Why is everyone on Sup Forums so mean? Why can't we all be nice to each other?

Why is everyone on Sup Forums so mean? Why can't we all be nice to each other?

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Shut up fat cunt

Because banter here isn't restricted

Sup Forums is what happens when you gets no pussy and are too small and weak to express yourself in public without getting your shit kicked i n.

when you see an insect eat another without any remorse in the wild do you also ask the same questions?

Because being Anonymous is fun.

Reddit is where you go if you want people to get banned for ad hominems, faggot.

The truth cares not for nice.

>undeserved devildubz
this comment is what happens when roasties post on Sup Forums

>people are nasty because they're losers
>he says nastily

Suck a dick faggot

Tits right now you fucking whore dog.

>too small and weak to express yourself in public without getting your shit kicked i n.

That's why I always carry a hammer with me. Once someone gets in my face I waste not one second in knocking him down. Hammer to cracked skull, in one second, even before he is in my face I do it.

This, lots of edgy losers gather here to let off steam and be edgelords because they'd get their heads stomped IRL

The world is a cruel place. Compared to the atrocities that occur in the world some trolling here is minuscule.


Yes, I'm nicely telling you to fuck off nigger faggot


Sup Forums is mean and hate filled because life has crapped on many here and they are enraged. They could have adapted to a changing society but instead fought it tooth and nail, and now are largely obsolete and left behind. This helps give some insight into Sup Forums's blind hatred and rabid intolerance.


Haha, faggot. Get used to it, existence is pain.

this, it's a pressure valve of frustration

We are filled with hate because we are filled with truth.


This desu

No one was ever helped by getting smoke blown up their ass.

Everybody in the outside world hates us.
Everybody mocks us, sgits on us....you would THINK we would unite in order to pull each other up....
You would think we could come here amind like minded people to.discuss things and support each other
But we treat each other in here WORSE than how sjwand liberals treat us...
Think about that. We are MORE horrible and abusive to each other in here than our leftie enemies are in the political battlefield.

Ask yourself, why would people do this? Why are we so hateful and bitter than we even shit on our own members....
Part of it is because we are shit on so much from the world that we forgot how to love. We don't love anything. Anyone, we dont even live our own family.
We only want to destroy, we want to battle
The world is so horrible to us that this is all we know. We get shit on so much everything is a fist to us.

Plus this place is full of edgy retarded faggot underage high school kids anyway
The meanest comments tend to come from really young edgelords

Have you considered that most of us are just LARPing hating each other? I don't hate anyone. It is love of what was the keeps me going instead of hatred of what is. Sure we have incel faggots and edgy teenagers. But I believe the majority of Sup Forums is just LARPing being hateful.

I’m nIce to other whites, they are my brothers.

Younon the other hand, fucking killyouself shitskin

Sup Forums isnt about your feelings. It isnt about mine. Fuck me, & fuck you.
Its about exsposing the daily lies from the media and government.
But most impotrantly freedom of speech.
The freedom for me to tell the truth!
That jews are destroing the west through degeneracy and immorality.

fuck off FBI

i found this website over ten years ago when some kid died while walking on the train tracks and Sup Forums decided to troll his memorial facebook page calling him a retard for letting a train sneak up on him, making fun of his parents for raising a retard, and posting pictures of retarded kids and trains. I never left...


Do not confuse blunt truth for intent to harm. This is tough love, because we care.

Holy shit, that's cold as fuck.

Fuck off mutt faggot
Go cry into your 5000 calorie milkshake with extra rustled jimmies

We're nice, it's just all so tiresome

Everyone doesn't hate me faggot, I came here to learn not discuss feelings like women
Sort yourself out


Be gone jew

>Why is everyone on Sup Forums so mean? Why can't we all be nice to each other?

Russian proxy posters all have foetal alcohol syndrome. This is actually the truth

I'm sorry user, but this site isn't for you. I think you would be happier if you left.

Maybe....sometimes people are larping. Maybe

And i can tell the difference from bants and real hate,
BUT some people in here are truly hateful. You can tell the difference between bants or jokes and real hatred.
Hateful bants usually have some humor or a funny picture or even gore for shock.
Or a pepe posted or a picture of hitler or something.

But some people in here, a lot of people are just extremely miserable and hostile.
They have nothing humorous to say, nothing witty. Theres no sarcasm.

Some people are just pure misery and offensive thoughts. Some people attack everybody for no reason. They insult u for posting your opinion.
Im not saying i want kisses and hugs from this place. But i have read posts that scream of borderline schizophrenia and bipolar disorder... posts that would give you a restraining order in the real world.

I dont talk to rapist Muslims, sorry muhamad

Just ignore idiots and meme with the friends here

>t. the eternal normalfag

anger youtube.com/watch?v=n4AUY-v1nsE

if this makes you feel better about people disagreeing with you

We get a little grumpy sometimes but deep down Sup Forums is a board of peace

...i can't believe you're real

Classic 4chins desu

because Sup Forums is cancer to the rest of the site. not even kidding. you faggots have ruined so many other boards with your bullshit

If it wasn't for my Catholicism, I think I would've been consumed by hate too by now. People shouldn't come to Sup Forums unprotected.

