liberals are fucking retards who deserve to be shot in the streets like animals
ah ah ah, not so fast, stormfags! where do you think you're going? you get the bullet too
sorry but the future is RED
liberals are fucking retards who deserve to be shot in the streets like animals
ah ah ah, not so fast, stormfags! where do you think you're going? you get the bullet too
sorry but the future is RED
Other urls found in this thread:
if the future is red, i think i'd rather take the bullet, thanks
i can arrange that for you, sweetie :^)
I'm with you, fuck these rednecks shits and liberal soyboys.
>That flag
>Calling anyone retards
There is no difference between liberal and bourgeois. Why do you need the "too", OP?
You've never won. You can't win now.
The only thing that's gonna be red is the streets, from the blood of communist and leftists.
kys, the future will be red, but only after being drenched in commie blood
Its a tumblrina
Oh, totally sweetie, lel xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
You're such a comrade, le based comrade xDDD
What's ironic is that classical liberals will be the one to destroy you.
Thanks bro, better than starving
>The future is RED
Yes with communist blood, thanks for understanding
i dont understand this mindset. why do you vehemently defend corporations and billionaires? what have they done for you?
Don't give this retard any more (You)s
Hard left working class whites were a formidable sub grouping in the development of west. This is largely play acting by degenerates.
>memecap flag
wasn't even planning on acknowledging you, retard. you don't even deserve a reply.
Nigger I wish you would all talk no action.
>the future is RED