Do americans really do this?

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do canadians really do

Do canadians watch jew degeneracy?

Howard Stern is a Jew who's only purpose is to spread degeneracy and cry antisemitism.

>Howard Stern is a Jew

>Howard (((Stern)))


why the fuck are you even watching this shit?

Howard is obsessed with his small dick and projects his insecurity onto nearly ever guest he has ever had on. Also new yorkers are weird af

howard stern is a smart and talented man, but ruins everything he does with base vulgarity. He disgusts me.

unedited is better

Used to. Marcie ruined Howard, now he rescues cats and blows Kimmel

Who is the blonde chick?

Howard's the best. Was, anyway.

>give the man a prize, this is the correct answer


@15:50 this is the smallest dick I've ever seen holy shit

i dont get why so many people speak positively about this piece of shit show. its the peak of degeneration.

>Howard Stern

because speaking ill of it would be antisemetic

the fuck is that, i've never even heard of that.

also if it is a thing, canada is mostly known for pedophilia so shut up.

fucking hell, saved

you know a jewish man went out of his way to get a dicklet white goyim laid and this is how you thank him?

I have dirt on him

hah you got it, OC i made earlier, i thought no one else got it

I have listened to all of it and have a multitude of celebrity info in my arsenal.

Including Donald Trump, who was a regular on the show.

Including allowing Howard Stern to call his daughter a "piece of ass"

howard (((stern)))

>canada is mostly known for pedophilia so shut up.
go back to your bikini child pageants, silly man

go back to making maple syrup and shut the fuck up while your at it.

Quiet leaf. Penis Inspection Day is an austere National Holiday and not a laughing matter.

lol agreed

Howard is trashing the goyim, has done it for years.

He's like the interrogator of the Jewish Mafia. It's strange what people will do/reveal to get on his show.

He's a bit like Satan in a way. Testing people.

Trump allowed him to call his daughter a hot piece of ass.

That's odd. If someone said that about Stern's daughters, I don't think he would be very happy.

It's like some deeply sick and twisted Mind Kontrolle camp level subservience

why, wanna drench those little girls in syrup too?

Why would your mind even jump to that you sick fuck

You aren't fooling anyone, fuck off before I have you removed from the planet.

agreeing with right now because why the fuck would i want to drench a little girl with syrup

You degenerate pig. I thought it would be some action with the chick. Fuck you

Hey people don't watch the link you regret it

it's your answer to semi-nude girlies on a stage, theres some lewd thought going on in your mind

Nah. He is jewish, but hes not a jew. Stern is a decent lad. Not great or brave or anything like that, but he is not a fucking jew.

>when non-porn has to be posted on porn sites because (((YouTube))) gets triggered by trivial shit

Yeah yeah, the same old story...
the innocent unsuspecting american is always tricked by the jew.

4 inches here.

You're only on top of the societal ladder because he's too moral and kind to fight back, remember

why else would they be giving you lot all that juicy $$$$ and die fighting your wars?

we usually when the biggest dicks contest too.

you know your fighting Dog maybee bites you one day.Dont push him too hard ,all that degradation and hitting its a wonder he doesent already turned i a mad dog

evaulating people on dick size is literally nigger logic, take the greek pill

yeah i saw that jared taylor discussion too. He's right.

Funnily enough all that time I spent on Sup Forums turned into a philosemite
If you're running things all around the place, it means you've got your shit together.. I unironically try to learn from jews now