What made one of these a great show that people still talk about today and the other utter shit?

What made one of these a great show that people still talk about today and the other utter shit?

One is a funny comedy with interesting characters and the other is a shitty pseudo-harem romcom


Those who "talk" about these "shows" "today" aren't "people", user.

The left one is haremshit.

nigger cattle feed; not anime

>great show
>pic above

Pick one...

Come on now, Galko-chan was amazing.

There are good harems out there.

I don't know what the one on the left is but Galko is still liked because of the more adult conversations the girls have.
Most SOL has the girls acting like little kids.
Also the girls have a wide variety sexy designs.
What are some good ones?
I can't think of any that aren't awful.

Right was a gender-mixed SoL with great female MC which is great and left is a blueballing harem with awful beta protag which is bad.

This, Galko had more than just gyarus unlike HnG


hajimete had so fucking awful animations hot damn

I still fapped to it.

Right anime is more interesting than the one in the left.

Galko appeals to females and faggots, and there are lots of them here

Hajimete is for straight males only, so it gets a lot of hate

Galko-chan has better writing and character designs and is generally much funnier.

I hated the MC in Hajimete.

Galko's a good girl, and she makes better use of her assets.

best man on youtube told me left is shitty so i blindly fellow his opinion



Galko-chan is basically one of the best anime of this decade, comparing it to anything is not a very nice thing to do.

One was a SoL focused on quirky but still believable characters, the other was romcom with a side of haremshit focused on characters that don't make all that much sense and we never get even a glimpse into why they're that way.

You can tell by yorself the show is trash pretty easily though.

but why


Hajimete no gal's anime has nothing to do with the manga. The manga is much much better, especially how it portraits the Gyaru girlfriend.

The Manga is still shit.


The fucking series is shit.


You are not exactly a good source for what is good and what is bad.
Don't reply to me ever again.

Get a load of this shit eater. The manga is just wish-fulfillment.

Galko does it better because it's more of a slice of life in the misunderstood Galko. Galko is friendly, helps others, smart, a book worm, a movie nerd, watches anime and she's HOT AS FUCK.

HnG however, depicts real life women. They can go out with other dudes and it's not their fault if you get pissed about it. She can make fun of you everyday and hey you'll like it because its Yame XD.

We posted both at the same time, why are you first it's not fair.

No it's not, is pretty comfy and fun, that's pretty much anyone would ever want so that's it.

Real life women are superior to delusional 2D women so what's your point?

The manga is shit indeed. It is beyond me how it got an anime or even a scanlator project.

The main girl was fat and ugly in one of them and cute in the other.

Nobody wants your fatass. That's why you're posting on Sup Forums, honey.

I was just passing by to see if there was something interesting. My main board is Sup Forums.

>Real life women
I really despise how japanese style has devolved into naked children with giant tits, and the stories are about friendship and big epic adventures with no substance, filled with akward, insanely creepy fanservice and no stakes because all the characters are so powerful that they just fly everywhere with their big weapons. I just find it so ironic that the culture sporting one of the most legendary artists, miyazaki, has devolved into the same exact thing; big eyed, giant titted children who are nearly naked but have playing card sized chest plates with giant weapons fighting monsters with their friends, it's so predictable, and I am so not interested, I am as uninterested as you could possibly be. I just wonder where the game or show is that actually tries something different, I feel like animes have gone from the best to the most predictable samey garbage, filled with cynical fanservice.

Jitsu wa Watashi was was a good harem. It doesn't really focus on the harem and is more comedy eccentric, and the mangaka just let the main girl win about 1/3 of the way into the series because he felt stretching it out any longer would be silly.
Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen is a really enjoyable harem. I think having a male tsundere lead goes a long way for that, similar to Kyon from Haruhi.

Both are monstergirl or animalgirl-esque, although for the first one that isn't really super important.

The manga is actually quite successful and popular because of shit taste nips.

it's all a conspiracy by the Japanese government to get otakus out of the apartment and settle down with gyarus

this is true. why do the japanese always want to put brainwashing subliminal messages in their anime? I swear you can literally tell if a person is an otaku by how much they say "thank you." It makes me fucking sick

You cant seriously tell me the fanservice in Galko is aimed at gays and women.

aimed at shotas as well!

