How come people dress their daughters like gift wrapped little cum sluts?
How come people dress their daughters like gift wrapped little cum sluts?
Why not?
Are you complaining? I sure as fuck aren't. Faggot.
I'm asking a question. Not complaining or making a statement.
>reading comprehension
Cuz they want to top the girls that look even more like gift wrapped little cum sluts.
>allowing women to have their cake and eat it too
Definitive cuck.
i'd stick my tongue in it
Only single mothers and nu-male fathers do that. It's part of the Western degeneracy. But goddamn they look fine.
Shorts like these were all the rage with the girls when I was 12-13. I'm sad that this trend is gone.
Because Jews
Gubment would throw you in jail for that.
Because it's illegal to scold them
why do you give a nigger shit for you fag
It's still around though...
People dont dress their daughters media, fashion does and it just so happens the people that control it are degenerates and want your little girls looking like that.
Just lowered to around 10 now
I'm stronger than you.
Their mothers allow them to dress this way. Fatherhood is entirely absent in these sluts' lives. They'll end up coalburners who remove themselves from the genepool in the end.
are you gay or something? whats the problem ?
You have a lonely sex life, revolving around you as a lone man loving your dick.
That girl has a beautiful ass, beautiful legs, beautiful hair.
>have their cake and eat it too
That makes no sense. How can you have your cake and eat it too? If you eat it, you don't have it anymore.
I haven't seen some sweet ass cheeks hanging out of shorts for a long time. Hopefully this summer.
what the fuck does grand moff tarkin have anything to do with this?
>I sure as fuck aren't.
Literal retard.
Every girl is still dressing like that in summer though. Just a few months left to go until those little whores attract my eyes on the streets
Thank liberalism. Be a degenerate slut, its the cool thing to do.
>what is self-restraint
>what is propriety
Shove that assumption back into your ass.
>implying I don't like it
Preparing them for a nice career in stripping, escorting or porn. You have to start young to get an edge on the competition.
>idiotic grammar
>doesn't care about white women becoming cum dumpster sluts
Americuck with a subscription to Blacked confirmed.
The rapidly dwindling number of decent mothers is the problem. You may like looking at the whore in the OP image, your dick might think it's a great thing that most young women trot around like whores and are willing to fuck anything with a pulse, but would you want them raising your children? There will come a time when you want to start a family and pass on your genes, and you'll find that the degeneracy you encouraged in your youth for a bit of short-term pleasure has made that nearly impossible.
capitalism and creative destruction.
as new fashion trends die, clothing designers are pushed to create the latest and newest design. the problem is that everything has already been designed; so they take the next logical leap: by selling sex
every new clothing trend is slightly more raunchier than the last, and its like this because capitalism forces you to consume, even if you dont want to. the fact that you consume pushes designers to reinvent their sultry clothes ever so often. this becomes a feedback loop
Bloody liberals
>hahah hey guise who doesn't like seeing butts
>hehehe yeah butts
>what you dont like looking at butts what r u gay?
>dude butts!
Who cares? Not every woman is wife material. Basic bitches are for pumping and dumping.
I can only assume the father fantasizes assfucking his daughter when he's sticking his grizzled penis in his wife's tired vag bag. Ergo, he lets her dress like a little slut.
Women are natural-born followers. They want nothing more in life than to fit in and conform to societal norms. When being a basic bitch becomes popular and trendy, as it currently is, then every woman will become one. The pool of potential mates will then become extremely limited and you probably won't be able to pass on your genes without resorting to an extremely low-quality mate.
I’d make her my brap queen
you won't be able to pass your genes on without resorting to an extremely low quality mate regardless, so its not really a huge deal.
because decent people with morals dont do that, only cucks do. You're one Pekka.
Cheaper and easier than trading valuable goats and cows.
Time 2 rape
are you going to fuck your daughter or something?
Would you prefer burkas?
t. spic
>meme flag
>let a woman wear what she wants
>she picks that
then she's a slut, making her dress down doesn't change the fact she's a slut you dumb euros, she's still gonna run a train on 10 dicks a night.
My wife is preggo and I really hope we don’t have a daughter. I’m a jealous type as a husband I couldn’t imagine watching after a daughter.
Everyone on pol is degenerate trash, this is well known that's why we browse an image board instead of doing something meaningful. How can you deny such a readily apparent fact.
