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I'd like to investigate her desu
Shabbat!, gormless goyim.
>[pauses for Mecca-like mass prostration of prole pismires, in reverence of newly anointed, messenger of Yaweh]
My name is Jewred Ku$hner, and I laugh at every, single one of you fat, foolish goys. All of you are worthless, expendable fodder, who spend your inutile lives, lurching to your deaths, complaining and posting un-original anti-Semitic memes of me and my fellow genetic übermensch. Your kind's inaction is everything that is going to facilitate King Solomon's descent upon the Dome of the Rock again!
Honestly, you are all surely of the most inbred, Petri dish reared, goyim stock. I mean, I know it must be enjoyable for you, making fun of Jewish tall poppie$; who you dream of sacrificing your first-borns' delicious cock-skins in tribute of... But, holy hell!―do you goys take this pathetic supplication to a whole new level of heritage humiliation! It's even more race-effacing than "electing" (xD) one of our dumbest, dopiest, dingleberry goy puppets as your president! xD
Don't be a stranger: Just hit me with your best anti-Semitic copy pasta!
NB: I was a millionaire before I could walk; for time immemorial, I've been enriching myself from the capitalistic cesspit that we created for you, and that you have un-ironically dubbed "a society"; now, I'm rigging the entire planet for the Lord's chosen people ― through the dimwit geriatric-in-law you gifted me! xD In fact, I'm so, damn blasé about my machinations, that I even threw down $2B in chump change for the 'The Devil's Tower' in New York ― 666(!) ― just to rub my righteous reign into your slack-jawed, food-stamps-queuing, motley faces below! xD
Is this really RATIONAL, as propaganda? Who will this sway? How? To what end?
Let's get meta. Explain how you, AS PROPAGANDA, even came into being. What process led up to it?
What have any of you rejects of limey inbreeding, Third World wetbacks and chimp-niggers, ever done? ...Other than jacking off to each others' homebrew, webcam porn, while laughably larping as fascists! xD
*cackles jewishly*
(NB: I just pumped Ivanka up with "6,000,000" (xD) more of my kosher spermatozoons... and she's ready to drop quintuplets! Shit was so shekel!)
You are all lowly, loathsome, loser, lumpen goyim ― beelined for your destiny in the kosher abattoirs. Playing you like a fiddler on the Shite House roof, is now so ridiculously easy, that it's actually becoming boring!
Thanks for making the Esylium of Israel, and Yaweh's chosen people, the last to be left standing after the imminent global nuclear holocaust (...a REAL holocaust, this time!! xD xD xD)
>Pic related:
It's me ― your literal Antichrist ― and my born-again-Jew, Botox-bloated, bipedal baby chute.
I'd like to investigate how much milky she can feed user in an hour.
Hold up. We aren't playing right now. Let's pause and examine your strategy. Who are you hoping to influence with this bizarre, over the top propaganda? Who are you supposed to be exactly? What do you want normies to think? What do you want anons to think? Is your strategy well-conceived for bringing about your goals? How so?
Good, hopefully they arrest the little jewrat or she accidentally shoots herself with several different caliber bullets.
-- Jack Ma, founder and owner of
>investigating the liberal democrat new york princess
This won't backfire at all on you, Clinton and Co. Not - At - All. Please continue.
Why are there so many retarded amerifats on today. Fuck me, lurk more ya cunt
user's propaganda is effective
r/T_D faggots must really go back
no one cares about that kikess
She'll suck her way out of it.
Then she'll give them her naked pictures Trump took of her when she was 13, as a bribe to Muller.
Muller wants to embarrass Trump and is going to release proof of incest and child
He used to touch Ivanaka and go:
"You have the the tiniest pussy, nobody has a more tiny pussy than you!" "I'm gonna make your pussy wet again!" As he grabbed little Ivanaka.
Ivanaka being a semi-strong whore has kept it secret to use against Daddy as she was smart and knew she'd trap him.
Every night Ivanaka would spread and Trump would waddle in smelling of McDonald's grease,spray tan oil and baby powder*dont ask*.
Trump acts hard for reasons. He doesn't want this to come out, it's why he's not scared of he's Charles of Russian crimes
When they back Trump up into a corner...I bet he takes his life or sends his little army against the investigators.
Operation: "Hide the incest"
Mueller draining the swamp
Can we get some higher-tier AI to respond here? Come on. Surely we can muster more than this.
Normies are looking at this. They see bots EVERYWHERE-- what do they think? So why do you keep botting in such obvious ways?
We might accept the propaganda regime if you can show that it is rational. It would make things much easier for you. So explain it. What on earth is the strategy with these absolutely loony bots?
See, now I know you're baiting.
You ruined it ya cunt, far too obvious, nobody could legit believe what you've said.
Shame, you nearly had me going there.
We still want to know who is supposed to be influenced by the crazy Jared bot. We have a right to question our own propaganda hell, don't we?