The manga is at least a little better. Hajimete no gal is not and never was a harem series its a romance/ecchi series and the anime became a harem with a massive amount of OC including a literal advertisement in an episode for another light novel

Male MC

No romance.

appearance of the male character

Galko has fun characters, doesn't overstay its welcome. Hajime has a dull and/or irritating main and side cast, bad pacing, generic situations.

But Yukana and the MC got together in the end.

>HnG however, depicts real life women
And you know what all real life women are like based on your statement alone? Still, your opinion.

Galko had this cutie.

male MC

The one on the left is animated by a studio that doesn't understand how breasts work. The one on the right was.

The one on the Right has a cast of people that are written in a way that is relatable and entertaining. The one on the left was written in a way that enraged the audience and pandered to the NTR crowd in the last minute despite the series originally being an OTP story.

The one on the Left has a female lead that was annoying as fuck. The one on the right has a female lead that is endearing.

Hajimete no Gal the manga is a mediocre story saved only by some later developments and decent art. The main character is annoying, main girl is great but wasted in this series, and the only good side character is the Gyaru wingman. Literally every other orbiter and side character is shit.

Gako is a good story with a fun cast and an author that knows how to draw some great tits and is good fun. It's episodic but doesn't need to be more than it is. The humor can be a bit repetitive since a lot of the early stuff is just anatomy humor, but the characters are all likeable.

>Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen
holy shit, I forgot this existed since batoto nuked it. Does rapeman not dump on Sup Forums anymore?

Memegatari is a pretty good harem show.

Thw worst part was the retarded MC. I'm so fucking done with these autist MCs. I wouldn't even mind if he got better as the series went on, but holy fucking shit he doesn't.

Superior series coming through.

Galko has a better anime

Yame has a better manga


FPBP. Galko isn't about gettin' your dick wet, it only comes with that as a bonus.

Hajimete no Gal is ONLY about getting your dick wet, and only comes with the MC's funny friends minus one-trick fatso as a bonus.

>Yame has a better manga
That's just not true.

Galko is a top girl
Yame is not

>long fingernails
>doesn't take them out preparing food

if you lost your virginity to your cute girlfriend in highschool you'd understand

>cooking with nail polish

Nope. Galko has gloves specially made for food safety so she's best.

Male love interest. This is a red flag all the time.

he does it on the weekend



Galko is the best gyaru.

Neither of these shows were good. Galko-chan was just another toilet anime, where the OP and ED take up practically as much time as the show's original content, and the "humor" was mostly just female gross-out jokes. Despite this, Hajimete no Gal managed to be EVEN WORSE by introducing the element of NTR.

What really perplexes me the most about these shows is why the writers just HAD to make both of these characters virgins? Real gyaru are not virgins; they are pig-disgusting sluts that pretend to be cute whenever they feel like riding the cock carousel again. One of them even hit on my morbidly-obese friend in NYC (wrote the kanji on his hand, clung to him, etc...) because he was white and looked like he had money. It is just another example of how even the most "original" of these trashy, themed-romance anime rely on classic tropes in order to drive home the sales with the Japs... and their birth rate is suffering for it, because the women don't even feel like they can fuck anymore.

You want to fuck a Gyaru? Get off the computer and go to NYC or New Jersey. It is not hard. Doesn't matter how ugly or socially-awkward you are, they will throw themselves at anyone who has money.

You are better than this, Sup Forums!



You're in luck; the gyaru that hit on my friend was with her Asian "boyfriend" at the time. He clung to her hand and looked super depressed while she hit on him in front of him.

My friend ditched her because he had some sympathy for the guy at the last minute, but now he has a gyaru fetish.

Seriously, they will throw themselves at ANYONE OR ANYTHING that looks like they have money and white skin. They are TRASH! Go hang out in either of those states and you will get laid with one for sure... although you may have to settle with a Korean if you go to NJ.

useful for cleaning nook and cranny

yellow ebony fever?

Pure Delinquents are maximum top god tier Gap Moe.
Shame these shows are trash though.

Galko-chan was humane and featured friends going through life and having fun.
The other one was about a thirsty virgin lucking into a relationship with a hot tramp...and still not getting any.

Short, sweet, to the point, a trend setter with good source material.

>Everyone's Pal
Drawn out to the point of having to append with what turned out to be a complete bomb, bandwagoning on the virgin gyaru, boring source material, and left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

One was made by AND aimed at basement dwelling socially retarded virgins for easy money, second was made by grown up woman mainly for fun.

