Does anyone actually like this guy anymore?
Does anyone actually like this guy anymore?
I do, and want to be the general of some new kind of army he'll lead. fun times ahead
>practicing meme magic
Only everyone.
>Does anyone actually like this guy anymore?
If you like gun grabbing and neocon wars in Ukraine, sure.
>his approval ratings consistently going up
Someone apparently does
i'd still like to see what his cock looks like.
>Someone apparently does
>33% approval rating
The Baby Boomers, he pretty much killed his Base by himself yesterday.
>Does anyone actually like this guy anymore?
He was just lying to us about passing more gun control.
But he wasn't lying to us about deporting all the illegal aliens and building the wall.
Yes. Still not tired of all the winning. I hope he keeps it up until the BBC implodes.
He had one job. Put the pedocriminals in gitmo. So far this hasn't been done. I am starting to become disappointed.
>Still not tired of all the winning.
Because telling everyone he wants to pass multiple gun control measures is "winning" right?
>666E Dominos
Drumpf would never lie to us.
It's all part of the long game.
Just give him time! He's only had one year.
He's going to take away our guns for his own personal army in order to drain the swamp and wage war with the deep state.
He's only giving the jews Jerusalem and sucking their toes to make them feel comfy before he _______ (classified).
Trust in Drumpf, all will be okay.
I'm giving it time to see if all the shill threads claims come true or not regarding vidya, gun control, etc., etc. But yeah, as of now I still like him.
survey says....
Yes, I still like Donald Trump. He is mostly doing a good job, with whichever constraints have been set upon him in government to work through. There have been plenty of days where I have thought his performance as merely decent, but much less so, bad. Lately, I am not sure about his handling of the recent school shooting and gun laws.
As long as the left continues to hate him
wtf Im a cruzmisslie now.
I like him
Unironically yes
I used to be really pro-Trump, I loved his relationship with Farage, thought he was going to make the Special relationship great again and all that. Now he just seems like a brain dead old man and I don't trust Ivanka.
I'd still take him over Clinton anyday of the week though.
Unironically have started to wish ar Teddy won.
I'm surprised that people on this board trust any politician in this day and age. Can you really be surprised that politicians are dishonest liars when there's no repercussions for such behavior
Donald "Take the guns first, go through due process second" Trump
>Lately, I am not sure about his handling of the recent school shooting and gun laws.
Sworn to defend the Constitution...
“Take the guns first, go through due process second.”
February 28th, 2018 Trump at a televised meeting with bipartisan lawmakers on gun control
Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused - life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?
7:33 AM - Feb 10, 2018
Beware the Ides of March.
dragging feet to implement Russian Sanctions while Vlad is posturing a new level of weaponry.
thank you komrad trump
Is Sup Forums finally realizing that a President is a President for all americans, not just his base? Compromise is good.
You're right. Russia needs to stop threatening our safety and security.
Sure they do, and you can see the average trump supporter right here
>Compromise is good.
kompromat is bad.
>all americans managed to elect trump
no in fact 60 million did everything in their power to stop him from getting elected.
>The president should strip the rights of the people because some of the people demanded it from him.
>Getting nothing in return
Pick one.
>Not Jewish and anti-White
Pick one.
>Trump should strip rights away from citizens because liberals told him to
If this is truly what you believe then you're beyond deluded. I'm starting to hate die-hard Trumptards.
Until the end, we ride for him. No more muslims, no more witches.
NATO vs. Russia
Why would I want my President to fail?
The last thing I wanted to do was walk away from one of the great honours of my life,
being the secretary of homeland security...
...but I did something wrong and God punished me, I guess.
- John Kelly
Did you say the same about Obama when he tried this gun grabbing shit? Surely you did right?
This is what I love about the God Emperor.
He has no problem lying to people I don't like, but he's serious about all of the things I do like.
every President has his own agenda but compromise is necessary
I think guns should be outlawed personally but both sides should come to an agreement.
>Trump is lying about gun control but Trump totally isn't lying about building the wall and kicking out every, single illegal immigrant.
He has forced his base to defend his obvious retardation one too many times.
How many more children have to die so you can pretend to be cool because you have a gun? Surely you realize that the left has some sound arguments about gun control.
Yes, anybody who isn't a D&C shill
trump is doing a good job without anyone's help.
Trade war? Trump orders big tariffs on steel, aluminum
WASHINGTON (AP) — Ordering combative action on foreign trade, President Donald Trump declared Thursday the U.S. will impose steep tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, escalating tensions with China and other trading partners and raising the prospect of higher prices for American consumers and companies.
With “trade war” talk in the air, stocks closed sharply lower on Wall Street.
>I dont like it so it's not true
>How many more children have to die so you can pretend to be cool because you have a gun?
Every single one.
If the left is not willing to ban terrorist Muslims and gangs from Central and South America as they flood in by the millions I am not going to be willing to ban guns over a few shootings.
But you have your own emperor who is far more powerful and much more loved. Why change?
>How many more children have to die
All of them.
that's nice, then you don't get a wall or you don't get a new immigration plan.
that's how the government works.
