Mueller is about to bring phony charges saying Russia hacked the DNC. Remind me again, Sup Forums,
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Mueller is about to bring phony charges saying Russia hacked the DNC. Remind me again, Sup Forums
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His name was Mike Poor
Close but not quite, foreigners
Seth Rich!
i don't know who the fuck is this faggot?
Based Leaf
his name was seth rich :(
Haha wait no that's OP's name
Never forget
if kimdotcom doesnt come through it will be my life mission to take him down
Yeah. Would be helpful for either Kim or JA to come through right about now
my only worry is they do not care about the US, our gov't has destroyed their lives basically so why help us? idk, i hope something happens though
This is true and Trump may shortly have wished he had gone through with an Assange pardon deal as was proffered to Dana Rohrabacher last summer
Bump nobody left from last summer?
ya i remember this, i thought rohrabacher was going to make something happen. I wonder if kelly has something to do with it. those generals do not like wikileaks imo
Yeah there were reports out around the same time that Rohrabacher was having access issues getting the Assange meeting info to him. Likely Kelly
Or Pompeo
Vladimir Putin
You guys know those Russians that Mueller just indicted? Do any of you realize how they were involved in this whole thing? They were brought over specifically in order to frame Donald Trump. Secretary of State JOHN KERRY personally approved their VISAs.
Mueller is going to expose that Seth Rich was the leaker soon.
Seth Rich is a needed hero, though, for the right.
But if you think about it, what is the evidence? Assange just hinted that it was an inside job, but first, if I was a leaker, I wouldn't tell Assange for safety reasons (unless I had plans to move to Russia); second, Seth Rich is dead, why would Assange protect someone who is already dead?
Interesting. Can you back up these claims friend?
>The Travelers: Anna V. Bogacheva and Aleksandra Y. Krylova
Ms. Bogacheva and Ms. Krylova obtained visas to visit the United States in 2014 “under false pretenses for the purposes of collecting intelligence to inform the organization’s operatives,” according to the indictment. They are said to have embarked on what amounted to a three-week reconnaissance tour, visiting California, Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, New York and Texas. Along the way, they bought SIM cards, cameras and drop phones and discussed “evacuation scenarios” and other security measures.
and third, there's a group called Fancy Bears that exposed corruption or double standards in sports when Russia was facing a blanked ban in 2016 summer olympics. Even though nobody can prove they serve the Russian government, it is highly likely if you add 1+1.
Seth Richnikov
>Sup Forums STILL larping that seth rich haxed and stole all the emails
and then of course "investigations into rohrabacher" idk man i am slowly losing faith but i still have some left
His name was Robert Paulson..
I hear ya but at least Trump himself is still interested in his own life enough to keep tweeting about it. I hope the new NYT McCabe article previewing/softening the IG report gets Tweeted about
ban Berniefags from Sup Forums
that guy was a socialist
He was a patriot
Seth Rich was killed in a mugging at 4am outside.
Nothing fucking good ever happens at 4am on the streets. Face it, this is fake news.
Always bump legends
bumping for pool parties at the vineyard
He's indicting someone for paying a real US person to stand in front of the white house and hold a sign?
warren flood
Assange literally mentioned Seth Rich when talking about the risks his sources take. Do that 1+1 math.
Wikileaks is a Russian front who altered emails that were hacked by Fancy Bear.
Verifiably false thing you said there
Trademark sign state.goy?
>A Russian man wanted by the Justice Department on charges connected to hacking U.S. companies now claims the FBI offered him immunity in exchange for accepting responsibility for cyberattacks targeting former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
>FBI agents promised Mr. Nikulin money, American citizenship and a free apartment for taking the fall over hacking Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, he alleged in a letter published Thursday by Nastoyashchoe Vremya, a Russian-language website.
>>“In the future, I received a proposal from A [gent]:” You will have to declare that you have broken Hillory Clinton’s mailbox for D. Trump on the orders of V. Putin, you must agree to extradition to the USA, here we will remove all the accusations we will give you Apartment and money, American citizenship “- I refused, soon the” interrogation “was over, the Agent said that they would still come,” Nikulin wrote.
>Nikulin is wanted by the United States on the accusation of hacking Formspring, Dropbox, and Linked in during the time period of 2012-2013. Nikulin was arrested in Prague on October 5, 2016. Just two days later, on October 7, 2016, a joint statement was released by the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security which accuses Russia of hacking both the DNC and John Podesta
genuinely charges your electrodes...
And that’s when Julian needs to release the truth and completely bury that motherfucker