Where in NYC do you meet gyarus? Asking for a friend

That's basically what I told him, except I called it a "trash fetish." What can I say? He doesn't get hit on much... and, to their credit, gyaru can actually be pretty attractive, if they are both Asian and also don't go full-Oompa/ Ganguro on the tanning bed!

I'll take "things that don't exist" for $500, Alex.

Pure maidens really do exist (I found one, anyway,) but none of them are/ dress like delinquents. After all, if you were a girl, then why would you tan your skin and wear trashy clothes, if not to appeal to men? The idea that women "do it for themselves" is a complete and utter lie which feminists tell in order to diminish men's natural aversion to girls who want to dress like sluts. Therefore, it just doesn't hit those "god-tier" notes for me.

Sorry, user! We might disagree on this, but at least we can agree that both of these shows are shit.



here once again. Answering this because I want you motherfuckers to go get laid instead of giving your money to these horrible companies that produce crappy content, and barely pay their animators despite working them to death. Also, because I love you.

Go to Times Square during the holidays and have yourself a Christmas episode. Manhattan (especially 5th Avenue,) any clubs that are popular with tourists, any of the numerous sake bars, any of the predominantly Japanese/ Asian clubs, etc... really, anywhere that you could expect to find trashy, yet fashionable Asian women, you will find Gyarus. It's not hard. You just have to dress nicely, and they'll come onto you! If my friend can do it, you can do it too, user.

Just be careful if you go walking around the city very late after dark, especially in Koreatown. Perhaps unsurprisingly, there is an enormous organized crime presence there. My friend and I actually have a long story about this that I will not go into here.


>Encouraging people to hit on trash so you can pretend to be super experienced with women
You're not impressing anyone and your advice is worthless. Stop posting.

>because I want you motherfuckers to go get laid
>I love you
You don't love anyone you insecure dipshit.

Why are you even browsing this board, why are you even watching anime, why are you even alive.

Normalfags love Gyarus because they are even easier than "standard" Asian women. Consequently, I am a guy who completely shuns sluts. I do not care about getting laid often, and will not accept anything less than a pure maiden in a real-life girlfriend. I also love anime. I disguise myself as a normalfag during work-hours, but believe what you want, user.

I am probably more experienced with women than over half of the people on this board. I am no master or anything... not even close, but getting laid with trash is easy. Even YOU could do it, as long as you are white anyway. It's not fucking rocket science, user: You go where there are Gyarus... dress like you have money, they hit on you. Seriously, my friend is MORBIDLY OBESE, and even he got hit on during a train-ride! He is a total gentleman, but probably fatter than you have ever been at any point in your life, if you ever were fat. You might even be able to get them if you're black, but I wouldn't know; they seem to prefer white guys over anything else.

Of course, I do not encourage hitting on trash. Rather, it is more likely that trash will hit on you to begin with. But it's better than wasting your life posting here, isn't it? Maybe a real adventure would not be so bad for a change of pace, even if you are sailing the ocean on a raft made of trash! Better than starving to death alone, on a deserted island full of anime, isn't it?

Finally, I encourage watching this shit legally even less than "hitting on trash," because of the damage it is doing to the industry. By giving these people your money, you are encouraging them to develop more and more dumpsterfire-tier shows like this one, instead of good shit like LoGH. It is a waste of your time, and you are contributing to the death of the industry by doing it. Vote with your dollar.

Congratulations on missing the point of my post. Getting laid with gutter trash is easy. Getting laid with normal girls is easy if you're in shape and not autistic. The thing is that no one cares, and you aren't impressing anyone. You very clearly don't belong on Sup Forums, and you're being told to fuck off.

Just report him for his offtopic shitposting.

>I want you motherfuckers to go get laid
You're already too far gone.

>"Getting laid with normal girls is easy if you're in shape and not autistic."
>Yet, like me, you're posting on a board full of autists, in a thread for a shitty anime that only an autist could love, pretending to be super experienced with women, and telling somebody that is telling the autists to "have more confidence and stop watching trash" to fuck off.

You're not impressing anyone and your advice is worthless. Stop posting. You very clearly don't belong on Sup Forums, and you're being told to fuck off.

Galko: feMC
HnG: male MC

But why is he so stupid?

You really need to never post on Sup Forums again.

The manga is getting translations?