Why is she even allowed? No one needs a Jewess over 30

Why is she even allowed? No one needs a Jewess over 30

How did she get so rich if she's been in government for her entire career?

I can't believe people are so passive they sit by while treasonous criminals are dictating what should or shouldn't be allowed in our country.

Trump is the one enabling her right now.

>No one needs a woman over 30
fixed that for you famalam
get out

ehhh, I'd let her give me a handjob

>-t. Shill, gnawing on the bone of the day in their multi-year long defamation campaign.

You make me sick

>How did she get so rich if she's been in government for her entire career?

She's married to Richard Blum, an investment banker, and there were no laws against Congress using their knowledge for insider trading purposes for a long, long time.

stfu bozo

Would you, Sup Forums?

I've fucked a jewess who looked just like that. Wasn't great.

Wet work. She assassinated Harvey "Meat Masseuse" Milk and George "The Engaybler" Moscone. She was an assassin for Mossad.

WAT, Holy shit!!!!!!!! I know that Laura Loomer is Mossad too. I wonder if she's killed anyone.


Its not that she may be a Jew, It's that she is a dinosaur zombie roaming the halls looking trying to be relevant.


Would you?


There is literally nothing right with being a jew.


What about having sex with one?

I'm uh, asking for a friend

You knock her up and you're fucked for life. Plus you created another jew. Be careful and wrap that shit. "It's okay I'm on birth control" isn't good enough for this shit.


What if I want mischling bébés

>What if I want mischling bébés
Then Gas Gas Gas, baby!

She rode in a limo on her way to kindergarten. Perfect representation of average america.

I don't even need to photoshop this bitch into the joker, she already looks like him

Gas? Yes

Lol you think she's bad look at Nancy Pelosi. These talentless fucks are in government their entire lives and are somehow worth 40 million dollars.


You have no clue how much that makes my blood boil.

Her mother wasn't Jewish. DiFi had to convert. She was raised as a Jew but attended parochial schools in SF through high school.