>Sup Forums getting worse and worse
>Come back after 2 months
>It's even worse
>At the same level as Sup Forums
Jesus Christ, someone explain what's happening here?
Sup Forums getting worse and worse
Other urls found in this thread:
>unintelligible hebrew
It's somewhat a good thing, it made it easier for me to spend less time on Sup Forums and actually be productive. The people that matter will get redpilled anyway, because they will look for information themselves. The vast majority of Sup Forums is redditors who only follow, they don't think for themselves.
Soon Sup Forums will be just as dead as Sup Forums.
I hope since even if this board is now total shit I still come back every day.
Soros gave billions to "charity", we have had several agencies try to kill us and the entire DNC. Yet we still live.
This is the only true redpill; embrace it at your own risk:
>(((they))) allowed trump to win because they knew they could harvest the energy of a nation of angry seething leftists
>Trump is a sacrificial lamb and literally has no power in Washington whatsoever, (((they))) just make it look like he does
>Sup Forums literally had no role whatsoever in getting Trump elected
>Sup Forums is a honeypot that allows (((them))) to keep track of the enlightened few who managed to develop resistance to their media brainwashing
>shills on Sup Forums do not come here to slide the truth, they are really to here to MAKE IT LOOK like they're sliding the truth so that we feel that our efforts our justified
>(((they))) will use the aforementioned data to hunt down anyone even remotely right wing in what will essentially be a Robespierre-style mass lynching of the right.
>the upcoming cleansing of the right will be more horrifying and bloody than even the most paranoid /x/phile could have imagined
>America is essentially doomed to become a socialist police state like Europe, only 1000x worse
Final note:
>(((they))) are for all intents and purposes all-powerful and untouchable
>what has transpired in the past few generations has all gone according to (((their))) plan
>(((they))) are nearing the final phase of their plan which has been literally centuries in the making
>and if against all odds an armed revolution does get underway with the sole, infallible goal of knocking (((them))) of their high chair, they have doomsday systems at their disposal to end life on earth for no other reason than to spite their enemies, which they will use without prejudice.
There is no hell when we die; we're already in it.
It's time for you to ascent to infinity, friendo.
Place is 90% shills now
Shills (LOTS OF THEM), r/the_donald and nu-Sup Forums are ruining this place. Lots of random, clueless cretins as well. More people frequenting this place equals more shit content. It's just the way it is. It isn't necessarily worse, there is simply lots of worthless threads as well as plenty of slide threads. Also, mods.
>complaining about cancer
Influx from minors and 18 yr olds + /r/thedonald
I think there is a lot of truth in this, but I don't think (((they))) are all-powerful. Quite contrary, we shouldn't over-estimate them.
Thanks to the meme flags. Also fuck this gook and his new captcha.
This place always was a bunch of Federales role playing with each other, tbqh.
I have, the problem is that the Semitic elite and those behind them want to completely demolish homogeneous spiritual infinity making everyone egalitarian puppets who will be sacrificed for the Jews to ascend into a different form and realm.
All of these
dk, are you a Fed?
After storm fags came and killed off our space elevator threads Sup Forums was dead. Its just role players now. My fucking black roommate comes and and talks about ethnostates.
You give them too much credit.
The closer we get to the truth the more our enemies resources go into paid shills
puddipuddipuddi ron paul
lmao what are you talking about?? reddit immigrants can't change Sup Forums--it'll just redpill them!
fucking reddit immigrants I wish they'd just go away. Oh well, at least they're getting redpilled
guys i really think this marxism thing is the way to go
I'm so glad this meme gets spread around.
Sup Forums is already shilled by intelligence agencies.
>OP 2 posts by this ID.
3 now
I mean 8ch. But yes the (((elites))) are working to keep the masses blind and eternally enslaved, forever attached to this realm.
It wont work, shill.
Sup Forums is greater than you can imagine
The only option now is to hope that trump loses utterly in the next election. All the normies and retard boomers will then disperse as they will lose interest. It is our only hope. Beyond that, I don't know. It may be that this board has changed irreparably.
We have abandoned our patron god.
Pedo elite doesn't like Sup Forums cuz fake newz, or rather it counters fake news.
stfu nufag
I heared they had massive amounts of banning at r/thedonald, because many had made Trump critical posts after his comments on the secound amendment. I think we can all guess where many of those "based" civic nationalists will go after they are now banned on plebbit.
You doubt his power?
What the fuck are you talking about? This place does not understand or even correctly comprehend what's spiritually happening. Sup Forums is full of hate, hate is a form of power which X from outside this world feeds on, also jokes.
There is no left and right to the elite, only un natural transcendence or traditionalist and natural transcendence for true humans. The latter can't happen without personal oneness both in physical form and a spiritual. But the ones who want the first want to do it through making an egalitarian machine of un directed spirits in an un natural habitat to simply feed on them and make a mass sacrifice to transcend into another realm. If you think I'm some shill because I realize the potential of true awakening of the masses and want that to happen, straying away from descending into this materialistic form of hate, left, right and hedonism then you are lost.
The answer is this.
You sound like a grandpa bitching about the good ol' days. There never was a Sup Forums golden era. Get over it.
come back to fight the meme war
dont be a fuckin deserter fag
this, to an extent
I never made memes, I just talked to people here and made threads but recently there have been no threads for discussion and my threads trying to speak some truth into people get like 1 reply.
oh nazi kike fag
good riddance
almost whole 2016 was pretty epic - burgurstan election and so many habbuningz
Die commie scum.
I'm back so you fgts better run!
No, I try to tell people to see both the faults and rights in the Deutsches Reich.
Adolf Hitler ultimately was a Samael trying to, in good spirit save the Aryan souls and others like the Japanese and Indian but he was blinded with materialistic mass-hierarchy and felt the evil in him to cleanse those lower.
All the shitlibs eventually simmer into the hip boards. It's genetic for hipster trash majority to ruin the cool kids club.
i wouldn't know - i was on fu.llchan, saving the world with kek YOU FAGGOTS
As it turned out, the current world and especially the USA is not worth saving, so it's time to start even more Chaos - by unleashing the Devil and WW3.
That should be fun.
I assume demoralization tactics.
Flood Sup Forums with bot garbage & shill threads/even White interest ones are shill i believe.
Disrupt & divide.
Doesn't matter.
If your opinions serve your Basic interests,their torrent of garbage will be a waste.
>kek flag
>le secrit club
>we are anonoomoos
>we are legun
You are the cancer
Mindless collectivism ruined Sup Forums
I think you're a bit too blackpilled, but should you be right, I think that it is still our duty to fight back until our last dying breath and then pray that a merciful God either sees the cause of the righteous carried through and the West saved, or carries our souls to Heaven and wreaks divine punishment on our enemies come judgement day.
Shills like this using Divide and Conquer. Anybody that's come over from there has become redpilled or quickly will be. I was one of them around 2015.
This too