Hoes are shit because they want to be shit. Quit trying to save them.
True. I've seen mothers with 12 year old daughters buying short shorts and crop tops.
This. You failed as a parent if this is the outcome.
I have no intentions of "saving" these sluts. They're broken goods. I would like to see it prevented in the future, though.
This, a slut's a slut regardless of her disguise.
It seperates the women from the girls toothpaste. Girls who dress like this and act provocatively are good for fucking, not so much for a long term thing.
You can have sex with 5 different girls like this and can feel nothing but sexual satisfaction, but you should never go out with one.
I see no problem with this unless the girl is underage.
>I see no problem with this
Because you apparently don't understand the female mind. They do whatever is fashionable. If this becomes fashionable, then every woman will attempt to emulate it. They're not individualists by nature and are prone to self-destructive behavior if allowed to engage in it, which is why every lasting society around the world independently formed Patriarchal societies.
Work out and become buff as fuck. Then if you have a daughter you can chase nogs away with a simple mean look.
might wanna get it checked.
I like seeing a nice set of ass and legs but at the same time I want this slut dress trend to stop. I mean, would you let your daughter run around like that?
This user got it right we really need a different popular culture. If teenage girls take someone like Kim Kardashian or Ariana Grande as a role model their we're gonna have a shitty future.
I don't know user, that's why you need to find the one who is right. I may sound like a faggot now, but women like the one in OP's gif are a dime a dozen.
Men do the exact same shit. Have you seen all the social media obsessed fuckbois that parade around in those low-hanging tracksuit bottoms and the long shirts? They all dress the same, like a uniform. I don't dress like that, do you? There's a woman out there you're looking for who dresses modestly, is into the same things you are and will actually support you.
Woman as a collective are hopeless, most men nowadays are too. The only thing you can do is try mould yourself and those around you.
Women were always kinda shit, it's just nowadays they don't even care enough to pretend they're not. Which is kind of great, makes it easier to dodge bullets.
Because if you don't let me dress like a slut, Chad Thundercock won't notice me, and if Average Joe asks me out to the prom first I'll kill myself!
I'm trying to read the caption at the bottom but it's too small.
"If you star into something something butthole you will never come back."
At this point, I get more of a hard on seeing a fully dressed woman.
>I like seeing a nice set of ass and legs but at the same time I want this slut dress trend to stop.
This. Yeah sure seeing random whores in public is pleasing on my eyes, but it discomforts my mind. I don't want my daughter dressing like this. I definitely don't want my girlfriend or wife dressing like this.
Grand Moff Tarkin's butthole. Go to the optometrist, my dude.
>How come people dress their daughters like gift wrapped little cum sluts?
>How come people are pieces of shit?
Dude, pieces of trash usually produce trash (except for that reliable 10% that manage to actually rise above their perceived disadvantage). I have a son so luckily this isn't my problem but my buddy has NINE kids. NINE. Mostly girls and not one of them dresses slutty. They're probably nerds at school but I THINK THAT'S THE POINT.
> Cuck
> Not wanting your daughter to be the prettiest girl so she can get impregnated by chad thundercock, and you can have the ultimate grandson
It's true, there are a lot of worthless, wayward men out there. The current trend of self-destructive instagram "thot" culture is a direct result of this. Without a strong male presence in their life guiding them to make the right choices, women will destroy themselves. However, men, as a gender, at least have a fighting chance to fix themselves; women are unable to do it on their own.
This degeneracy is the logical end result of feminism. Women wanted this, and now they're unhappy for reasons they can't even grasp. Women need to be tamed, a respect for men instilled in them at a young age, or else they will grow up worthless.
Mostly single mothers. These parasites are the most self-serving creatures on the planet, but they are also stupid. Deep down most of them want to unload their daughters on a man, who will also give her grandchildren and a family in general that will take care of them when they're old. What they do not understand is that this kind of display mostly attracts people who want to pump and dump.
Says the guy with a meme flag.
How dare you men tell beautiful empowered women how to dress!
If we want to advertise our sexual liberation and bring about eventual destruction of the family through increased divorce and all problems that follow in gynocentric societies, it's our right as womyn!
Preach it brother.
How ironic that in this feminist, stronk womenz world we live in, the main fashion trend is to have your ass literally sticking out.