Conservatives think they have the right to decide what kinds of smoke I'm allowed to breathe

>conservatives think they have the right to decide what kinds of smoke I'm allowed to breathe
>have no choice but to breathe in cancer causing diesel smoke from cars
>it's illegal for me to breathe harmless smoke from a plant

What's the deal with that?

Other urls found in this thread:

>pothead woman
huge red flag, into the trash it goes

Because conservadumbs are fucking retarded.


this is true people who actually know what they are doing smoke spice in stead its the same but cheaper, buying real weed now is like obsesing over things like leather being real like from a cow in stead of man made

abolish the state

I see a girl wishing she was a pot smoking nigger. Her breath must stink from that shit. Her room stinks and she eats in bed. You KNOW herr pusst stinks too. Ew. A total mess and goes into garbage pail

>people who actually know what they are doing smoke spice
no, nobody who has any brain cells left smokes that shit. i would actually rather suck on an exhaust pipe

>smoke something people have been safely smoking for millennia
>smoking some manmade chemical laden product that’s different every time you get it
Gen z is fucked

>breath in harmless smoke
>die of lung cancer
Have fun.

try inhaling air, its really fuck you up


>liberals think the government shouldn't be allowed to decide what I put my penis inside of
words are a funny thing, you can make anything sound bad by phrasing it the right way.

>harmless smoke
No such thing, you retard.


No real conservative should be against weed or any drugs for that matter.
Pre-60s everything was fucking legal. Like, literally. In USA, at least.

>harmless smoke

Plant smoke harmless
Supports EPA ban on open wood stoves

Funny that the Marijuana Tax Act was introduced by Democrats, voted for largely by Democrats and signed into law by a Democrat President.

Pot head girls are the best. They aren't like Stacey who will jump from dick to dick until 30 when she settles down with a "nice man with a dad bod" for financial support. They usually do things like cook or make weird art and are usually shy and hate most people.

Now if they are potheads and listen to rap I agree but my whole life I've been with stoner chicks and they've never cheated or been slutty. In fact I usually left them because they were too boring not wanting to go out or do anything but now I miss that.

Smoking weed actually made me more conservative.

Get fucked, hippie.

Joke's on you OP, I'm a conservative and I'm toking a big fat lemon biffter right now. Sorry for shattering your world view. Here's an even bigger red pill: whether it's legal or not, nothing's stoping you from smoking. And if you can't find yourself pukka in UK out of all places, you may be a social retard, consider growing and stop bitching.

>harmless smoke from a plant

Meanwhile stoners shit on tobacco

Because you are a faggot shill cuck, that's why.
Now go suck some niggerdick, else you would be racist or some shit.

beat me to it

One of the Jews' biggest successes is convincing the world that conservative governments have a vested interest in policing the substances we ingest. Any 'Nazi' who supports prohibition is a brainlet and a fag.

I don't give a fuck what you do with yourself. The criminalization of Pot today has only benefited the illegal Operations that run the industry. So, yeah enjoy the Buds bro.

What the fuck is in that bowl?

Holy fuck you are delusional.

Not cocaine. Or opioids. Or weed. It's almost like you have no clue what you're talking about you autistic Russian sperg.

looks like loose tobacco. lots of people put tobacco in their joints/blunts/bowls, probably to stretch their cannabis, but i don't bother with that, makes it taste like an ashtray

It's an ash tray, dumb ass, how stupid are you?

You must be retarded if you think she's stuffing her blunts with tobacco instead of gutting cigars to roll weed up in.

>doing drugs

>smoking spice

Fuck off achmed

tobacco from the cigar she used to roll that dingdong.

Ash trays have dimples for resting cigarettes
That's a bowl from the kitchen with
Think you're right
Guess they throw scrap in them knowing people are buying those cheap cigars for the wrap

*Sips coffee* durrrr, I would never do drugs *swigs beer*, that's so degenerate. *Pops NyQuil*.

I do 50/50 weed/tobacco mix, gets me decently high for 1 hour with a nice buzz for 2 to 3 hours after. I smoked 2 all green blunts and one had a puking episode for 40 mins.

Bong rips are brutal though, I always am half passed out after 1.

> a container holding ash and cigar guts isn't an ash tray unless it was designed for that purpose

>he said while unironically browsing an iranian deep cave diving forum

>smoking spice
you are a retard

>Sup Forums decided to go straight-edge after a few faggots spammed "DUDE WEED LMAO" and "degenerate, desu"
>and it worked
>it fucking worked, they just gave up all vices
Just so they could be different.
And then they go and claim superiority over the sheep.

What the fuck is wrong with spice?

stop stealing leaf's job you tremendous homo.

Fucking Anglos

Nothing, retard, keep smoking it bitch.

I do smoke it, does that annoy you, conservacunt? There's nothing you can do to stop me. I bet you shitpost "all drugs are bad!" while sipping your coffee, faggot.

Everything, you fucking smackhead. Have you ever heard of anyone dying from toking weed? No? Great. You can't say the same about spice, trusting some random chemicals from China is retarded. Enjoy your heart attack. Unless you're doing time I really can't understand why you'd smoke spice if you're British, just... Why? Soapbar was safer than this shit.

>I shit on your face, therefor you are a toilet

At no point in this post did you provide an argument.

When you're so mad your TV license expired...lmao

I smoke that taima, that DMT, drop that acid, snort that coke, hit that heroin, pop those pills. What I don't do is tard shit like Spice and RCs lmao. Desperate fag.

The deal is that you are retarded and goverment is forced to make decisions for you because sadly we live in a society where retards have to be protected from themselves and from others and not allowed to be killed off.

> user, will you pass me that wine glass?

