This is a Japanese college student
Dasei 67 Percent
>that belly
Oddly cute.
oh shit
its been a while since i read it
It's because the author is a woman
How interesting is this story?
stories* user. stories
I want her to draw porn again
It's max comfy if you're the same age
If you like cute girls doing sexy college things drawn by a hentai artist then I'd recommend it.
Is there rape
desu there aren't enough works featuring college women. It's always high school stuff.
No, there's not even sex.
A Minami manga would be great. It would be heavily censored and have to run in one of the more daring, borderline porn mags, but still.
updates never
Because then the artists would have to show actual relationships and sex to keep it realistic, but we all know how well mangaka and otaku feel about those taboo topics.
Highschool settings can more easily maintain the facade of innocence.
She dropped a microphone in her lap?
Because MC is a loser who draws hentai.
I've liked these since forever though, I read Solanin and that one manga where the guy has that really crazy occult room, Bon-something
S/he make normal manga?
is this manga have similar premise to OtakuQueen but minus the sex?
>S/he make normal manga?
Define "normal". It's pretty lewd even if there's no sex.
>is this manga have similar premise to OtakuQueen but minus the sex?
Not really, but the general tone is similar.
This manga is one of the best slices of life out there. I think even teenagers will get it.
And there's plenty of sex, although none of the characters screw around onscreen.
Just read it you'll like it
It's okay, not very funny and characters aren't interesting but it doesn't make me want to kill myself. Shimimaru is still better at porn.
This series is top comf.
The series is too easily described with the word 'hijinks', but Yoshizawa is just too fucking cute.
More than cute, but there's no convenient term for describing a character as gf material.
You should pick it back up again
No. In the large part, that she is holding, is a motor. The round thing is the top. It is made out of a soft material. Inside the top is a metal counterweight that looks like a thick half disk. Between the top and the bottom is a spring. Thanks to that the top is flexible. The motor is connected to the counterweight with a small rod that goes through the inside of the spring. The motor turns the counterweight very fastly and this lets the top vibrate. That is all I know. I wonder why the thing vibrates.
Do college-age girls really own so many sex toys and masturbate so much?
I absolutely love this Manga, wish there were more like it. Is there literally anything else in the region of cute college age hijinks?
Nearest thing I've stumbled into was Imori 201 which had a similar theme with a bit more fanservice.
If you don't mind something that's a bit weirder, try Reiroukan Kenzai Nariya. It's short but sweet and has a really poignant end that actually stayed with me.
Why do you think Japan has an abysmal birth rate?
What's wrong with women enjoying sex? Wouldn't that increase the birth rate?
Why don't you ask one
Because their women prefer superior BWC (big white cock)
Even the author has some
Those are for research, user
Actually, for dieting.
>ywn be Shimimaru's bf
Why live?
>tfw a fucking nerd like shimimaru is out of your league because she's a successful artist
shame about the weird volume based release schedule