Hi Vladimir. That proxy doesn't fool anyone.
It probably looks like his daughters neck.
Please explain how gun control will stop gun violence.
Go ahead. I'll wait.
>Trusting polls
Where you even here for the election?
explain how it wouldn't? Japan, korea, 1st world europe all have lower crime compared to the US and they have strict gun laws
He's still my president.
Imagine being this fucking autistic.
>station that has historically spread false polls (see 2016 election) can't be trusted with polls
Ex-Drumfp supporter here, I know this argument never worked in the past, I know it didn't even work the other day when it was about your precious video games, but we've got a new out of context quote to shove down your throat and concern shill you for until this bill that's totally going to pass falls through.
subtle shoop
Trump was talking in direction relation to Cruz, the FBI, and the local police department when he made that quote, but you know that.
You're just a fucking Jew.
I enjoy all the asspain he causes to the left, but in the end only voted for him because he wasn't Hillary.
I say this as someone who has never voted for Trump... voted for another Republican in the primaries and for the Libertarian in the general election... Trump 2020! I'll vote for him for the first time then. Yes overall I support what he's done for the US economy and status in the world.
Trump this year
>that's nice, then you don't get a wall or you don't get a new immigration plan.
>that's how the government works.
Thus the reason for guns.
Gay bashing Trump and Putin. At least the right and left can agree on hating fags.
Not since... yeah
Nice meme...and Mexico is paying for it still right?
>Nice meme...and Mexico is paying for it still right?
And the next Democrat president certainly won't dismantle the wall even if it is built.
die in a raging dumpster fire
To this day, have no idea how Mexico is going to "pay for the wall", not one time did you ever glance at his actual policies. You were too busy screaming CNN drivel with glassed over eyes for the past two years.
>How many more children have to die so you can pretend to be cool because you have a gun
It's no wonder leftists want guns banned if this is the only reason they can conjure up for people wanting to own guns.
He's been surprisingly consistent for a US president considering his speech at freedomfest.
Sure he's flipped on a bunch of things and made lofty promises he never intended on keeping but anyone who expected him to be a good president should know, that this is what Donald Trump being a good MAGA president was always going to look like.
You either can love what he did to the Democrats in 2016 and still be critical of the policies his cabinet put foward, or you can agree with and defend them.
None of this is unexpected.
You'd think leftists wouldn't care so much about dead children considering how hard they fight for the right to wash away their one night stands and mistakes.
I guess it's naive to expect values from people with no value.
I actually just started liking him in the past month
Never been to Sup Forums in my life but I just have to know: What do you guys think of Trump saying police should remove guns without due process?
I feel that would've been a bit of a surprise for you guys.
>What do you guys think of Trump saying police should remove guns without due process?
Completely unconstitutional and complete bullshit. There is no justification for him saying that and no justification for anyone to support or minimize it.
If Obama said the same thing, Sup Forums would've called for his impeachment.
No. The emperor has no clothes and you trumpfags are still falling all over yourselves to scream about 44d chess. He's a fat old con man, dudes.
Russian President Vladimir Putin boasted Thursday that his country has developed a nuclear-powered missile with an unlimited range that is also completely immune to enemy intercept. Speaking during an annual state-of-the-nation speech in Moscow, Putin said the cruise missile is capable of penetrating any missile defense and can reach virtually any target around the world. ‘No defense systems will be able to withstand it,’ he said.”
i dont think anyone is really passionate about him like in 2016/2017 anymore, he's just kinda there, no one gives a shit about the russia conspiracy that the fourth estate is pushing anymore either. he's just there, he's more boring than bush
Welcome to a shill cycle, please note more than half of all posters in these threads will be bots.
Trump's quote was referring directly to the situation with Cruz, the local police, and FBI and their failure to handle the situation in any way despite multiple warnings, tips, and threats.
Notice how the shills jumped on your post quickly to reaffirm that indeed, Drumfp wants to unconstitutionally take your guns, stop supporting him.
>they flood in by the millions
It was objectively an SNAFU, but he'll correct it
i believe he will do the right thing in the end and fuck over the DNC bigly. if not we civil war now.
I can't fucking believe that you hate cute furry animals so much.
who is going to leave the White "Nut" House next?
never did, he's a Shabbos goy
Yeah I'm not really worried, anyone who wasn't expecting what we're seeing wasn't paying attention. I voted for a troll in chief and I got one, and I fucking love it.
Honestly he says shit all the time and it never leads anywhere, for example last night with the gun quote and the feinstein shillposting had some people here legitimately worried, but I could tell immediately he was just pandering to people.
Every reason that has been given to hate trump (DACA/these gun shenanigans) has gone absolutely no where, and is generally forgotten the next week. He constantly misdirects everyone.
cautiously skeptical at this point
All these tinfoilhats talking about nr 33, dafuq is going on
He has 2 strikes
>Struck some random sand niggers with missiles for no reason
>This whole gun thing
He could still backpedal on strike 2 still but lately he's been fucking up hard
Being this dumb and in denial
it's like a pussy calling an asshole a pussy. It's not a pussy it's an asshole, pussy.