Huh, retard??

Puritan conservatism is the mask under which all the sins of America thrive.


>you can fucking die cause of Mr. Yellow's chemical genius
>lmao not an argument
allow the shit you smoke to help you out of the gene pool my man.

*Breathes in smog* gosh user do you really put all that toxic shit in your lungs? So disgusting. *inhales own fart*



blunts are for niggers

>have no choice but to breathe in cancer causing diesel smoke from cars
it's not illegal to wear a gasmask if you're that much of a bitch

The argument is that the contents of your spice packets change every few months, you have no clue what's in them and yet you're smoking that shit like an idiot and hoping for the best. Not only that, people have died from smoking spice before, in Poland and UK both. Additionally, even if you can't afford to buy proper weed in bulk, if you can't manage to find a tenner every time you want to toke you have a financial problem and instead of shitposting on Sup Forums you should be looking for employment. Anyway... Look, it's your life and your choices. But I'm warning you, spice isn't good for you. Neither are horse tranquillisers btw. I think you need new friends to be honest senpai.

put your grand daddies gun down faggot

I'll bite again
It would be a glass of wine, but not a wine glass unless it was an actual WINE GLASS

> actually saying something this autistic

I've met a girl who was into pot once
When she got high she got violent and started making trouble with the neighbors
Got me evicted because of her stupid shit
Never again

They definitely smoke some platonic dick, when they're done smoking grams. Don't lie to yourself.

it all goes back to the retarded controlled boomers... you should know this by now.

>harmless smoke from a plant
Just a point of order, no such thing exists. If you light something on fire and then breath the smoke, it's not "harmless"

>it's illegal for me to breathe harmless smoke from a plant
WRONG WRONG WRONG, and this is just considering the effects on the lungs.

Actually your whole fucking post is wrong and moronic. I'm unironically work in the aerosol science field and this post gave me an aneurysm.

> invite girl over
> she has a public freakout
> get evicted instead of taking control of the situation and stopping her

Ultimate leafpost.

Authoritarians are fucking ridiculous.

I blaze weed errday
I still hate the ultra liberal scum and your typical "stoner culture"
Fuck legalizing weed. Governments gonna pimp the game.

those arent drugs you stupid nigger

If theres a single stupidest thing I've ever done it was playing around with heroin. Just takes a little lapse in self control for the physical addiction to start taking root. You stop, you swear off it, you have a shitty day, get a couple points...after a few slip ups your willpower will break and you will allow yourself a daily habit. After a few months shit starts to get very real and dark. Suddenly, what you always knew but ignored (namely that trying heroin is a fucking terrible idea just like everyone always told you) hits you like a tsunami of ice cold reality and you either let it consume and kill you or go through hell quitting and never be your old self again.

>smoke spice in stead
>in stead

This is what happens to your brain on spice,. kids

>liberals think they have the right to the type of butter knives i can own
:3 over here it is the same but with guns and it makes no fucking sense.

Drugs beside alcohol and tobacco were always viewed as degenerate.

>inb4 anecdote about one guy growing hemp for industrial purposes or some obscure turkish cult in 200 AD that used mushrooms

That's why Jews (muh degeneracy posters) want to paint National Socialism as being inherently domineering, when it's not. The sad thing is they've successfully memed this issue into the minds of legitimate alt-right figures.

>caring whether or not marijuana is legal

i can grow enough pot to get high as balls all day every day for a year in a closet good luck stopping me

yes they were, they all were. in the 1930's in america you could buy tonics made of cannabis and cocaine and morphine, dissolved in alcohol, together.

absolute idiot, smoking chinese chemicals on lawn grass. You'll have a seizure, go perma crazy or die. Do not listen to this faggot, never try spice - it's awful for you and one joint can make life-long damage.

>No such thing
If I remember correctly you can smoke green tea leaves and the antioxidants in the leaves help negate any harmful effects the smoke has.

what's a biffter? is it like a blunt?

it's you lefty fucks ruining it for everyone

the dream

i think they still sell them in cigar form rather than as loose wraps because it keeps the wrapper fresh, and because there are people who smoke the cigars. although you can buy loose unwrapped blunt papers.

god i love blunts.

This hasn't been my experience at all. I haven't used any skwog in almost 3 years but when I was taking it, I would typically go for 3-5 days high, then detox for 2 days or so to recover and keep physical dependence to a minimum. When I did binge (1-3 months high at a time) withdraw was unpleasant but never unbareable. In some ways taking heroin helped me overcome my fixation with opioids, simply because it was the only one I used that actually had some drawbacks to it. When my withdrawal was at its worst I could more or less nullify it with some marijuana edibles, cocaine, ecstasy, or even LSD. It would seriously take a year or longer of being high all day to reach the intensity of withdrawals portrayed in the media, unless you were shooting up constantly instead of using safer RoAs.

Weed makes you dumb

> he thinks drugs are a legal classification and not a chemical classification

This is pretty much exactly the same every time I get it. 99.96% THC, almost no burning plant material to inhale..

It's from English slang m8. Basically spliff, weed with tobacco. Burns better, gets you higher slightly faster. Normal in Europe, but I realise that's not really super popular in America. Lemon is lemon haze. Decent, but I prefer amnesia.

Every drug comes from a plant.

Toss her to the niggers. Maybe they'll put her in a rap video.

Imagine being this delusional

I never understood tobacco with cannabis, but I never smoked tobacco so that's probably it.

I don’t support prohibition, but I definitely support shaming drug users.this is the only right opinion.

>incel and reddit spacing

>inhaling smoke of any form

>Sup Forums will never experience sex at 16 with their first girlfriend after sharing a joint and watching a movie together