indeed it is vastly superior to others.

Drink clean water. Its been shown to improve IQ esp. If wife is preggers. Read to them early and often. If they can sit up you can read to them(6-8 months). Teach them basics early. Dont expext daycare/babysitters/school to.

I agree but I live in MN which has great schooling... And my district is borderline top 10 in the state. Very happy with our schools.

You will never be able to have that in the current climate in the USA, if you still want to move to some S American country.

You teach your children honor, dignity via the works of Plato.

Do not let the hospital put chemicals in your children.

If they want to inject - feed your children unknown chemicals REFUSE

Keep them out of public school.

Keep them busy doing things that are interesting and creative/productive like tool use and building things/learning traditional skills.

Stay ahead of that by you and your wife learning new things all the time.

Tell them stories all the time about their family history, their ancestors, their people so they don't have emptiness and go looking for degenerate myths on the internet.

Give them LOTS of physical activity that has a point. Not just running back and forth in soccer. Building things, gardening, hiking to the top of a hill, etc.

Teach them to think ahead to the consequences of small actions.

Walk with them.

Talk with them.

Set limits, be strict about them, but respect them pushing the limits.

Don't panic over every boo boo.

Do whatever you can to find like minded parents.

Congrats user, and best to you all.

Oh, I forgot, user. If you don't play a musical instrument, learn. Making music with kids is one of the most bonding experiences you can have. You can teach them a lot with songs and they'll take to music themselves like ducks to water.

Triples and the baby comes out black

paternity test NOW. NEVER MARRY A WOMAN OR GIVE YOUR CHILDRENS YOUR LASTNAME(FAMILY NAME) unless you are 100% sure she is not a whore.

Marriage has nothing to do with love.



It's an art form user. It is hand/eye/brain/ear coordination, like playing the harp only you end up with something you can look at later.

Calligraphy is wonderful. You can turn the simplest little love note to your husband/wife or word of encouragement to you kids into a gift for the ages by writing it in script.

Third time's a chram

They can do both. That's the beauty of it.

Why not spend that time having them learn a real art?
They will never get those wasted hours back.
Teach your son calculus or programming or Chinese. Fuck.

Bump so that other potential parents may see this thread, and for anons to chime in their 2 cents.

Creativity is absolutely critical for children.

They'll be x amount shitter at guitar where x is a function of time wasted learning how to write pretty

Have them play with legos or an instrument instead. Cursive is worthless.

Don't give them smart phones until they're like 14, or older

At their age cursive is a good practice. It promotes hand-eye coordination and reinforces language learning at the same time.
Though and instrument would be nice to learn. You should remember not to overload your child with a large assortment of activities.

Montessori education. Look it up, it's objectively the best way to raise your child.