Am I white?
Am I white?
Your nose says no.
I don't know if you're white, and frankly, don't care..... but you just posted a shirtless selfie on the internet. Kill yourself, faggot.
What's wrong with my nose
I'm making a twitter with this pic and threatening brit polis
Just kidding but dude ya fucked up
post dic or gtfo
why this sudden need of attenction?
Please don't do that. I'm sorry. I won't post any more selfies on pol. My life is shit mate. Don't make it worse
You look like a faggot I think and no fags are not white we can classify you as a quadroon maybe
sir, you are white
lets see the dick
More important question, are you following Jesus?
dios mio... el goblin de la tribu del diente
Hey I know you from Omegle
oh lord he def would not be white then
(((Christians))) are the niggers of the white race
We can tell how white you are by how pink the head of penis is. Do it.
Be honest. Are you doing ok, OP?
Obviously you’re white. You’re white opposed to what? Hispanic, African, Indian? ... Asian?
On a census you’re obviously white. I’m not sure how autistic POL standards are, but a vast majority of institutions and societies would consider you white.
You look about 56% white
I don't think so. Your nips are pretty dark and your nose and lips are too big.
yes but you look depressed as fuck
You look white sure but you also look depressed cheer up mate
I know you're proud of that pic but it's not convincing anyone. You should really stop shilling anti-Christian propaganda on this vast-majority Christian board.
Things will get better mate...
>You should really stop shilling anti-Christian propaganda on this vast-majority Christian board.
The delusions of the (((Christian))) mind, you should go ahead and leave
I wouldn't do that to a fellow white
Ur kinda qt, any hole pics?