Its tough love, user.

We really do love you and we understand that in order to get thicker skin and to train you to be more resilient to the world we have to heavily criticize, mock and insult each other sometimes.

We do it because we love you.

I was basically replying to OP.
I dont even really put much thought on the rude people.
I just wish everyone wasnt trying to out edge each other.

Sometimes real, good, interesting conversation gets sidetracked by edgy assholes trying to pee on each other.

There are dozens of good threads that start ok and then asshole edgy teenagers ruin them

Tough love shouldnt derail threads or ruin important conversations.


that's because you're a braindead newfag that can't handle banter. If this is your attitude I think you should go to 9gag or whatever meme site can cater to your delicate ego.

Yeah, someone saying nigger totally ruined Sup Forums for everyone else. It's not the massive influx of newfags from reddit who constantly shitpost without any regard for the quality of their board. No, it's a few people said something racist and another person got into an argument with some faggot SJW commie on another board.

The only people being losers are soft pathetic sjw soyboy cunts. If you want to be a winner who doesn't take shit from some leftist dropkick loser then pol is the place for you.

It is true though.

I think he meant that Sup Forums brought reddit here. Which is sadly as true as it can get, especially after gamergate, so a mix of Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and a bit of Sup Forums damaged this site quite a lot.

your post was the most edgy

I dont think you understand the meaning of bants
Bants are supposed to have humor. Make others laugh. Something you clearly lack.
Your post clearly demostrates that you dont understand how humor works or that you might be autistic or have some kind of personality disorder.

I would even guess you have trouble understanding emotions in general. And that's why you lash out in here.
You basically prove my point if mental illness and Sup Forums.

I despise unitedstatians, english, germans, dutch, scandinavians, muslims, arabs, albanians, and all other similar cancerous animals.

Because this isn't reddit


Thanks, I was trying real hard.

Yeah agreed, and the guy who replied to you is just acting exactly like the edgy adsholes you just described AKA he's baiting you

this, Sup Forums is merely the right wing version of sjw soyboys

The virgin SJW soyboy vs the chad red pilling white nationalist.

Based faggot Aussie.

It's a cruel world faggot

Get this pede a coat!

except none of these fuckers are actual chads, they are wannabes

wow good job at pointing out the obvious. I do have autism you dummy, but it aint my fault you can't handle being the butt of a joke, which is something all newfags have to learn to do.

Meh, just most of them.

Legitimate criticism of Trump is making Sup Forums go mad


You are a very miserable person user.
Seek help before it is too late. You might think this is funny but your misery will cost you your well being.
Or keep being an edgy underage mentally challenged faggot on the internet. What do i care.

Too few to make a difference, Sup Forums is too hopped up in hate to actually be effective, bunch of beta bitchs whining about other races

Nothing is more pathetic or a bigger sign of insecurity then racism


Because Sup Forumslution is a hive of scum and villainy, and all who come here should be immolated or partake in immolation of such low I.Q. degeneracy

>i know everyone on Sup Forums
>racism is dumb xD

This is true. It is why I've always hated MGTOW and incel movements here. It is all counter productive for our cause. It is also why I think Christianity is the ultimate red pill for Sup Forums. It is a safety net, preventing hatred from consuming you.

I’d bother replying honestly, but you’re obviously making a slide thread. May internet demons plague your technology.


I do it for fun. if you actually come here for "le serious talk", then I should feel sorry for you.

But nothing you have said is any funny user.
Its just edgy and tryhard.
You need to learn some comedy.
At least be funny in your edgr

this, its all shitposting, actual white supremacy is cringe from the bottom of the genepool well

lol whatever fag.

That's a damn shame. You should visit your dad in the clink sometime Jamarcus

What are you on about? This place is where you can come to find unregulated information from people autistic enough to compile it

Wielding "racism" as an accusation is just a representation of your own insecurity, your inability to deal with the existence of white ethnic self-interest without your fragile non-white ego feeling personally attacked. The same fragile minorities who will loudly assert that Black Panther's being pro-black doesn't make it anti-white descend into hysterical rage when confronted with whites expressing pride in their own ethnicity on here. Literal millions of intellectual man-hours gone into pathologizing whites' loving themselves because you are crushed beneath the weight of your envy

White supremacy is cringeworthy but fascism in the Mosely sense of each land for it's own native people is just reasonable thought

Race realism and the preservence of diversity on Earth are the real red pill. Africa for niggers, Asia for chinks and Europe for whiteys.

cause this is where the miserable pessimistic angry ppl go to vent about some bs that happen to them

You see.
You already gave up. No wit. No humor. Nothing worth reading.
Just underage edgy garbage

I am nice you cunt

I love you!